Jesus And Divorce: The Truth About Fornication And Adultery | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon Clip

Published 2022-10-04
It's often been taught that the only grounds for divorce in a Christian marriage is adultery - but is that what Jesus actually taught? Check out the latest clip from Pastor Allen Nolan's marriage series "Vows" where he dives into this often misunderstood topic.
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All Comments (21)
  • Thank you for this. Mental, emotional and verbal abuse is difficult for people to see. This was true in my case until I left the situation and everyone said I looked 10 years younger. I miss the man I married but not the man he became.
  • @dianegron
    Can’t specify publicly the grounds for which I walk through the divorce path, but I thank the Lord for your words. I see/hear so many women and men staying into a broken marriage covenant that is costing them dearly (mentally, emotionally, sexually, physically, financially, and it’s hurting their children too). Thank you for bringing the body of Christ some clarity, a calling to honesty and responsibility regarding relationships within marriage.
  • @donnakennedy3763
    I think some couples just get married without praying about things first. They "fall in love", get married, then find out what their spouse is really like. People should ask God for guidance before marriage, then hopefully, with prayer, a couple will marry and have their marriage blessed by God. Seek God in all areas, especially marriage.
  • @maranatha2033
    Good teaching! The use of that word always got me, but when I looked it up I never arrived at this understanding. Thank you for this teaching!
  • great message and took me 3 years to understand what you said. religion can misdirect, the Holy Spirit is key to a life of marital bliss. Love never fails. thanks pastor
  • @cnetate
    My wife was tragically killed in a car accident and I've been worried about marriage again because most single women my age are divorced. I thought I would have to be alone for the rest of my life or commit adultery but this has message has been a God send! Thank you for this clarification.
  • @lettynin2508
    You have blessed me with this message. I was physically and sexually abused when I married a narcissist at age 17. I was able to escape a few years later and I felt condemned in a way thinking that me divorcing him was a sin. This is the confirmation I needed! The stamp on it that I needed after many years of prayer and keeping to myself because of thinking of I remarried it would be a sin. Thank you!!
  • @gngraves
    I'm glad at least one pastor in America is courageous enough to address this verse honestly. In many cases one spouse utterly abandons the other and is unresponsive, uncooperative, brazenly unloving for many years and many Christians believe the spouse has to stay until immoral sex happens - even in the face of this brazen abandonment and very hard hearted cruelty toward the spouse. It doesn't even make logical sense at all, nor biblical sense
  • I love your sermons. You preach with unwavering confidence in what you are saying and that is so reassuring to us 🥰
  • @pd4575
    He's leaving out the part where if you get a divorce, you have to remain un married.
  • We all must do our part and spread the good news be bold be brave be humble
  • Thank you for clarifying this. Have never heard it this way, and so many of us leaving an abusive marriage have been taught differently. God bless you for teaching us what Jesus meant.
  • @ejeffcoat9285
    This was so helpful to me and I’m so grateful I found this.
  • @jvlp2046
    In Modern Day DIVORCE, the grounds are even widened into the lowest point of logical reasoning of man, the "Irreconcilable Differences."... Facts and Truth
  • @andrewh3264
    If people can hold out on temptation and find a husband or wife who loves Jesus as much as you do, then you give your marriage a far more chance of survival. God has to be consistent in both your lives.