Rob Ager's top 25 sci-fi movies of all time

Published 2019-02-27

All Comments (21)
  • A lot of commenters obviously not watching the video and just responding to the list provided in the comments section. Please note that, as stated in the video at the beginning, this is a personal list and my criteria are not about which are the best movies generally, but which in my personal opinion have the better sci-fi concepts with entertainment value as the secondary factor. A lot of my fave movies that happen to have a sci-fi element, such as merely being set in the future, didn't make the list because I didn't find the sci-fi ideas to be as impressive as the other genre appeals of those movies - eg, Predator's appeals lie mainly in the action and horror genres, Starship Troopers' appeals lie mainly in the action and social satire genres etc. I'll also add that for those who object to the inclusion of some children's movies, sci-fi doesn't have to be dark and serious. It can be fun too. Thanks folks :)
  • Fun story. I was 7 month pregnant when I saw, Prometheus, in the theater upon its release. We saw it in 3-D. But, my baby was super active when encountering sound he was just doing cartwheels. Oh, during that ONE scene... I don't want to spoil it for folks who haven't seen it yet...My husband looks over at me and he sees I'm super freaked out, holding my belly. He says, "I bet you are the only person here who experienced this film in 4-D." :D
  • @kellymartin8090
    I’ve waited over 40 years to hear someone say the things about STTMP as I do. Thank you. I think this Star Trek movie was made in the true concept of Star Trek. Star Trek has always been about the inner voyage and this movie explores that concept better than any other ST movie to date. My favorite Star Trek movie! By the way I think you did a fine job on that list. Pleasantly surprised you put Runaway and The Abyss on your list. A couple of my favs as well.
  • @Ali-gw2yd
    25 Runaway 24 The Abyss 23 Gattaca 22 Fantastic Voyage 21 Aliens 20 Rollerball 19 Prometheus 18 The Terminator 1&2 17 The Andromeda Strain 18 The Empire Strikes Back 15 Blade Runner 14 The Last Starfighter 13 The Thing (1982) 12 Upgrade 11 A.I. Artificial Intelligence 10 Forbidden Planet 9 Total Recall (1990) 8 Wall-E 7 Alien 6 THX 1138 5 The Outer Limits (1963 TV Series Season 2 Episode 5) 4 Moonraker 3 The Matrix 2 Star Trek The Motion Picture 1 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • @doug209
    I just realized the difference between THX 1138 and Blade Runner 2049 is 911.
  • I’m so glad Wall-E is on this list. I rewatched it a few weeks ago and found myself thinking about how it really is an amazing science fiction movie.
  • @DrCreepen
    You won me over as soon as Runaway made the cut; fantastic concept, well executed and utterly possible premise.
  • @deadgrandma9407
    How absolutely dare you not mirror my exact top 25 scifi movie list 😡
  • @MrDman21
    A.I. is the bleakest Pinocchio story I've ever seen. XD
  • @brucehilton1662
    The original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" should be in the top 10 maybe. That was a heck of a concept and a nice execution of it.
  • @Olliebear38
    Hi Rob. Love the inclusion of "Moonraker" on the list. Very unexpected and its mere mention is inspiring me to rewatch it ... Right now. "Attempting re-entry sir"
  • @malloid
    I had to come back after watching Upgrade (2018) and say... WOW! IT IS PHENOMENAL! Wow, wow, wow! I would even be tempted to put it at the top of the list. 100 minutes of pure, unadulterated imagination, excitement and just beautiful cinema. Rob - thank you for the recommendation. Everyone should see Upgrade - I'm in shock it was so good!
  • @TheHumbuckerboy
    'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' has been, and remains, a real favourite of mine.
    "Moon" would be in my top 10. Pure SciFi, great, deep, thought-provoking themes. A fantastic story; for me its one of those films I can watch over and again and still be entertained. The two stars are Sam Rockwell, with an amazing performance, and Clint Mansell's incredible score. A new take on the AI character with Gerty. Brilliant execution all round on a tiny budget.
  • @sci-figuy6668
    I’m surprised “Silent Running” didn’t make his list.
  • @ERNSTmusik
    Wow. When you put Moonraker there, I thought you were completely insane. But then you Star Trek The Motion Picture happened and I just have to give you immense props. I agree with this so much. What a criminally underrated masterpiece.
  • @TamPornmusic
    Yea I have found your channel recently, I absolutely love your content! Thanks for doing the work you do. 👍
  • @SimplyAustins
    Congrats on the 100K mate! Got to say you are my go to channel for finding hidden gems and rethinking some of the classics. Awesome channel and highly underrated! I'm with you on the Abyss thing too. Great film for its day, and although the pacing and length is a little off, it just doesnt seem to have aged well either. One of the few times I would say a remake of this would be great as the concept if first class. I did also like A.I. I think its a great Sunday afternoon flick. Easy watching but with lots of depth. Its amazing how many of these flicks I watched back in the 80-90s on channel 4 Friday nights when they would have some kind of Cinema club. Godzillas, old 70 movies, modern indie films... kind of like what Film 4 was when it started. I miss those days...