365 Days Without Weed: The Best Year Of My Life

Published 2023-09-11

All Comments (21)
  • That line.. “without smoking, I’ve been forced to find all my joy and fulfillment through the journey of becoming a better man”. Bless you my brother! Huge inspiration. 13:58
  • @SteezyKane
    “Idle time is the devils playground” love that, never heard that quote. Staying busy is the best way to avoid anything bad, even things as simple as melancholy. Great vid man.
  • @rickwedel8741
    I literally quit smoking yesterday and now this video is getting recommended to me. Helps me alot to know that im not alone on this path. I gotta say alot of things that you experienced just happened the same way to me. thank you for being so open about it 🙏
  • @aarondotkom
    As someone who just quit smoking after 18 years straight, I'm already starting to see how much it's allowed me to remain complacent and stagnant in life. Kudos to you man.
  • @TommyGMcGee
    Weed is not as harmless as people make it out to be. I know kids that should've been national champion wrestlers in college that wasted it away by smoking, watching netflix, and drinking. I do think it should be legal, but I do think moderation is key with weed. Among many of the top performers I know, most of them are sober or sober most of the time.
  • @Mal3xander
    Daily smoker for 23 years and decided to quit cold turkey. One moth today and i don't miss it at all, the first two week was a nightmare, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, sweetings from hell and nightmares through the roof, but now I'm back on track and will never touche it again, i had my time with it but now its time for life ❤ I'm so looking forward to it!
  • @GoChaca
    I stopped 5 days ago after being a 10 year daily smoker. I thought I was sick all week but I think you helped me realize that it is more than that. I have had trouble sleeping at night. Night sweats, tossing and turning and more. I do not have any support. I am doing this alone. Your perspective and experience is helping me realize there are better things on the other side. Thank you
  • 😢 I been smoking since I was 11 years old. I am 61. That's 50 years I been smoking a lot every day. I cryed when I saw your video. I watched it 9 times. U try to quit but can't. If I do what you say and quit I will be me wow, 50 years of not knowing me. I am very scared I'll died without it. It's my DNA now. I wish I had support. I AM VERY VERY VERY PROUD OF YOU. GOD WILL FOREVER BLESS YOU. KEEP STRONG AND BRAVE. THANK YOU AGAIN. YOUR AWESOME. GOD GOT YOU FOR REAL.
  • @mcblack0240
    Man literally so true I stopped smoking weed daily for around 1 and a half years now and your brain just automatically looks for ways to get its dopamine elsewhere so I've started doing more sports again, started hitting the gym and just falling in love with the process of making yourself a better person
  • @stupidswag0
    Thank you, bc I’ve been struggling with adjusting my life back to being sober. It’s 4am and I have the flu, yet, just came back in from smoking two joints and I couldn’t even taste the weed but didn’t stop me.🤦🏾‍♂️ I’ve never seen any of your content before so I find it strange that your content popped up on my feed so I’m taking the sign to start my journey back to soberness FOR ME! 01/16/2024 Hopefully I’ll be back to thank you again a year from now✊🏾
  • @asapbaldo
    Watching this high feeling guilty 😅 but this video delivers a strong message. Thank you Jordan! this gives me motivation to drop it even more.
  • @rubenccnv
    Relapsed today after months. Took a few hits and threw it away already in regret. Felt like i wanted a moment for myself; not realizing anymore how nice life is without. This video was for me. Thank you Jordan. I’ll push through
  • @jhezzy33
    I smoke all day everyday…. Can’t do anything without it! This video hits home! Good for you brother
  • @ambxence-7650
    Damn bro this just popped up on my homepage and I'm on day 11 of my one year cleanse. Been smoking for the better part of a decade and I made the same decision as you since it started to take over my life. Super cool to see this as the journey is still pretty tough at this point for me. You've earned my sub my man, I resonate with you HEAVY.
  • @turnerlabrash555
    Jordan. I watched this video the day it came out and it made me cry. No YouTube videos ever done that. I made the decision to start progressively under loading, down from 6 bowls a day to 5 to 4 until I was taking a micro bowl at night. Still knew it was holding me back. Now 4 days sober and committed to completely cutting it out of my life and I have full faith I have the strength to do it. First time commenting on one of your videos but man this is so powerful and vulnerable but I am so glad you shared it. Thank you for inspiring me to make the most positive change I could possibly make
  • @jippetersch
    10g a week to now 10 days sober and still counting talking a lot about it with my fam really helped. Also letting everyone around me at work and at my friends know I really really want to stop helped! And now this video! Thanks to the world and all good samaritans :)
  • This is really inspiring, been smoking for most of the past 8 years, I’m in the quitting/starting again loop but I’ve just started a business and I know if I could quit I could make it work. This is proof it can be done.. thanks Jordan 👊