Exploring Damian Wayne - Batman's True Son

Published 2020-10-05
Analyzing Damian Wayne's character.

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Now available on iTunes' Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud.

Batman and Robin (2009) Morrison & Quitely
Batman and Robin (2011) Gleason & Tomasi
Batman and Son (2015) Morrison
Batman Incorporated (2012) Morrison
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) Gleason
Super Sons (2017) Gleason & Tomasi
Nightwing #29 (2016) Seeley
Son of Batman Movie (2014)
Batman vs Robin (2015)
Teen Titans: Judas Contract (2017)
Frank Quitely (Thumbnail)

Harp For The Devil - Pascal Tatipata
FFXV - Tenebrae
Reverie - Ross Bugden

#batman #damianwayne #robin

All Comments (21)
  • @GigaChadh976
    I can’t remember the context, but I remember a really sweet panel. Damian was crying. And he said “I just wanted to make you proud of me.” And Bruce tells him “Damian, I already am.” And hugs him.
  • @codyconnor6981
    People who hate Damien fail to realize that this kid grew up in a world of violence and death. For most of his childhood that’s all he knew, and on top of that both his mother and grandfather told him that he would be future leader of humanity. It’s no wonder why he was so arrogant being in that kind of environment. That’s why what Batman says in ‘The Son of Batman,’ is so powerful. ‘How can you hope to lead humanity if you’ve never been a part of it?’ Damien has all this training and grooming to turn him into the perfect warrior/leader, but he fails at being a leader because he’s been denied his humanity and empathy. You can’t hope to be a great leader if you’re incapable connecting with people.
  • @batzurei
    Sometimes you just need to be told you’re worth it
  • @cjlewis9228
    “I want you to know that Mother may have given me life, but you taught me how to live.” - Batman and Robin v2 #18 Love this quote from Damien. He puts on a front as a jerk, but is actually a caring person at heart like his father. He just wants to be accepted.
  • @bobbybraun464
    Dick is Batman's hope Jason is Batman's vengeance Tim is Batman's brain Damian is Batman's skill Seperately, they are a team of heroes who make up the greatest aspects of Batman. Together, they are Batman.
  • I think when written well all of the Robins are an example of Bruce’s best qualities but also failures as a father. It’s clearest with Jason and Damien being two two sides of the same inferiority complex that being a son of the bat gives you. Jason always felt inferior to Dick, and replaceable (Tim becomes Robin like what a year after he dies? So that doesn’t help) and I think that comes from his upbringing on the street and both birth parents abandoning him. He’s essentially a teenager who’s rebelling against his dad because he feels like the unworthy one in the family. The failure. Really what he needs is for Bruce to sit him down and tell him he loves him. Damien, at least at first, always felt like he had to prove that he was worthy of being Bruce’s son. The way Talia raised him meant he always felt he had to “earn” love. He had to be perfect, because unlike the other Robin’s he was Bruce’s son by blood, thus in his mind he needed to be the most “worthy” of them. It’s not until he’s with Alfred and Dick that he starts to have a healthy family dynamic and mellows out, and once Bruce shows him he loves and cares for him even when he falls short of his expectations, he starts to become worthy of being his own version of Robin. TL;DR Bruce, hug your fucking kids man.
  • I never even considered how talia raised him. I just thought it was just the standard harsh training kill if you need to but NO. The fact that he’s even trying is tremendous
  • One of my favorite Bruce being a father moments is when Bruce said "You tried to destroy my city, destroy my home, but worst of all YOU MESSED WITH MY KID." That's a true loving father. And my favorite moment of Damien is when Bruce is brainwashed by Darkseid he blames Clark for him being captured and says "You cost me my father." Such a truly loving son.
  • I just realized that Damian and Zuko are parallels of each other 😳😳
  • Kids need to know that their parents will love and care about them. That is what Damien every wanted from Bruce.
  • @big_badonkers
    I feel like Jason and Damian understand each other on a different level,both Damian and Jason were failed emotionally leaving trama and taking it out on others by murder. Bruce tried to help both and he helped Damian ,but Damian was able to be saved at a young age. Jason never was.
  • @ColeTrainWayne
    “Sees title: Damien wayne, Batman’s true son” Dick Grayson: wow bro.
  • @quakywacky8048
    Dick Grayson is Bruce’s perfect son, Jason is Bruce’s biggest failure, Tim is Bruce’s apprentice, Damian is Batman’s son. Damian was a boy raised by Bruce’s worst qualities, his anger, his cold and calculated side, his need to prove himself better than others. Robin has always been that hope for the lonely child. That despite death, rejection, poverty, abuse, and isolation you can still be happy, companionate, smart, altruistic and heroic. Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph and Damian all represent that.
  • HEY SEEING PEOPLE LEGITIMATELY UNDERSTAND YOUR COMFORT CHARACTER IS THE BEST FEELING,ACTUALLY excellent video,sage rain,thank you for providing me so much serotonin!!!!
  • @BlazeWolf9511
    I've always liked Damian as a character, even when we first got to meet him. I always thought it was weird how so many people could hate on him without realizing why the character was the way they were. For me it was easy to understand. His development over the years has been so fun to see and I'm happy people are starting to like him more now.
  • The way I see it Dick and Tim's story was about a kind humans learning how to be a skilled fighters While Damian's story was about a skilled assain learning how to be a kind human
  • @zoinksscoob7020
    Its also important to realize Damian had only met Bruce a few times before Dick had to become Batman. And during Dick’s time as Batman he asked Damian if he missed his father and Damian was just like “idk I didn’t really get to know him. I only met him a couple times.” I feel like that makes Dick and Damian’s bond more special idk
  • @person906
    Damien was a chance for Bruce to correct his mistakes with Jason, and the stakes are higher because Damien is his real flesh and blood. They are already well on their way to this redemption, perhaps even already have, and it's honestly really heartwarming to see the cold dark knight warmed by the love of his son
  • @mateodondo8348
    I would really love an animated movie of the Batman and Robin series that actually focuses on Dick and Damian and isn't a cheap knock off glares to Bad blood
  • As my favorite Robin, I'm always a little sad when I see people hate on him. I know that everyone has their own opinion, but I feel like a lot of people don't look at what is beyond the surface. They just saw his first appearance in the comics/movies and thought that was all there was to him. I loved seeing how his transformation, because it wasn't immediate or complete. It took time, and he still retains the qualities that make him, him. He still struggles, but has learned to care and to love. All it took was someone to have patience and to show him that they care.