How Google Remapped the World | WSJ Tech Behind

Publicado 2022-08-29
Google Maps helps more than 1 billion people a month get around. Beneath the simple interface, Google is pulling billions of data points to get the most accurate route for users. After 17 years in users’ hands, mapping technology continues to advance and get more accurate.

WSJ explains how Google Maps uses advanced technology like satellites, GPS data and photogrammetry to help you get from point A to point B.

Illustration: Adele Morgan

0:00 There are roughly 50 million updates a day to Google Maps
0:59 Google Maps’ aggressive acquisitions
2:16 How satellites, aerial imagery and photogrammetry are used
6:10 Google Maps’ privacy concerns
7:40 The future of mapping

Tech Behind
'The Tech Behind' explores the amazing engineering, computing, science and algorithms that power our favorite tech.

#Google #GoogleMaps #WSJ

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ev.c6
    As a computer scientist, Google Maps for me is just a marvel of software engineering, creativity and talent. All gathered at one place. Google Maps is an amazing tool.
  • @Collinsv8
    Pretty incredible technology. I rely 100% on Google Maps for navigation to unknown places. But with convenience and free use comes the consequence of giving up 100% privacy.
  • It's insane how this is made possible. Modern technologies really is the modern version of alchemy.
  • @Layput
    People don't realize how magical google map is. It would be the first software I would pay for if it were being sold. But alas, it is free, for a small compromise of privacy. I have worked in Saudi Arabia for more than 10 years and at the time that there was no smartphones, all we could do was ask strangers for direction. Being an introvert, asking people was one of my most dreaded things to do. Fast forward around 2012 and I didn't have to ask strangers anymore even if I was in the middle of the desert.
  • @ineedtoeatcake
    A huge thank you to Google Maps! I would have missed out on a lot of meaningful, social experiences in my life if not for that app. It has been a fantastic way to discover local interesting places to visit. Additionally, satellite view makes me feel more connected to the land around me than the default layout has.
  • @oneverest
    As a software engineer, google maps has always facinated me, more so than their search. We learn the basics of routing algorithm or image geotaging or storing geo data in grids, but this is at such massive scale... I don't know how they do it.
  • @mygillian
    cannot imagine life without GoogleMaps. There are even days that I checkout places and traffic situations in different cities even though I'm not planning to drive there.
  • @blueburaq
    Google Maps is hands down the best application.
  • @92kosta
    I remember being so blown away by the satellite imagery when I saw my city on Google Maps back in 2007. I was also blown away a week ago when I realised my city had a 3D view on Google Earth.
  • @brianholmes1812
    Its interesting hearing tech developers talk about privacy concerns and issues, because so often it seems to be something that never even occurred to them that people might be uncomfortable with. Not in a way that they're being malicious, but rather they didn't cinsider that people would have a problem with the data collection. Its a very different mondset than most ofther people seem to have
  • @matthewjungling
    I'm an avid Google Maps user. I regularly contribute data to the platform in the form of business information (hours, menus, reviews) and imagery (photo spheres and photos). I have willingly allowed location access to the app for the last 2 or so years, so they know roughly where I've been in all of that time since. Why do I do this? I like being able to see where I've been in my adventures and travelling. I won't say that Google probably doesn't use this data against me, but tech giants are gathering this data anyways through other sources, so I'm okay with sharing it firsthand.
  • @klfrost7
    As a Google Streetview Photographer, I love seeing more creative content being created around Google Maps. Now it's time for businesses to capitalize on the Immersive view once it's available.
  • @mateuspollonio
    I think this is one of the most important technologies humankind has developed in history and I think the tech behind this is incredible, and all of this in a simple app you can use anytime! I travelled do another country for the first time, few years ago, and when I arrived, in no time I was driving to my hotel, using maps... When you stop to think about it. It blows your mind
  • @IlKairos
    I still remember printing out directions on MapQuest. How far we've come !
  • @Walter-kn5te
    This is so interesting. I can only imagine how complex it is to combine all those sources of information and make them work seamlessly.
  • @a9mission439
  • @FarmerChazman
    firstly I would like to wish you well and to say a huge thank you for uploading these videos as they have been an invaluable resource to