Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Gameplay: Exodia, OBLITERATE!

Published 2022-01-26
Didn't realize I had my volume super low. Sorry about that.

I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, and one of my opponents had a deck that was very, VERY eager to go through every card possible to go for an Exodia win. I was eagerly sitting back, watching them do all this silly nonsense with drawing, summoning, discarding, sending back to the deck, and so forth, but ultimately, he didn't pull an Exodia victory somehow. I was upset, and went for my own Exodia deck.

This was the result. I'm sorry that I stalled so much, but I'm sure you enjoyed that ending as much as I did. This video is purely for demonstration purposes on how to play one very specific type of deck. Your mileage and wins will vary.

If you're not certain what some of these cards I used do; just know that 90% of this deck is designed to prevent damage done to me and to draw as many cards as possible. Boosting my opponent's life points made it easier to draw more cards with the traps at the end.

Deck List:
1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One
1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One
1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One
1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One
1x Exodia the Forbidden One
2x Swift Scarecrow
2x Kuriphoton
3x Cardcar D
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Pot of Duality
1x One Day of Peace
3x Waboku
2x Reckless Greed
3x Legacy of Yata-Garasu
2x Threatening Roar
3x Good Goblin Housekeeping
2x Accumulated Fortune
3x Gift Card
3x Hope for Escape

Cost: 7 N, 14 R, 14 SR, 4 UR

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