This Is What's Causing Your Back Pain

Published 2022-05-20
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This Is What's Causing Your Back Pain


In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses the different types of back pain, the causes of each type, and of course the relevant anatomy involved in back pain.


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Video Timeline

00:00 - 00:34 Intro
00:35 - 03:00 The Mobile Parts of Your Spine
03:01 - 03:45 Part of Your Spine Fuses at Puberty!?
03:46 - 05:36 We Ask So Much of the Back... No Wonder We Are Prone to Back Pain!
05:37 - 07:41 Decompress Your Discs With Great Sleep On an Amazing Mattress
07:42 - 09:20 Spine & Disc Degeneration!
09:21 - 10:05 Herniated or "Bulging Discs"
10:06 - 11:35 Compressed Nerves & Nerve Pain!
11:36 - 13:14 The Sciatic Nerve & Sciatica
13:15 - 15:19 Arthritis in the Back!?
15:20 - 17:20 "Throwing Out Your Back" | Muscular Back Pain
17:21 - 17:47 Can You Have Multiple Types of Back Pain at the Same Time?
17:48 - 18:26 Other Sources of Back Pain
18:27 - 19:55 Potential Treatments fo Back Pain
19:56 - 20:58 Geoffrey & Jonathan's Final Message: Helix Sleep & Protect Your Backs!


Audio Credit:


#Anatomy #Spine #Backpain

All Comments (21)
  • @BrownEyedGirl14
    This is the quickest I've clicked on a notification considering I am in agony with my back right now!
  • As an RN for 26 years, how I wish I'd had you as my anatomy instructor. You guys rock!
  • @dezperado618c8
    I've been having back problems for over a decade and regularly see doctors, chiropractors, and pain management physicians. I learned more about my spine in this 20 min video than all of my doctor appointments combined. Great stuff.
  • @CyberUK
    I hated Biology at school (least favourite subject), but if this guy had been the teacher, it would have likely been my favourite subject, as I would have actually been incredibly interested & understood everything because of how great he is talking about the subject matter in a way that is both interesting and easy to follow. This is a fantastic channel - 10/10 and a privilege to watch. Thank you.
  • @karlbodmer4368
    As a 54 year old veteran who is about 100lbs overweight, I recently went back to the gym. About 3 years ago, I had been working out and had lost some weight but had a freak (non-workout related) accident where I shattered my kneecap and detached my patellar tendon. After some family tragedies, loss of employment and the pandemic, I am now back to trying to get back into shape and be healthy again. This time I decided to take a personalized diet plan from Next Level Diet, and even hire a personal trainer to make sure I don’t cause injuries to my 54 year old body with all my limitations from past accidents and age. My trainer and I are focusing on strength training to help with injury prevention and prevent osteoporosis (which runs in my family) and help with arthritis and balance. It has been about a month and I am already feeling so much stronger!!😎😎
  • I have scoliosis, sway back, a herniated disc in my lower back that's pinching nerves, and a tilted hip. The pain is constant and has greatly impacted what activites I am able to do. This video was super interesting and I'd love to see more about what contributes to back pain.
  • I had back pain for over 5 years when I was 29. I am now painfree. The number one way to protect your spine is to build a good strong back. 💪
  • This channel motivated me to finally stop procrastinating and get off my ass to register for whole body donation to a local medical school when I die. I wanted to donate my body to science anyway, but watching these videos really lit a fire under me to get that in order sooner rather than later. Sure I’m only 19 but hell I could end up on a LiveLeak video tomorrow for not looking both ways down the street. It’s honestly a huge relief and I feel good about my decision, so thanks guys! On an unrelated note as an art student your vids help tremendously with my anatomy/life drawing homework! Really helps to see all those muscles and bones in action.
  • @arthurthedented
    Any chance of your teaming up with a physical therapist and really zooming in on the mechanical aspects of back pain relief? and what makes them 'crack' and why that comes with a lot of relief for some people? (thanks so much for your amazing channel and excellent presentations)
  • @Unknown-cy1sc
    Big thanks to the channel for explaining all of these body parts to us.. This month my mother is doing her final nursing test to get her nursing number and y'all have been a huge help to her, I really hope that The Lord keeps you safe and protects y'all in what ever way he can... this channel has not only help me but it also helped millions of other people... God bless y'all souls...
  • @netralexy
    Thank you ♥️ as someone with disc bulges at L4-5 and L5-S1 with nerve issues AND Multilevel facet arthropathy from T12 to S1 your video has helped me understand it so much better. Being 35 and in constant pain sucks :(
  • @michaellee8815
    4.5 years ago I was rear-ended in my car, sitting at a light. Herniated my L5-S1 and several bulges as well. I was an otherwise healthy and active guy. I try not to complain, because I know plenty of people have it worse, but I flat out can’t convey how much this has legitimately ruined my life. My work has suffered (I had a good career and was climbing the ladder), my gf of 7 years broke up with me because I’m constantly depressed and can’t do anything physical or fun anymore, and am borderline addicted to pain meds. I spend my life at countless drs appts, therapy, chiropractors, acupuncture, etc etc etc. I’ve had 17 or so surgical center procedures on top of the fusion surgery. It’s insane to think how one lady not pressing her right foot 4 inches down can destroy someone’s quality of life in an instant
  • @Adam-nv9zo
    I've got more diagnosed problems with my back than I can name. This was a very accurate video based off of what I've learned over the last 20+ years.
  • @forgingluck
    Mfw I fractured the L3-L5 in gymnastics a decade ago. I'm extremely lucky to not have any lasting back pain left over from it, at least for now. Glad to learn more about all this, thanks for continuing these videos!
  • @joelgomez562
    Man this cleared up so much. 11 years of being a massage therapist and years and years of abuse, I now know what my issues are thanks to you!
  • @Andiekinz
    I would absolutely LOVE to see a deep-dive on sciatica!
  • @nemesisofeden
    What an great video on back pain, gives a great account on how it occurs and the mechanics. As someone with a herniated L5 and L4, that deals with sciatica in both legs. I can testify how awful it can be. Especially when you re-injure it. It's been 5 years and I'm not the same. Disc and back muscle pain, barely being able to move or twist. Not being able to lift things. It affects way more than you think it does. Take care of your back, it's the only one you've got lol Cool to actually see the sciatic nerve
  • @SpiritMover314
    Right on time!…..Just tweaked my back 6 days ago. I’m middle aged, played sports from 8-18, factory work for 21yrs, total work history of almost 30yrs. I’ve had rehab, shots, back surgery etc;. Unless, new technology comes out (I’m afraid this will be a problematic way m for me the rest of my life…🥺). My knee is throbbing as I type. The pain has been coming and going. All I did was bend down to lift and move a game machine in my basement. Bad posture, a pop, and now I’ve been in pain every since…Will stretch and get on the treadmill when I get home….Good Luck everyone!…🙏🏾❤️❤️
  • @margotro7728
    I’ve just come out of hospital after having a heart attack with phnomia. I had most of the symptoms you described . I’m 60 yrs old and had been weak and sick for a while, I also have asthma which is why I thought I was just having a an asthma attack. My partner rang the ambulance and I’m so glad he did!