The World No.1 Happiness Expert: Single Friends Will Keep You Single & Obesity Is Contagious!

Published 2024-01-18
If you want to hear more about the key to happiness, I recommend you check out my conversation with Dr Robert Waldinger, which you can find here:    • 10 Life-changing Lessons From The Lon...  

00:00 Intro
02:13 Are You a Professor of Happiness?
07:28 Is Hope Important to Be Happy?
10:21 Follow the Science to Be Happy
13:05 Personal Responsibility
18:05 Enjoyment, Satisfaction, and Meaning
20:01 Addiction and Temporary Rewards
23:10 How to Turn Pleasure into Happiness
28:32 Diets: How the Process Is More Important Than the End Goal
34:48 What's a Good End Goal for Fitness?
38:13 The Why of Your Life
43:48 Finding Purpose and Link to Unhappiness
50:58 The Power of Meditation
01:00:14 Personality Types
01:04:49 Finding the Right Partner That Compliments You
01:08:21 How Your Brain Works When You’re in Love
01:10:25 Does Being in Love Make Us Happier?
01:12:12 Focusing Less on Yourself Brings You Happiness
01:14:15 Is Happiness or Negativity Contagious?
01:19:31 Are Introverts or Extroverts Happier?
01:21:05 What Is Metacognition and Its Role in Happiness?
01:25:31 Last Guest Question

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All Comments (21)
  • @TheDiaryOfACEO
    If your 2024 goals are centred around becoming your best self yet then you need to watch this! Share your favourite part of the convo below 👇🏾If you enjoyed this episode could you do us a favour and HIT that like button on the video! Helps us a lot 🙏
  • @user-nh4tm6hh4j
    My mother raised seven children with an alcaholic husband. She always seemed up beat and was kind to her children. One time something bad happend to me and I was pretty sad. She came over, put her hand on my shoulder and said. Bad thing happen all the time. Move on, you make your own happiness. She seem to understand that happiness in yourself. sure enough, I always been a pretty happy guy. She gave it to me in her genes. She lived to be 98. A month before she died she was arranging sewing groups at her assisted living facility.
  • @CYR888
    I'm a widow. My children have no father, and it breaks my heart for them every day. I've not been interested in absolutely any men after he passed away, and it'll be 2 yrs on May 13, 2024. However, I'm doing well today. Life is much harder, however, and soon, I'll have a small business that I'll be working on on the weekends. But life is still difficult without him. My kids and I gained a lot of weight after he passed, but we are slowly losing it by eating healthier and exercising. I am hopeful for the future, but it is really difficult to raise a boy without a father. My little girl is doing much better but she was his princess and it's been difficult for her, more so for her than him. These videos on YouTube have helped me. Thank you so much!!!
  • @Dagminsk
    As a person who lost the love of my life along with every material thing I owned, in a house fire, and barely escaping it myself. I have found that I I now only cherish the things that make me and those I love, happy in the moment, as they unfold. I feel doing the best I can, every moment, that I can feel good, that I did my best, and that satisfies my need to be my best.
  • @NannyOggins
    Im a pretty content person and Ive discovered that what I need is to always to be learning something. Every few years I learn a new skill, craft, philosophy. The progress is what gives me satisfaction and that makes me happy.
  • @user-kl7gd8st4x
    For those who can't find purpose, I recommend start helping people around you whatever and wherever you can. You will contribute to making world a nicer better place
  • @juliethZuRe
    English is my second language and I really didn't understand very well the meaning of agency, but this is the definition I found that I think fits the meaning of the word on how they are using it. "Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable, yet flexible in the face of conflict or change." Hope it helps my multilingual peeps !
  • @markc5123
    I was adopted at 12 months. I know for a fact I adopted bouts of depression and moodiness. I’m thankful for the environment I was adopted in which was peaceful, secure, and full of love and strength.
  • @newtalking3
    Volunteering and serving without needing to have any notice or credit will get you out of your small circle of problems and out of your head -- it makes you have a bigger purpose
  • @neriumkristina
    Humans are wired to seek safety, not happiness. It's an emotion that comes and goes. Safety has the most effect on wellbeing. Feeling unsafe can cause illness due to stress. Simply being happy or sad, cannot. Especially if you feel safe.
  • @lauren12ful1
    I want to respond to the part where they discussed losing weight and his conclusion that it will not make you happier. After about 25 years of obesity I gradually lost 130 lbs. Almost 4 years ago now. It absolutely changed my life and I am so much happier. People absolutely treat me differently because I am different. I am not full of Shame, disappointment, exhaustion, or embarrassment anymore. When I go out people don't look at me and then look away, or hold my gaze with disgust. It makes an enormous difference. And not only that of course, everything is easier. Exercise is easier, relationships are easier, everything is easier and brings more joy. it is everything I hoped it would be and I now maintain it mainly by eating a bigger variety of foods in small amounts instead of always feeling terrible about anything I put in my mouth. I also left a job that I disliked and don't stress eat anymore. Just have to say yes I am so much happier and everything gives me more joy without the physical weight, and the emotional and mental weight that obesity brings with it. I hope another obese person is reading this and this helps them stick with their healthy processes because it is so worth it. It has been life-changing for me but maybe that is partly because I am a woman and I do still believe that women are more valued for their physical appearance and men are still more valued for their earning ability. That has changed some but not totally. I am also single and I think my quality of life is much better than the married people I know in unhappy relationships. It makes me happy to see people in happy relationships. AND, I know several single people who also have quality relationships. It does not mean you are at home alone getting drunk and looking at p*** alone. As we are so often depicted in media. You can be happy with what you have, which is also a good point that he makes.
  • @skeovkp48598
    Grief, illness, old age and the loss of loved ones shows you very clearly that anything can be taken from you at any time. We don't have anything like as much control as this man thinks we have - acceptance of that is one of the harder life lessons.
  • My mental health always improves when I start taking time out to pray and thank God for what I have immediately in my life x
  • @ggibson8356
    I sit with my dog silently on our walks together no phone no distraction and try and listen to the earth sounds around me and look at simple things like the sky the trees the people and breathe and it has changed my life simple but necessary for me daily it is my happiness .This conversation reminded me of the importance of this.🙏🌸
  • @indyd9322
    Interesting interview! He mentioned faith, family, friends, and meaningful work as goals/ sources of happiness. The thing is we aren't always in control of external factors. Family members die, marriages break up, children move away, we might have to stop the work we love for some reason. Anything external can be taken away. Only internal strength can truly be relied on. A person's faith or philosophy is the only thing that can't be taken away from us.
  • Well I have been married for 59 years as of last week. Having someone who loves you and you love them , it just gets better . Understanding and non judgmental attitude just makes life better
  • He described what makes HIM happy. A religious man with a family saying two of the most important things for happiness are faith and family isn't really a surprise. But as someone with. no religious faith and no family, I'm amazingly happy and content with life. So he doesn't seem to be able to get beyond his own parameters. Having a purpose is clearly something that contributes to overall happiness, but that has to be on each individuals terms. I have what I believe to be a meaningful job, good friends and very fortunate to be free of debt, so I can do the things I prioritise and that contributes significantly to what makes me happy. Freedom to do that is surely a far greater factor in overall happiness than having a family (which might be a contributing factor for many but not be great for everyone) or faith in a greater power (again, its is easy to understand why that gives many folks comfort - but not all and religion can often be quite manipulative). Definitely some good lessons from the discussion - but also definitely a very narrow approach to what actually makes people content and happy with their lives.
  • @frappalina
    as a mom... you would not die for your parents because deep down you know that THEY WOULD NOT WANT THAT. they'd die for you. they don't want you to die for them.
  • @nagelanukuna5163
    "you need to want what you have, not have what you want". Satisfaction = mgmt of what you have. Powerful for someone who's always striving for more!
  • @jsugraduate1998
    I love this guy. Straight, no chaser. incredibly knowledgeable and funny. The best way I learn.