How Hollywood has made everything worse not better

Published 2023-10-09

All Comments (21)
  • @tatersquad2000
    It takes a very exceptional artist to paint a believable picture with so few colors. The box of crayon analogy is fantastic and explains why bad storytelling always seems to accompany woke media.
  • The intersectional demands of the woke are definitely an issue when it comes to good writing. I would say the other major problem is that the current crop of Hollywood writers have absolutely no life experience other than a university film degree and an upper class background. All they do is destroy what came before them. Previous writers and directors were war veterans, husbands and fathers, world travelers. People who had relationships, who built things, and experienced the world outside of their own bubble and echo chamber. A bunch of coddled minds can’t be great storytellers.
  • @QuatrinaVR
    You are 100% correct, Mr Chato! As a bi woman with a kid, all this BS had made my life MORE difficult! We are now homeschooling because i will not allow my kid to be groomed by predators! IT IS NOBODY ELSE’S JOB TO DISCUSS SEXUALITY OR GENITALS WITH HER! LEAVE OUR KIDS AND OUR ENTERTAINMENT ALONE!
  • @TarkMcCoy
    Ends with Chato wondering how the straight white crayon was still in the box...
  • @reb3102
    Star Trek is a perfect example of this. Look at the original series compared to the Kurtzman era. The original series was written, produced, & acted by people that had real life experience, were in war, lived lives. The ship was commanded like a military ship. No one mouthed off to the captain. Now we have ships manned (womanned?) by snarky crewmembers. It's like the writers' only experience is from watching Buffy episodes.
  • 2:55 that crayon has GOT to go. Since that became a thing ive lost count of the number of tiny women get smeared because they took a tai Kwon do class last semester after being inspired by a 90 lb Hollywood superwoman. The first few times they do it they get a guy who won't hut them back, so they keep carrying on until they start up with the type of guy who WILL hit back. And then it's on the news that SHE was "attacked"
  • @DavidM_10
    "Passionate love between men and women." That crayon was noticeably absent in Ahsoka, because a romantic relationship between Sabine and Ezra was the obvious direction to go in. But, oh no, they couldn't allow their strong female to adore a man. That's weakness.
  • You can't create a show aimed at 10% of the population and then complain when 90% don't watch it.
  • @jlogan2228
    Along with the crayons you could say its like they ask you to make a gourmet wedding cake and they only allow you to use gluten free flour, almond milk, powdered eggs, and monk fruit sweetner and it can ONLY be made into a rectangle one layer high and ONLY use sugar free funfetti icing Like yea you CAN make a cake with that but its going to be the most dry, bland, tastekess, boring, and unappetizing thing ever
  • @PeterGonet
    Chato, you're amazing and exactly what we need in this day and age. Keep it up!
  • @quatore-5886
    Anti-evolution. Exactly! Evolutionary psychology explains much of the problem. Thanks Chato!!
  • Just last night I watched a television show that dealt with race, racism, and minority representation in media -- and it was fantastic! It was an old Deep Space Nine episode, "Far Beyond the Stars," and it was way, way beyond anything "modern writers" could create today, and that was back in 1998. Old shows were able to deal with these issues without being heavy-handed, but it required the writers to be smart and skilled. The lazy hack writers of today simply can't do it.
  • @poubelle_blanche
    I got one, an example for you. It is like baking some peanut butter cookies. You remove the peanuts and the wheat for all the snowflakes with allergies. And you are left with what they call a cookie. But it ain't no cookie by no means. But they charge more.
  • @quite1enough
    "you've made things worse especially for those you want to promote and protect" - cannot agree more
  • @Martyisruling
    I work 40 or more hours a week. I used to go to the movies at least twice a month, usually more. Now, I only go maybe 3 times a year. There aren't many decent movies anymore. If you make good movies, people will go. You push politics, people won't. This even happens in sports. The NFL a few years ago lost ratings, when teams started making political statements during football games, people tuned out. Tuned back in, when it all stopped. I only have one streaming service, now. Because most new shows are unwatchable. If it isn't politics on screen, it's just a poorly written or produced show. If it weren't for football, I would be watching very little TV. The movies I do watch, lately have been independent movies. I'll take a chance on something like Monsters of California. It's not a well written movie (at all), but at least the characters are likeable and it had heart. Most important, no forced politics.
  • @pedroares6562
    As usual great video. It reminds me Chuck Jones and his roadrunner rules. Those worked to keep the cartton being roadrunner, not to stop their creativity. But the studios keep sending the "new message" hoping people will pay for that sooner or later. The issue is that people now have 50+ years of movies and shows to watch, and don't need to go to the movies to enjoy a weekend. Let's hope they realize their errors before teh studios start closing.
  • @Hammerhead547
    One of my favourite episodes in the later seasons of the red green show was the one where the wives of the lodge members took over possom lodge. What made it work was how they played up the absurdity of the whole situation complete with the lodge wives creating their own version of the possom lodge pledge and taking over parts of the show. Now 20 odd years later an episode like that would be played straight by the writers because "reasons" and it would die a slow painful death in front of a live audience.
  • @rmglover3191
    Good players can make a bad game "good." I still hold out that it is the players (writers) that are the problem, not the rules of the game. Always appreciate Chato being the adult in the room!
  • @creatorsremose
    "If Brokeback Mountain would've been released today, it would've flopped" is such a powerful statement. Not only because it's probably true, but also because it demonstrates what happens when you try to make a minority into mainstream. The whole appeal of a minority is the exotic nature of it. I now actively avoid "black" or "gay" content because I just can't stand it. And that's coming from a guy who used to love the Cosby Show and Will&Grace. Life isn't about being black or gay for most of us in the West, it's not easily relatable on a cultural, social level. So being forced to act like it is naturally creates antagonism.