My Bipolar Disorder Recovery Story

Published 2019-11-02
I've lived with bipolar disorder and mental illness since I was 13, it nearly killed me many times. Now I am completely well this is the story of how I learned to take control of the imbalance in my brain and recover my mental health.

Initially, I would just boost my neurotransmitters to overcome depressions but this would make me manic/hypomanic and then crash and burn back down into a depression.

Eventually, I learned to treat the manias and then how to balance both sides, how to lift the low neurotransmitters causing depression and at the same time keeping a lid on the mania preventing the neurotransmitters going to high.

All Comments (21)
  • I am a psychiatrist and I work in Spain. Amazing story, thank you so much. Your story fills me with hope, for my patients, you helped me understand them better and I am motivated to learn about neuroplasticity. A big hug and thank you again for sharing your story of improvement.
  • @stabilisedchaos
    Amazing man,we are all so proud of you,you pulled through when it could have been so easy to just give up. Please continue your work, the world needs more natural healing. Only last week I had a severe asthma attack combined with a extremely sore throat which made me choke when I coughed up pglegm,this induced an anxiety attack but only for the 2-3minutes of the coughing. When my doctor "examined" me he immediately said oh you have anxiety? here is some Xanex. I refused the xanex and after 3 days my throat healed enough so that I could cough normally without choking. it is unbelievable how doctors are so quick to push the benzo's at patients rather than looking at the real problem. If my doctor had even looked at my throat he would have seen it was very inflamed and prescribed maybe steroids to reduce the swelling. No, I could have been put in a life of addiction and pain because of ignorance.
  • A personal difficulty is what makes you an incredible practicioner. Thank you for sharing your journey and well done on your outcome. Difficult and lonely as it was. No one cares until it happens to them.
  • @jims9168
    Thanks for your talk. It is nice to see that some with bipolar are managing it and having a decent life. I also have managed my bipolar for many decades. The meds they used on me like Thorazine caused me to gain a ton of weight and at times made me feel like a zombie. Although I was in full blown mania at the start, for the rest of my life I just had brief periods of hypomania, but long periods of low grade depression. I learned to accept and deal with the depression with exercise, cognitive therapy, and writing a daily gratitude list. I'm very disciplined about a regular sleep schedule. Even if I do not sleep, I do not get up and move around. Lying in the dark, I probably get some short bits of sleep, but the lack of stimulation rests my brain. I want to get up and get on the computer, but I do not do it.
  • @Vectorman2X
    Such a cool guy and a warrior i am very happy of your recovery,you give hope to many people
  • @xiamyD
    Thank you so much for this!!!!! I needed it.
  • @morelhunter3966
    Just found your channel. It’s amazing, it’s like you’re reading from my life’s story. I have a question though, do you have a list of the supplements you took to finally fix you and what each one does? Amazingly I’ve noticed even the more random things you are mentioning like a difficultly hearing and difficulty remembering things. But only in my low phase. When normal or hypomanic I am super sharp and quick on the uptake and it’s so strange to see how drastically this all affects me. Very happy to have found this channel. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and hope you can help those of us suffering.
  • @pxleex
    Thank you for sharing! What an organized, authentic and helpful video!
  • @arthurv4401
    You are genius Peter and have my biggest respect. This story has holywood value.
  • You are so comforting good man. It's been a while since you posted this but are you able to do more vids? Just hearing your voice makes me feel understood and at peace 💗🙋
  • @fancykitty7245
    Thank u for your story. Just found your channel and is helping me a lot. 🤗
  • 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 God bless you. I feel like you’ve just summed up my life. Thank you for having the courage to share your experiences, people really don’t understand what we go through. I can’t wait to watch your other videos.
  • @timboslice8194
    Your honesty and courage are shockingly refreshing and encouraging.
  • @nightknight436
    19:19 I too refused for years to acknowledge that I had Schizoaffective disorder, until with self experimentation, taking time off everything, observing/journaling and further study, it was crystal clear that that's the case in hand unfortunately. to treat anything, one has to admit it first, accept what is & go from there.
  • @ksmith7402
    I am overcome with tears of relief and also fear as I am beginning to recognize and accept that I most likely have bipolar disorder. I am 33 and currently quite debilitated by another major depression episode, after having experienced what I am now realizing was a manic episode lasting for months. This is about the 3rd or 4th cycle that I am able to identify throughout my life, which has been spent mostly in low-grade to severe depression. Like you, I was suicidal by age 13. Absolutely heartbreaking to admit. Trauma. I am hopeful to begin this journey towards healing, though I know this is just the beginning. Thank you so much for sharing your story, you are truly an inspiration for me right now. I’m looking forward to watching the follow up video on your neuroplasticity protocol. Thank you again so much - may we all find the willingness and resources towards recovery and living a life of happiness
  • @senaerebecca
    This is very hopeful. I'm currently diagnosed with Bipolar 1. I'm on Abilify 200mg monthly injection. It keeps me out of hospital and from becoming manic. But oh boy I feel like a watered down version of myself. I cant focus. I'm very unsatisfied with how life is right now and I know theres a natural route, your advice and experience is an answer to my prayers. Thankyou for sharing.
  • @thebsoflvp3828
    You are a true life saver. Thank you for being so strong. You have/are going to help so many people. ❤