My Little Amnesia: Who's There? - MLP SpeedPaint

Published 2016-11-19
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You know I actually have a few speedpaints finished and just not uploaded wow im so great. Also apparently we're NOT going to Los Vegas this Thanksgiving weekend sorry. I'll take down the poll XP I feel I'll get more noticed if I draw the main six and the such, while oc's are great there's nothing like the original. Also a SHITTON OF YA'LL LOOOOOVE RAINBOW DASH have you SEEN the views on that? 20k in two weeks jesus cripes. Also I'm so sorry to all the people who have been emailing me, I literally just looked at it now. I stopped looking at it after I turned all my business to Deviant art. I don't accept anything from there anymore sorry ;n;

Please don't ask me to draw your oc in the comments it will be ignored ;n;

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Brothers Channel (I edit his videos):

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Wattpad- Read my FANFICTION(S):

Tumblr (don't):

Deviant Art (For updates, drawings before they're uploaded on here and my art status which shows whether my commisions, art trades, requests and collabs are open):

Twitch (LOL I don't use it):

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Creepy Music - Skeleton Hut, Scary Music Instrumental - Skeleton Graveyard, Halloween Instrumental Music - Phantom Manor

Program: Paint Tool Sai
Tablet: Bamboo
Recording Program: Open Broadcaster Software; OBS

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All Comments (21)
  • @eruxic
    I love how they have long legs and necks but a small head.
  • @nightmare4502
    Wow. Not only is this one of the best My little Amnesia speedpaints I've ever seen, also is the simple idea of this awesome. Think about it, this picture makes YOU seem like the monster. Twilight turns around in shock to see that you've appeared behind her. And that the doors are missing is making the whole thing a lot more creepier. If you'd be Twi, you can choose to go left (from her POV) or front. But whichever way you go, you can't close the doors to get more time. This is... Amazing. The idea is awesome, the way it's drawn too, but most importantly, YOU are amazing, Hershey ;)
  • @revaslatts8011
    "Who's there?" Twilight Sparkle jumped back at the voice. This voice was soft, shaky, and so familiar. Fluttershy, she thought. That had to be her! The princess took off in a trot. More whispers filled the air. Muffled, hushed whispers. Twilight continued into this chasm of darkness. Then, she stopped trotting as three shapes came into view. Finally, she wasn't alone. "Hey, excuse me!" Two of the ponies took off. Soon, it was just the one. This one had a pink mane and yellow fur. Her eyes were missing. She was covered in chains and had a wheel shaped object protruding from her neck. "Fluttershy, what happened to you?" The pegasus looked up at her, quivering in fear. "Um, I'd rather not talk about it. Please, you have to get me out of here. I can't stand this place. It's too scary and dark! I just wanna leave and go home." Twilight wrapped her hooves around her. "It's okay, Flutters, I'll find a way to get you out." Fluttershy looked up at Twilight with a confused look on her face. "So, who are you? And how do you know me?" The alicorn was shocked. "Don't you remember? It's me, Twilight. I'm one of your dearest friends." The yellow pegasus shook her head. "I don't think so. I think I have amnesia. I don't remember anything except being trapped here. But once we grab my friends and escape, we'll work on restoring my memory. Their names are Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, by the way." As the two ambled to the staircase, Twilight said the two most trusting words a pony could say. "I know."
  • This is honestly one of the best speedpaints I've ever seen... Omg I'm shocked. It started out so simple and came out so realistic. You're a true inspiration.. Thank you!
  • @i3roken_l0ve35
    Omg I love your speedpaints! They are so awesome! <3 <3 I wish I can draw like you! ;D
  • @trashboat957
    I really like the affect on the mane and her tail, it looks really cool 😍❤
  • That back angle tho ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) Anyway, other than that, I love it! It's so awesome!! Keep it up!!
  • @s1f249
    u finally made a my little amnesia speedpaint