Psychonauts 2 - Ford Reveals the Truth to Raz About His Grandparents

Published 2021-08-28
Ford Reveals the Truth to Raz

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BbyZone is a channel that provides unique videos, game mods, high quality guides, easter eggs, tips & tricks, and playthrough of video games. I help entertain & educate my viewers through my unique videos, game mods and walkthrough footages which are all recorded and edited by me. I have written permission from the publisher for the games I cover.

All Comments (21)
  • @drbeard4505
    This is that rarest of things, a "your mentor has a dark, personal secret." twist done in a satisfying way that doesn't totally blow away previous characterization for the sake of drama.
  • Thing I like the most about this is that Ford doesn’t dismiss Raz’s anger. He essentially tells Raz that he has every reason to be angry but it needs to be dealt with at a safer time
  • @DrrZed
    "No, she didn't." "No, you didn't." Those two lines hit me harder than the reveal itself.
  • @NocturneKitsune
    Besides the epic reveal, what I love is how Ford tackles Raz. That was a full-speed, whole body clothesline tackle. That was a serious NFL-tier "This man must go down and not get back up again" tackle.
  • @justan324
    said this in another video, but i think this also explains why ford gave raz such special treatment during the first game, compared to the other campers (besides illy) cause of the guilt he felt for what he did to raz's family
  • @Maxlopes13
    I’m surprised the game didn’t have Raz freak out to his family immediately after hearing Ford out. He stopped himself and focused on helping Ford. That’s pretty mature of him!
  • @Tenjeen
    "No Raz, she didn't". Holy crap that moment of realization brought me chills
  • @aw3707
    4:38 ill never get over this scene. the way he cuts into "someday when you fall in love you'll understand." then he just plonks his head back down and flings back into the pins. the strike. the strike jingle. what a masterpiece
  • @mathewhaight
    I cannot believe how good this game turned out. You wait so long for something and you never know if I'll actually be worth it.
  • @majormccoy3364
    Man this was a really intense and dramatic scene. Raz finds out about a dark truth and his immediate response is to get his family away from what is basically a dangerous ticking timebomb. Raz really does care about his family. He also rightfully gets mad at Ford at what he did and Ford doesn't deny what he did and fully acknowledged what he did wasn't ok. I also like that both characters are aware that there's a serious situation on their hands that needs tending to and that they will deal with it first before dealing with the other issues.
  • @sheep9546
    I still find it funny that they censored the swear words on the key board. They planned ahead and I love it
  • @xXYannuschXx
    3:00 Didnt notice this on my playthrough, but the thing following Raz is the comb of a music box and the tombstones are the pins on the drum, which is represented by the curved map.
  • 7:39 "No, you didn't." The moment Ford said that line I knew we were in for something special and boy did the writers not disappoint!
  • @HyperShadic100
    One nice thing I like about his explanation is that when he talked about messing with their psyches Raz says, "That doesn't sound safe." Ford tells Raz the standard excuse of 'It was a different time' before affirming that Raz is correct in his assumption. Showing that Ford has grown from where he was back then.
  • @DMWilhelm
    I took one look at Nona and went "okay my grandma is Maligula. That's very clearly her," and went through the story bracing myself for a disappointing reveal, but the way the game played on those expectations by going "okay yes, that IS Maligula, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut..." absolutely floored me. This game's narrative was incredibly well constructed, from this twist, to the fact that there was still plenty more game to play through afterward, to the final reveal at the very end that, in hindsight, was wonderfully built up to. The kind of twist that almost seems obvious when you look back at all the conspicuous hints that they managed to sneak past us by presenting them as jokes. I'm so happy this game got to be everything that fans wanted from it.
  • @skeleman5883
    No one I've seen in the comments is mentioning this, but when Ford says "They could kill her!" Raz DOESN'T STOP WALKING, he only stops when Ford points out it could bring Maligula back. Raz was ready and willing to have Lucy killed via his actions for a second there.
  • @Gorfinhofin
    3:10 I was confused about what this thing was supposed to be and just realized it's the keys of a music box, being played by the gravestones. That's really cool.
  • I completely understand why Ford did what he did. He couldn't kill her, I mean how could he. He knew it was best to try and bury Maligula as deeply as he could into her mind.
  • @TheMadsav1993
    So basically raz was thought to believe his aunt was his grandmother. When her nan was really dead