JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Worldbuilding Is Insane

Published 2023-09-01

All Comments (21)
  • @notaco2hu
    Worldbuilding in jojo makes me insecure about worldbuilding in my own writing
  • @Phyrior
    'Retconned DIO into being an intellectual' ... Did you forget Dio was studying to become a LAWYER in Part 1?
  • @shumanbeans
    I feel a lot of SBR worldbuilding gets overlooked by the fandom at large, the fact that there were more saint corpses (albeit of lesser power); a handful of countries were aware of their existence and actively tried to control them; "becoming a saint" is a real thing and there is people who know the exact conditions to do it. If Araki wanted, he could write an alternate history of the world influenced by the existence of holy powers.
  • @mapowey7214
    manga artists dont get the credit they deserve. jojos came from ONE GUY. the story, the world, the characters, everything. all in ONE GUYS head. it’s incredible. people like araki, oda, and miura (rip) are all true creative geniuses.
  • One of my favorite pieces of worldbuilding that Araki establishes is Rikiel and the air rods. Air rods as a cryptid are so niche and for Araki to include them into a stand battle was a real treat to see being someone who had prior knowledge of what Air Rods are in cryptid mythos.
  • Bro literally went from Hamon to Stands that alone shows how much Araki evolved in his power dynamic and sytem in which he was willing to change everything along with Artstyle and even character designs, getting more characters and giving the world a more grand feeling
  • I don't think that Dio's charisma was due to the Stone Mask. I think that it's part of his character development. Between the shock of seeing Jonathan actually dying and being trapped at the bottom of the ocean for over a century, he went from an omnicidal vampire who wanted to turn everyone into his zombie thralls; to a charismatic leader who wanted to govern the world from the shadows, and who has accumulated a group of genuinely loyal followers. Also, I think that Jonathan's body influenced Dio's personality a bit. I mean, we all saw how Dio became very ecstatic and bombastic after taking Joseph's blood.
  • @brainofjtd
    I think what’s significant so far about Mechanisms, given the context presented in this video, is it shows Jodio wants to understand how the universe works, gravity, fortune, calamity. Almost like Dio did in the original universe, Dio saw the mechanisms at work and now JoDIO takes up that charge
  • Araki by not elaborating some of his points and establishments he makes, makes use of one of the best elements of fiction itself: the curiosity of the viewer. What your imagination can produce no mangaka could even think of in 1000 years
  • @joewaldeck
    “I don’t know if Araki is insane or creative” both, he’s both
  • @purplehaze2358
    "They're not prettyboys with superhero-like powers" I mean.. I'd venture to say Dio's hot enough to qualify under at least half that statement.
  • @hobbyhorse5848
    One of my favorite things to see in the entire world is seeing an author/artist continue to develop an idea continuously over the span of many years
  • I don’t think DIO‘s personality in Part 6 is a retcon, he already had some interesting speeches about peace of mind in Part 3
  • @needee5324
    Great video. One thing I want to point out is that DIO isn't retconned in Part 6 compared to how he is written in Part 3. His characterization is very consistent between the two parts so long as you look at anything DIO did in Part 3 before fighting team Joestar. DIO has always been calm and intelligent.
  • 14:00 why is it a retcon though? It’s not. The DIO in part 3 was always very much intellectual up until he realized that Jotaro has the potential to defeat him which kind of messed him up.
  • @justinn8541
    As much as I would apreciate the world building, you got to praise the character background. I am not talking about character writing, but the writer notes about them. He creates character sheets that includes their favorite food, color, and hobbies, things that influences the characters that won't be brought up in the story telling.
  • @jakeh3904
    "There is no great genius without some touch of madness." - Aristotle
  • @ChunkyChungus
    The fact that JoJo is technically playing in our real world, but is influenced by these supernatural powers is just so cool to me. Most other shonen or other animes play in their own world but seeing this crazy franchise in our world, Yet (for the most part) it works under our understanding of logic which gives us these big brain moments in fights is so damn amazing
  • I feel like not mentioning ghosts or rock humans is a crime lol, their such great (and bizarre!) additions hehe
  • The only criticism I have is that you said Dio's presentation in Part 6 is a retcon when if you actually pay attention to Dio's character you can easily tell that is not the case