The Boundless Mediocrity of Gotham Knights

Published 2023-02-07

All Comments (21)
  • I've always imagined Gotham as a very vertical and cramped city. Like, the buildings are competing with the heavens themselves, and during the day, the streets are so chock full of life it's almost overwhelming. But then the encroaching darkness of night hits the city and the criminal element swarms out like rats. That's the Gotham I want to see. Almost a city you could get lost in and never return.
  • @Kinos141
    Has anyone also noticed how the Knights are basically the Ninja Turtles in color and personality. It's hilarious.
  • @Yodelii
    When I saw red hood bouncing through the air on a Magic trampoline I knew this game was going to be goofy
  • @Bluecho4
    The Court of Owls in this game is a pale echo of their comics counterpart. Drugging the player character and throwing them in a trap filled maze may be the game's best plot beat, but only because they stole it from the Court's first appearance in the comics. When Batman spent a whole issue wandering a white maze, drugged to the gills, going slowly mad as even the normal rules of sequential art break down on the reader. Moreover, the comics were very clear that the Court were an extremely well kept secret. Even Batman, though he knew the rumors, had written them off as a fiction by the time he encountered them. Their veil of secrecy so total, even Batman was convinced it was a dead end. (I mean it was also really secret because, metatextually, they had only just been invented and incorporated in the mythos. But you get my point.) The Talons, too, are given short shrift here. In the comics, each one was a formidable threat unto themselves. With the release of tons of them only done as part of a big storyline climax, to ratchet up the stakes. While they're hardly mooks here, it's weird they're still used as "normal" enemies. Rather than each one comprising a boss fight unto themself, as they probably should. This game obviously liked the Court of Owls as much as readers did back then. But either lacked time, ability, and/or vision to pull them off in a satisfying manner. And then threw away any mystique the faction had in service to its own half-baked plot and gameplay.
  • @Dadee3
    It's so goofy to me how the batcycles are so slow but they have that speed effect around the whole screen as if it makes it look like it's going fast šŸ˜‚
  • @ItsTheFizz
    Everything about Gotham Knights' design just screams that they were planning for a live service structure but hastily shifted gears after Avengers bombed, but since they had gone so far into development with that mindset, the skeleton remains within the UI and resource-based gameplay...
  • The batmobile was a tank. The way the camera worked and shaked worked well and made you feel the weight of the car and for that reason, the speed was good. In gotham knights, you have a motorcycle. There is nothing holding it back from going fast. It just needs to be fast.
  • @cking4869
    15 seconds in and I can't agree more. Guardians of the Galaxy was a surprising hidden gem among the triple A slog. When I played it for the first time, I couldn't help but stare in awe at the fact that I actually enjoyed the dialogue between almost every character, especially the Guardians. They're definitely different from their MCU counterparts, but that actually works in their favor greatly. The Guardians were already my favorite superhero team of all time, and the game absolutely lived up to that
  • @DoritoGOD2811
    The awkwardness in the cutscenes and dialogue was really interesting to point out. I had noticed that there was something "off" with them, but describing them as a strange mistranslation is pretty fitting.
  • @ns6438
    15:01 "Your move set is narrower than a bee's dick" is truly a masterpiece of a sentence.
  • @Psycho_Badass
    I don't know how, but the old batman games ALWAYS KNEW EXACTLY which enemy i wanted to hit in the middle of the crowd. In any other games of the same style it's a struggle
  • As someone who considers Origins to be my personal favourite game in the Arkham series, this game was such a huge letdown. It still baffles me how this project got approved over the Batman Beyond style Arkham Knight sequel.
  • @vanillae91819
    The problem that I have with the story ending is not that it feels like it's meant for just one of the characters, it's that they made batman come back to life, break his no killing rule, and die again. They completely messed batman up as a character.
  • @Jared-gx1dp
    The fact that the plot themes mentioned tie so well into Jason's story, as well as him being a central villain in the previous game where batman also died, as well as his gameplay being the most unique from the core group, makes me feel like this may have been meant to be a red hood game in early/pre production
  • @jeffr5221
    I just played guardians of the Galaxy and I devoured it in 3 days. It was shocking awesome, I liked the story and characters better than the movies. A real accomplishment that likely won't get a sequel unfortunately.
  • As someone who didnā€™t play the game but watched all the different cutscenes, it definitely felt like Jason Todd was the most ā€œcanonā€ option. Heā€™s the most different mechanically and by theme, he bears the burden of being the bat-son that fell most off the path, and thus puts the most pressure on himself to live up to the father he once disappointed. And in the end, finally gets the assurance that even though he isnā€™t a copy of Batman, he is a worthy successor, not in spite of his past failures but because of them. Because he has the experiences of being a killer he knows more clearly where the line is, and how to notice when heā€™s getting close to crossing it.
  • I love the way you can have a deep analysis of how the various characters don't feel different enough when playing as them, then in the middle of that, refer to them as "Chick, Dick, and Stick" without a pause or change in inflection.
  • It actually makes sense that if made into a sequel, the titular Arkham Knight who caused a good number of issues in the previous game would evolve to be Gotham Knight after Knightfall was activated. From a misguided fledgling hero who was struck down brutally, fell down into the path of vengeance but then rose above to realise his true potential but only after the death of his mentor. Fits perfectly too. Also makes sense that Red Hood would be the most effective cuz G U N.
  • @imlewishehe
    The game's story could've been avoided if Batman just looked out a window, considering the Court are so happy to send their members in distinctive owl masks out in public