Published 2019-03-22
Hey everyone. Thanks for returning. I’m sorry some of my sentences are horrible 🙄 I’ve been having some weird off days.

I know that the macroadenoma is 10mm +
Mine is obviously still microadenoma because it’s 6mm.

My symptoms are definitely weight gain, migraines, fatigue easily, menstrual disorder, and depression/anxiety. Although most of these have gotten better because of vitamins and gym, these are still the ones that I daily suffer from: migraines, anxiety & menstrual disorder.

Previous video about my pituitary adenoma:    • My Health - Pituitary Tumor, Weight G...  

Follow my IG: jeigirlb
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And Facebook: jeigirlblook

All Comments (11)
  • @maevademol3026
    It's so nice to know that I'm not alone, I've been struggling with my adenoma for years (weight gain, anxiety, depression, let's not talk about menstruation haha it's A mess ) thanks for sharing your experience it's helping me a lot 😘 stay strong :D
  • I’m so sorry. I feel your pain. I’ve been super frustrated at times too. Something I’ve struggled with is the feeling that people look down on me for my weight, and assuming that I probably don’t eat right. But yes, try cabergoline!!!!So much less severe side effects! My mom and I are always doing our Little research-My mom doesn’t trust the doctors here in the U.S., so she took me to Mexico for treatment. There’s such a dramatic change from the care of doctors. Literally, the healthcare system here is ridiculous.The doctor I have now is right across the border, let me know if you want me to send a link of the information! Bless you Jennifer, I’ll be praying for your healing and peace sis.
  • @deevanity3861
    I feel you girl, like on SO MANY LEVELS I'm glad I'm not alone! My prolactin levels were higher than last time and I just broke down and cried because I want children and this is lowering it. And everything else. Its really devastating and I feel like idk how to handle it sometimes. Especially when I just get voicemails from the medical assistant saying my results etc saying you need this you need that, here's an imaging order heres an MRI order. ITS SO DRAINING, MENTALLY and it's very hard to mention it to my loved ones...
  • Hi my daughter has the same tumour. Now she is on Cabergoline one a week. She is feel really bad all the time. So I understand what you going through. May God make easy for you.
  • @Garage23
    Def should feel confident in tour doctor and trust what they say, I think you should get another specialist or go to Mexico! Keep yourself busy, our mind tends to really think the worst. I'm glad you are working on being more outspoken, it runs in the family lol, I'ven been working on that too lol. Ill keep you in my prayers hun!
  • @rguzman6418
    Please let me know what doctor you see in Mexico. My 15 year old daughter was just didn't in 11/2018. We're in Chicago and we have the same experience at rush university and anne Robert Lurie's....
  • 😭😭😭😭. I had no idea about this, I am always here if you need to vent, cry, laugh exct.
  • @rselby0654
    What was your prolactin level when you were diagnosed?
  • @-MikeyK-
    Hi, not sure what you decided to do, but if you still have the prolactinoma, the most popular medicine is Cabergoline. They should have put you on this as soon as it doubled in size. You should at least try this for a period of time as it's more effective than bromocriptine. There is also quinagolide medication if you can't handle Cabergoline, but the cabergoline is preferred by most specialists. I had a 60mm prolactinoma, 10x the size of yours about 12 years ago so I have a fair amount of knowledge about this now. Don't give up with the meds, its important in the long term for you to be on them if you can until your levels stabilise. Reducing the size and levels of prolactin is important for overall health and for your future. I know it's difficult with all the specialists, some dont care, its also very easy to ignore everything and not followup on things, totally understand what its like. I have been there done that. But its important for you to do the best you can to get it under control. If you need to ask anything, feel free to reply.
  • Hi. Sorry for what you're going through. I understand. How hard it is navigating health issues and doctors. I was told I have a pituitary tumor. Mine wasn't visible on the mri... That's what my Endocrinologist said. Last time I saw him was about two years ago. He said i can't go on medication till after im done breastfeeding. Don't want any medication tho. Been through meds before for my ulcerative colitis history. Done with medications.. Anyways I was wondering if you've heard of medicalmedium on Instagram. The guy behind the instagram has helped a lot of people with healing and getting rid of their illnesses. I follow his insta (medicalmedium). His name is Anthony... I also follow some of his followers who've been helped by him. healwithamber is a great insta and also eatpraylupus