Published 2023-04-16

All Comments (21)
  • @Bonaby
    I’ve had a habit of buying every rare starimon I see in the gold shop. I feel like that’s treated me well.
  • I will arguably say that desolate lands is the best place to farm gold and materials in general, if clearable on EX++. At EX++, it can provide 29k gold and between 20k and 30k gold worth of boost stones. It can also randomly drop rare starimons and elite experimons, while also seem to drop small amounts of nexus crystals a bit more often than other activities, making it good for gradual GR grinding and gathering.
  • Watching in Korea. Thanks for nice video. I like the Maplestory BGM lol
  • @Dlo2018
    5:55 that's if you have the right espers. you can't just put any esper in front of kronos and expect to win. that's the same for all of the ritual miracle monsters.
  • @Dlo2018
    2:59 i want to clarify something at this point in the video that he's skipping on purpose. let's say you use an esper in the sonic rift and they have not been maxed out level wise, they will only gain like 10 base experience for the entire fight. now think about that. you get what 17k exp for each in the starimon and your un maxed espers get 10 exp per run. if you did the math for your favorite espers, it would take you almost an entire month to level them while you're doing other shit. new players, you will not have enough stamina to do this. im sorry. the way they have scaled this game is that it takes longer to do the cool shit and make the boring parts more boring. back in november of 2022, you could farm practice modes in the story and gain enough exp to level up your squads fairly quickly. mind you there was a steep stamina invesment but it was worth it. Lilith games took that away to replace it with this bullshit.
  • @ragnarok789
    For the sonic rift Léora is better because all her skills reset at the start of a new wave
  • @wante2746
    I was just looking for something like this haha
  • @noztalgixs911
    You can also get Starimon/Experimon in Desolate lands. They are kinda easy to drop imo. If you almost at full capacity for equipments this place is not so bad. And maybe, just maybe, someday they will finally let us sell those useless boost stones we dont even use and this place might have better value for your stamina. And imo, you'd better do only epic stamina bounty. Even if it may give you kinda less EXP compared to Legendary Experimon bounty, but doing the Sonic Rift yourself also earn you some gold as well. The gold will never be enough, no matter which point in the game you are in.
  • @kyu7051
    For blitzing cost: - highly suggest Blitz chips & Stamina bounties. They're just the best for grinding <3 For gold: - u can farm ritual to get relics, while u can loot ritual coins and exchange them at ritual shop ( and sell trash relics ) For Starimon: - Look at every shop, there're some starimons out there for sale (club, friend point, point war, echo shop,...), especially gold coin shop where they can sometime appear after some hours. For crystal: - Dailies, bounties' reward, Club mission and Club bosses, story progress, point war weekly reward,... there are just so many ways to collect crystal and records, this game is kinda friendly with f2p
  • I wish they’d let us fuse Experimon like we used to be able to do at launch. I think we used to be able to? But yeah I wish we could fuse them.
  • i remember when sonic rift didn’t even exist and it was training stages in each story chapter
  • Honestly I miss the exp missions that they used to have on every stage
  • @rustyv6274
    You can also sell the crap relics in ritual fir more gold
  • @tnp_wuu3987
    Can u do a guide on how to farm gear to make our Espers stronger?
  • @vivien9639
    How should you build Mona to be the most efficient in farming sonic rift??