Published 2023-10-18
Quinta parte de una recopilación de videos del tsunami ocurrido despúes del terremoto del norte de japón en marzo del año 2011.

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#tsunami #japantsunami #earthquake #japan #地震 #津波

All Comments (21)
  • @ranieri7x
    To me, this was one of the saddest, tragic and most cruel episodes of nature against mankind of our times. I admire the bravery of the Japanese people for being capable of withstanding and recovering from this terrible event. My most sincere condolences for people that up to this day grieves their loved ones.
  • @user-dz6ic1vj4y
    I ’m Japanese and my husband lived by the city in this video. He was in elementary school at the time.He still says he can't see the video from this time. I myself experienced that earthquake, and I scream every time the earthquake early warning system goes off. We will never forget this memory for the rest of our lives.
  • @user-dw9gr4hk6m
    私は、この地震と津波で、親友5人と家族を亡くした。 自然の力を前に、人はただ立ち尽くす。 私は、この災害を絶対に忘れない。 そして、家族と親友と、犠牲になった全ての人々の冥福と共に、復興を心から祈ります。
  • @jimwalker76
    Years after this disaster, I watch these videos and weep for the lives lost and for the families that grieve.
  • The sheer force of that water is mind boggling. There was more than one surge wave that hit shore. Entire towns were wiped out. People who didn't get out of the way in time were lost. A few people who got caught in water managed to climb to safety when debris lodged onto a building. Some were swept away in their cars. Terrifying.
  • @rrrmh357
    私は日本人で、あの日は恐怖と不安と絶望で泣きました。 そして今、色々な国から書き込まれる、2011年3月の日本人の心に寄り添う優しいコメントを見て泣いています。
  • @Koolneen
    I love Japan and their culture and it devastated me when this happened to their beautiful country. It was shocking.
  • @user-mb8wn1zx8m
    特に被害が集中した東北(岩手、宮城、福島)では、地震発生後の停電でTVやラジオからの情報が入手できず、避難が遅れたことで犠牲になった方も多数いると考えられています。 また、避難先でも津波に関する正確な情報が入手できなかったことで「もう津波は来ないのでは?」と楽観的な判断をして、極めて危険な状況に陥ったケース(仙台市閖上中学の校舎に避難していた人たちが、体育館に移動してそこに津波が襲撃、間一髪全員が校舎の上層階に駆け上がって難を逃れた)もありました。 車で避難している最中に、道路より高い防潮堤が裏目となり、津波の接近に気が付かなかったり、激しい渋滞に巻き込まれても車を乗り捨てることをせず犠牲になった方も相当数いると言われています。
  • @toib.7143
    After all these years, and watching these videos I can't help but imagine what these poor souls experienced then. My heart still grieves and rejoices at the same time, especially for those who were caught atop buildings, watching helplessly and fearfully as another building was swept away past them
  • @user-fz1wy1lc6v
    外国の方々には知って欲しい事があります。 この震災での死者・行方不明者は22215人となていますが、その内行方不明2523人、震災関連死は3792人となっています。震災関連死とは以下のようなものになります。 処方薬が摂取できなかったことによる持病の悪化 ストレスによる身体の異常 不衛生な環境による体調の悪化 栄養不足や食欲不振による衰弱死 車中泊中の静脈血栓塞栓症(エコノミークラス症候群) 将来を悲観した自殺 仮設住宅で孤独感にさいなまれ、過度の飲酒をしたことによる肝硬変 災害復旧作業中の過労死 地震による疲労が原因の事故死 日本は最も災害に対応した国と思っています。その中でも東北地方は防災練度が高く忍耐力が強く団結心の強い人間性を持ち合わせています。それでもこれだけの人が亡くなり、今なお心身の後遺症に苦しんでいる人はたくさんいます。震災関連死というワードもご記憶頂いて、防災の参考になればと思います。
  • @deadshot8077
    I never understood how so many people died before, but seeing this has really made it clear. You think your building is strong but the ocean can knock it over with cars or another building like it is playing dominos. So sad for all the families who lost loved ones.
  • @xVandyLandx
    03:50 there is an old man on the left by the yellow sign, 04:00 in hes a little closer in front of the house with green shutters next to some vending machines, at 04:16 that whole house gets pushed forward in the direction that the old man was standing. Truly tragic, cannot imagine how those people felt standing there knowing they couldn't do anything for the man, and how he must have felt knowing he wasn't going to make it.
  • I’ve seen this footage over and over. I wonder where that old man ended up, the one shuffling so slowly as the ocean tore through the streets so fast behind him. He hops up on a pole as if that will help, but he needed to run. I think about him a lot.
  • My heart goes out to all those that endured the horror that day. The depth of their sorrows. Oh my god. Hopefully they were able to rebuild their lives and move on.
  • Para mi, es la peor tragedia natural que ha pasado en nuestro tiempo. Es absolutamente desgarrador todo el horror y las pérdidas de humanos, animalitos y de cosas materiales. Por momentos, hasta llego a odiar esta clase de naturaleza, pero se que es completamente inevitable, nuestro planeta es hermoso pero también puede ser feroz. Mi sentido abrazo a todo el pueblo japonés, en especial a aquellos que sufrieron pérdidas de familiares, afectos y queridas mascotas, enseres y tesoros, y por el horror que tuvieron que soportar. Un beso al cielo a todos aquellos que no se han podido salvar de la furia del mar.💔🙏💕
  • @jessicam5712
    The second clip is terrifying, the sound and the panic, how the fast the water is moving, its tragic and I feel for the people who survived it and for those who didnt as well
  • @weewooweewoo906
    38:20 is so horrible, the filmers from their vantage point, seeing this monstrous wave gulping down entire houses in the distance as it gradually approaches these people down below walking through the street, screaming "RUN! RUN AWAY!", feeling painfully helpless i imagine. pure horror.
  • Crazy watching everything swept away, cars, houses, powerlines... Like toys in a bathtub swirling around the drain. Tsunamis are no joke!
  • @Indrid__Cold
    11:20 I can think of nothing more terrifying than being caught in this building and unable to escape. To wait and wonder if the building will suddenly collapse and you will be pulled into that icy water.