"Worst Way to Save Money" I Agniveer Battle Between Rahul Gandhi & Modi Government I Barkha Dutt

Published 2024-07-04
#rahulgandhi #modi #agniveer

In his speech on July 1, during the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi called the Agnipath scheme for recruitment in the armed forces a “use and throw” scheme that differentiates heavily between a permanent soldier and those temporarily recruited as Agniveers.
Defence minister Rajnath Singh intervened to say that Gandhi’s allegations were false and that the government provides Rs 1 crore compensation to families of Agniveer soldiers who die in the line of duty.
On July 3, Gandhi posted a video on X in which he said that the defence minister had lied to parliament about this compensation. The video then showed a clip of Ajay Kumar’s father telling Gandhi earlier that while the Punjab government has given the family some money, the “Central government gave them nothing.” The video also shows Kumar’s father reacting to Rajnath Singh’s compensation claim in the Lok Sabha. He says, “We received neither any message, nor any money.”

Hours later, the Indian Army’s spokesperson posted on X, saying that they wished to clarify that “Of the total amount due, family of Agniveer Ajay has already been paid Rs 98.39 lakhs.”

Is Ministry Passing Off Insurance as Govt Payment?

Barkha Dutt speaks to,

Admiral Arun Prakash | Former Chief of the Naval Staff
Lt. Gen Raj Shukla, Former Army Commander
Major Gen. Yash Mor, Defence Analyst
Lt Gen Zameer Uddin Shah | Former VC | AMU

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All Comments (21)
  • Gen Mor is a true soldier and spoke from his heart to demonstrate he has been a commander who understood his Troops extremely well.
  • @ahamasmiarinm
    Completely agree with Gen Shukla. All these old and retired ex-servicemen are all like, "I have been..." or "I have seen..." or "I know how..." and so on and so forth. Spare a thought for all those Colonels and Generals and Majors who are in service right now. They might be thinking, "don't we know anything"? Kind of funny coming from ex-servicemen that while the guns and tanks need modernization, the people behind those guns and tanks should be from legacy systems. I guess they forget that not only our forces, but everything around us is being modernized. And people are coping with it, because those clinging to legacy systems and procedures are falling behind. Technology change is one thing, technology adoption is another, and to have a robust institute, the rates of those two got to be at par. There's no question of falling behind, for the costs are too high, nation at stake. Lastly, if it takes 8 long years to train a gunner, well, the training needs to change, as simple as that. It can't be a scenario where we need to stick to old guns because it takes 8 years to train on a new gun.
  • The matter is straightforward now. There are two insurance payments; one is from SBI connected his bank account. Another insurance is the soldier’s membership in an army organisation. Where is the one bullet payment of 1 crore from the central government or Army compensation fund promised in the Parliament?
  • A beautiful interview conducted Madam Barkha, with the high officers of the Armed forces on a hot topic, 'Agniveer.' The different points of views was given with knowledge, experience, personal views that enlightened us viewers and the outcome of agree to disagree, with courtesy and grace as Gentlemen. The code and ethics of our Armed Forces. May they all, in present services or in retirement be Blessed by the Almighty above. In my humble ignorant view, the Agniveer scheme should either be excessively tweaked by first having a trial project which ever service of the Armed services, and if unsuccessful, completely scrapped. You don't send a greenhorn to do a professional combat soldiers job. As in this case, cause of death was in action. I don't think a Martyer of the country cannot be differentiated by the status he holds in the Army and dues given to the dependents, should be appropriate. The government in power would definitely look into the same.
  • I am just a lay person child of a jawan under the British army. I fin the change not good for the armed forces 😢
  • @Mayflo83
    Government should cut down on expenditures done for politicians…tat would provide adequate funds for improving army strength. Saving money by not providing for ppl protecting the country is such a shame
  • The shaheed got one crore and the debater is saying I didn’t know who paid. Such a shallow debate and Barkha is misleading. Not questioning Rahul Gandhi who mislead the nation.
  • It is not about cutting corners in Defence Budgets, Barkhajee, it's about doing away with HUGE CONTIGENT LIABILITIES in the future, without real COST-BENEFiT EFFECTiVENESS
  • What a way to save money. Shame that the law makers find difficult to use their hearts and minds 😢
  • @vimal1206
    Question is not if the scheme is right or not, question is how come rahul baba lied in parliament without fact checking. Its a dangerous trend and should be stopped
  • @vinodvarms2555
    Agnipath is a royal path to FOLLY. Two reasons were adduced during the press conference in June 2022. First making the army younger and second making young men more disciplined. Both are not tenable as I can prove that by using 10th class arithmetic. Another reason adduced is that the armed forces require modern weapons and equipment using technology. When we consider the impact of high technology it is essential to keep in mind the human factor: the effectiveness of weapon systems and equipment will continue to depend on the men who man and maintain these so-called high-tech systems. Agniveers will not be suitable for their lack of training and experience. Yes pension is an issue which can be resolved by different terms and conditions for civil like trades in the armed forces.These trades are cooks, barbers, waiters, drivers, clerks and storekeepers and so on. There is a need to carry out a comprehensive study to analyse the whole gamut of HR management of personnel below officers" ranks including recruitment, training, postings, career progression and exit policies. I am not even mentioning the socio-economic aspects which are equally important Major General V K Varma,AVSM (Retd)
  • Money should be spent on military equipment and not on pensions alone . Technology is the buzzword now
  • It is nothing but waste of finance... I am a retired army ,the army have trainning period of 9 months at the list n are send to their units after which it takes atleast 3 to 5 years to be a perfect soldier that too after attending a trainning called young soldier training in the unit for another one month only then a soldier is really ready for battlefield You cannot simply compare everyone.... different people have different adopting capabilities, again as an army retired knowing the ground condition i say 6 months trained soldier can never be ready as a soldier,I am not against the scheme but please prolong the training period n their tenure.
  • @josephjames859
    It's good that RAGA's intervention has given rise to a debate on this flawed scheme. It's true that Raga hadn't done his homework properly. Or he was ill-informed. However it was a blessing in disguise. If he had merely pointed out the drawbacks of the scheme, the government wouldn't have responded. It's his faux pas that drew an immediate response from the HM. Many army officers are opposed to it. It is tantamount to compromising on the security of the country
  • Every time I find Barkha Dutt... the same old timers... rather better... May Nature always help you.. bless you..I m now going to be 77....been always your fan....
  • Agniveer is weakening the combating capacity of armed forces this will give an edge to Pakistani and Chinese are over hard battled field army of our country. Rural youth has the last choice for joining the army .
  • Please don't play away with countries defence with economic compulsion rather think of enhancing on its capabilities. Is Agneevar going in this direction?