#web #html #html5 #website #webdesign #code #javascript #php #python PHP WHERE TO GET IT

Published 2024-05-12

All Comments (21)
  • @gofur11052
    Awesome content! You covered all the bases for finding PHP resources. This is a must-watch for anyone interested in PHP.
  • @nisan7879
    This is exactly what the PHP community needed. Comprehensive and clear guidance on where to find PHP. Thanks!
  • @liptihuyi5393
    Your video is a fantastic resource for PHP enthusiasts. Clear, concise, and very helpful. Keep these coming!
  • @dhapik9477
    Impressive breakdown of where to get PHP! This will definitely help me in my coding journey. Thank you!
  • @creaaat901
    This video is gold for anyone interested in PHP. You’ve covered everything needed to get started and find the best resources.
  • @fahim3423
    A must-watch for anyone looking to get into PHP. You’ve made finding resources so much simpler. Great job!
  • @maman25794
    I love how thorough this video is. It’s exactly what every PHP learner needs. Thanks for the great resource guide!
  • @rohamot9081
    Great video! I've been looking for reliable PHP resources and this guide is exactly what I needed. Thanks for sharing!
  • @hasem3273
    Just finished watching and I’m feeling more confident about diving into PHP. Thanks for the awesome resource guide!
  • @premam2379
    Wow, this was super informative! You really made it easy to find where to get PHP. Thanks for the fantastic tips!
  • @monmuniya7214
    This is incredibly helpful for beginners like me. I feel much more confident about where to get started with PHP. Keep up the good work!
  • @seikhor6681
    So helpful! I wish I had found this video earlier. The resources you mentioned are exactly what I needed.
  • @almisa5457
    This is a great guide! It’s sometimes overwhelming to know where to start, but your video makes it so much easier.
  • @esmail3734
    Absolutely brilliant! This video lays out all the best places to get PHP in a very understandable way.
  • @chingis3683
    Perfect timing! I was just looking to dive into PHP and this video gave me a great starting point. Much appreciated!
  • @noorkolim1373
    Just what I needed! I’ve been struggling to find good PHP resources, but this video pointed me in the right direction.
  • @ashil1201
    Fantastic overview! The resources you mentioned are top-notch. This will definitely help both new learners and experienced developers.
  • @bonolota9323
    Exactly the info I was searching for! Your recommendations on where to get PHP are super useful. Thanks a ton!
  • @harghes5564
    I’ve been coding in PHP for a while, but your resource suggestions are amazing. Learned something new today!
  • Thanks for putting this together! It's hard to know where to look sometimes, but this video makes it so clear and easy.