Who's Making Mario & Luigi: Brothership?

Published 2024-06-20
It’s the question everybody’s asking - who are the Mario & Luigi devs? It’s very much a question that calls for a Nintendo Forecast deep dive.

0:00 Background
01:25 Key Developers
11:18 Development Teams

All Comments (21)
  • @TheBaconBot
    Until we find out the official name of this studio, I'll be referring to them as BetaDream
  • @TheMoney9999
    What I find really interesting about Brotherhood is that there seem to be a number of enemies that are remixed takes on obscure enemies exclusive to the Mario and Luigi series. Something like that feels unlikely from a dev team that wasn't integrated with the original games, and gives me high hopes of the game's development DNA consisting of a good number of AlphaDream alumni
  • @curinderwin
    Who's Making Mario & Luigi: Brothership? 30 minute video: It was a dark and stormy night...
  • @dannypalin9583
    The fact they had so much faith in the game that it kicked off the Direct, though. I reacted like my team won the Super Bowl. Seeing Mario & Luigi be welcomed back with open arms is legitimately moving.
  • @CosmicToad5000
    honestly the main thing I care about is Yoko Shimomura returning as the composer, The OSTs of all prior M&L games were so good and a core part of the series' identity for me. I think she's at Square Enix now but she was one of the composers for Mario and Rabbids Sparks of Hope so i have well uh... hope that they'll get her back once more.
  • @BagMonster
    Kinda funny that a guy heavily involved with Mario & Luigi ended up working on Fantasian, and the new ML is revealed alongside Fantasian coming to Switch!
  • @RiqMoran
    I gotta say i really like the art style of this game.
  • @wounduppenguin
    Please do a video about where all the Alpha Dream devs have ended up cos I've always wondered if Nintendo hired some of them (I've only heard of one).
  • @Davi_L
    My theory is actually Monolith Soft because the L for Luigi is the exact same as the L button icon in Splatoon 3 and we know they helped a lot with development of that game.
  • @TromboneGamer
    My Money's on Next Level. I don't see why else they would have had that kick animation in that trailer and they've tackled a variety of titles as well.
  • @ATalkingSock
    If a pokemon game doesn't drop on switch in 2024, it'll be the first year since 1997 that a pokemon game of some sort DIDN’T come out on a Nintendo system.
  • @evilsock12
    there's a decent chance it's monolith soft. Many of AD's staff including its head developer were absorbed into Monolith.
  • @malo932
    I love the art style, music, animations and general athmosfere of this new title. I hope we will get a diverse adventure with lots of different situations and fights. So glad the series came back
  • 18:40 I learned the other week that Mario VS Donkey Kong is made by a team at Nintendo of America, which came as a pretty big surprise, as I didn’t even realize they employeed developers
  • @ausgod538
    Probably some studio we have no idea.
  • @nezuminora9528
    Just before you announced them, I said Camelot in Waluigis voice
  • @riskofjay
    About your point that Monolithsoft making grand story heavy JRPGs is a reason against them being the developer, the vast majority of that aspect of Xenoblade is done by Tetsuya Takahashi and his circle of leadership for Xenoblade, who are almost certainly busy with pre-production on something new since 3. The rest of the dev team is more than equipped to make another RPG even with a Mario coat of paint on it. Their art and animation team especially would be in their wheelhouse, as they were behind every non-remake Zelda since skyward sword, Animal Crossing New Leaf and New Horizons, and every Splatoon game. Even more interestingly is that they worked on Pikmin 3, but not 4. Considering how great looking and well animated Brothership appears, that's all the more reason they're the prime suspect in my eyes.
  • @IISuzakuII
    Monolith are probably the best animators in Nintendo besides Next Level. Dont sleep on Monolith's ceiling
  • @LKBoots15
    Forecast is a madlad! You got this made and uploaded in a day's time!