You're not lazy or indecisive. Executive dysfunction relates to a range of cognitive difficulties.

Published 2023-01-05
The term ‘executive dysfunction’ relates to a wide range of different cognitive difficulties
that some people may experience throughout their day-to-day lives.

Executive dysfunction usually appears as extreme difficulty to make decisions, problems
with time management and organisation and trouble starting or completing tasks. 📌

People who experience executive dysfunction are often unfairly labelled as ‘lazy’ or
‘indecisive’ - which simply isn’t the case.

Oftentimes, executive dysfunction is symptomatic of a wider condition- such as ADHD,
BPD and anxiety.

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #bpd #adhd #executivedysfunction #anxiety
#psychology #psychologist #mentalhealthmatters

All Comments (21)
  • It's a disability, but it doesn't show, so you get blamed instead of getting helped
  • @lianha
    *Unlocks phone to set alarm*…wait what was I doing again?
  • @tofuwiener
    executive dysfunction is literally ruining my life
  • I'm glad all the comments all agree. I think many people who struggle with executive dysfunction are told to set reminders or break things down. and we've tried our best to. But... that still feels like a task. So in a lot of cases we end up feeling worse, because it adds to the "this is easy/simple so why can't I do it" kind of feeling. Ugh what we need is acceptance and understanding 😔 I wish everyone out there good luck
  • @Queenieb03
    The only problem I have with reminders is, I’ll get irritated and shut them off or ignore them. I’m terrible about time. I really haven’t found a good way to manage things just yet.
  • @ThisGuyAd.
    I'm currently considering breakfast, but its been like 2 hours now. It's strange having this problem because I've already done my day at Uni and now I just can't bring myself to get up and make food and eat it.
  • @ija29
    I was doing way better before smartphones and constant access to distraction 😖
  • @treychastain4686
    Thank you for making a video short enough for me to pay attention
  • But overthinking makes it harder and set time activities gives me anxiety. Even if it’s fit my favorite thing like doing jigsaw puzzles 😭😭😭
  • @SalsChronicles
    Sure, break down tasks. But like you said, feeling glued to one place and can't get started. No matter how small the task. How do you make that transition?
  • @Crazyclay78YT
    Yes so I just showed this to my mom, and she said "those things happen to everyone you're just lazy" so i dont think I'm getting a diagnosis
  • As an ENTJ I feel ashamed that I deal with this even to a small degree. The first point about physically moving from one place to another to continue tasks is the big one for me. It’s gotten better with time as I’ve improved in my Te, but especially since I’m generally low energy, I can’t always make myself do things even I know should be doing. Thank you for this video, God bless y’all
  • i recently got diagnosed with it and it makes so much more sense cause growing up all my teachers would say i have a hard time focusing and doing school work
  • @donafur
    Omg couldn’t be more real to me😭
  • @tyecornell9919
    Just hearing the word “reminder on your phone” stressed me out.. I need help lol
  • @rosevelvet29
    I have Anxiety & think I might have ASD, & when assignments r broken into more and more parts, it feels really overwhelming, like the assignment is bigger & bigger, even if most of it is just "pre-planning/outlines" or "drafts," & I'm constantly yelled at by my family, & shamed by them for being "lazy." Rn I have an assignment for my Intro 2 Theatre class that I can't start, or at least, I can't start the hands-on portion of it, like I can't w/ most classes w/ active/hands-on assignments. What do I do now???🙄
  • @vavacadoz
    Currently trying to find a way I can manage this to complete my last year of highschool. Pretty much every year of my schooling life starts on a good note and then ends with me struggling to do anything at all because my executive dysfunction gets so bad. I've always been the smart student who "doesn't work hard enough to meet her potential" when really I'm working twice as hard just to meet the standard, and it has nothing to do with my intellect. I completed my last grade over two years because I knew one year simply wasn't enough for me to accomplish my goals, and I still ended on a bad note... I apologise for ranting. It is so hard, and very few people can even comprehend it without putting the blame on you for being 'lazy' or not 'disciplined enough', and the amount of internal issues that has caused alone is enough to write a book about. I wish executive dysfunction was labelled as a disability. So many students struggle with this and don't even know it and it destroys so many opportunities..
  • @user-sm4sf4ff2i
    Cheer~~~having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.😊
  • @marina1463
    That was so relieving to press Subscribe button for this channel