You Can't Build Muscle OVER 40 Naturally!

Published 2022-12-18
It is commonly felt that you can’t build muscle over 40 naturally or without the use of PED’s. In this video, I’m tackling this conception head on. This comes in the form of a question and answer session where we open up our comment section to our viewers to ask their most burning questions. One of the themes that repeatedly comes up is on the subject of how much muscle can be built over the age of 40 naturally.

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If you listen to most social media influencers, or simply look at their physiques, you may have noticed a trend in the last couple years towards unnatural development. With the great media push of the benefits of testosterone in “replacement” dosages, we have seen a record number of men move towards exogenous forms of T to help them build muscle.

In fact, some will have you convinced that it is the only way to build muscle, or even look good, over the age of 40.

I couldn’t disagree more.

This has been used as a copout on a grand stage, for a reluctance to engage in hard work and consistent effort in training. In fact, the most rampant use of this strategy for building muscle is occurring in an age bracket far below the men in their 40’s. We are talking about kids in their 20’s who are abusing TRT and engaging in PED use in an attempt to speed up the natural process of bodybuilding.

As someone who has pursued my career as a lifelong natural, I find this to be discouraging and a disturbing trend in the wrong direction. Far too many social media influencers are knowingly or unknowingly leading many men, young and old, down the wrong path to fitness and better health.

Not to mention, the times that the admission of TRT is actually a mere smokescreen for the things they won’t tell you they are taking are countless. Ever see a guy who wants you to think that the only thing he’s using is some replacement dose of hormones, when he has not only a history of long term PED use but a tendency to be caught up in supplement scams and legal troubles? I’m sure you have, because there are quite a few of them.

The point is, when PED’s are the first place our young lifters turn when they want to make muscle gains, we have a major issue and it’s one that has been caused unfortunately by the very platforms that have delivered the education to a hard working alternative.

“You can’t build muscle over 40 naturally” is what they’ll say.

That is simply not true. There have actually been numerous, well conducted studies that have been done that prove otherwise.The key is a dedicated consistency to the cause.

No, I’m not talking about working out and eating right for a few weeks or even months. I’m talking about making sure to have all aspects of your training and nutrition in check and to continue on that path for years and years on end. It’s actually much easier to do when you are following a workout plan that doesn’t break your body down, but makes you feel better or when you are following a nutrition plan that doesn’t rely on starvation and deprivation but on eating in a way that is enjoyable and still progressive in terms of fat loss and muscle building.

If you look even at the case of a younger guy like Jesse from ATHLEAN-X, you can see what realistic muscle gains can look like. Some have witnessed his body transformation and called the 5 year results amazing. Others have viewed the very same videos and said that he is scrawny and hasn’t made any gains at all. It just goes to show you how distorted the perception of natural progress has become because of the blurred lines that have been created by social media and phony fitness influencers.

The key to making new gains starts in your head.

You need to realize that the degree of muscle growth and fat loss you desire is likely achievable through nothing more than hard work and dedication. It truly is. There are people who walk around right now with the type of body that you may desire, doing nothing more than staying true to their goals and leading the healthiest life possible in the pursuit of them.

Does it take more time?


They don’t call them performance enhancing drugs for no reason. They will not only speed up the pace of the muscle building results that you can experience but they increase the degree and the amount of them that are possible. But that doesn’t mean that you need to choose that path.

If you’re looking for a complete workout and meal plan to build muscle and burn fat, be sure to check out via the link below and start training like an athlete today.

For more videos on how you can’t build muscle over 35 without TRT as well as workouts for men over 40, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

All Comments (21)
  • @athleanx
    THE GIVEAWAY IS BACK - I’m giving away my brand new complete 90 Day Beaxst PPL program to 40 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 40, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! Clicking twice does nothing. Only one entry per video. Remember to watch to the end for more workouts. If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…
  • Yes you can! At 53 I had stage 4 cancer, went through chemo which sent me from 200 lbs to 145 lbs (gah!) I'm 60 now, alive and thriving and living proof. I went from hellness to wellness. I recalibrated to my proper weight (185) and regained my muscle loss...and built new muscle too. Everyday I pretty much hit the gym, surf, cycle, trailrun barefoot (which healed my feet of their chemo-induced neuropathy), eat super well, and sleep (and enjoy my occasional vices😏). The pursuit of true health is not when your ego is invested, it's knowing that your future self will thank you for every day that you invested in "you".
  • @dallastoto3189
    I’m now 71. I started all over again at the gym. I was told by my physician to get into a workout program. Thanks Doc!. Aside from my heart getting stronger .(. No longer need open heart surgery. ) I have gained muscle mass! I started benching 95.lbs. One year later 235..So yes y’all can gain strength and muscle. 💪 5 days a week is my regular routine
  • @sunriseboy4837
    Well, I'm crowding 75, and have finally given up booze and pipe smoking. Stopping the booze may not open the gates of Heaven to let you in, but it will open the gates of hell to let you out. Started working out as per Jeff's instructions, along with yoga twice a day. I can tell all the nay-sayers, that muscle develops over 40 with work and correct nutrition. I do the 2 seconds up, and 4 seconds down mode, as per Jeff's instructions. It really torches the muscles. When you do sets like that, you'll really know you're working out. I'm only able to do about 10 pushups currently, but I can feel the change occurring, pointing to progress. Thanks Jeff.
  • @chrisyoung1478
    At 62, physical conditioning is always a struggle, especially injury recovery. Every time I get frustrated at how much harder it is to make and maintain gains naturally; all I have to do is watch this video and read the comments form others my age and older, and my motivation is renewed to continue to fight. I will never surrender my fitness to age or injury, stay strong everybody.
  • Thanks so much for this. I’m a 74 old retiree. I’ve always been active but since I retired at 70 I’ve been pouring the coals to staying fit and strong and flexible. I’m still a tall, thin guy, but I’m definitely putting on muscle and definition. The older I get, the more motivated I become to moderate the down hill slide that is ageing. I look around at my peers and know I’m doing something right. Thank you for all the work you put into educating us all.
  • @diggitySC
    Comparison is the thief of joy. There is using other people's fitness results to inspire you, and using other people's fitness results to quit. As a guy using your programs to build muscle over 40, I appreciate both you guys.
  • @chrisjfacey
    I’ve been inspired for a number of years by you guys both as a 40 y/o M. Thank you for putting all these videos out. I’ve done 3 AX programs but have benefitted immensely from the videos (specifically the video about fixing compressed nerves in back - after spending hundred and hundreds of dollars on chiropractors for much less effective results). Just want to say thanks as I rarely comment. Appreciate you guys being beacons for this space and addressing these difficult issues. It’s inspiring to know that it’s possible to build muscle naturally as a 40 y/o and comforting to know it just takes a huge commitment and to keep at it.
  • @user-qo7jr3sh9i
    Thank you, Jeff, for all your help. I have been lifting for years, had stage 4 kidney cancer and the gym was a God sent. I was very much shaped all over until the pandemic arrived. Lost it all. Started back again Aug 2023, knowing I should begin easy and didn't. Popped a bicep tendon, not too bad, I hope. Your videos are an inspiration to older people like me. I am 77 and sure don't come close to look it.
  • I have finally grown a real pair of arms in six months using Jeff's techniques and I will be 70 next year! Thanks Jeff!
  • @LockieNZ
    Jesse's transformation is a perfectly realistic expectation for 5 years of training without enhancements. Great work dude. You put in the effort and it shows
  • @ddragosd
    Jeff, I've been following your programs for over the past 3 years. I enjoy the exercises. It's really hard to follow them, but I welcome the challenge! Thanks for your vulnerability. It's encouraging to hear from you that it's possible to grow muscle naturally. Most of all, as a dad, I appreciate you for not prioritizing your own look over your family. As a father, that's something I respect a lot!
  • @MrJbaker020
    It's about lifestyle in continuous resistance training, cardio & nutrition. I'm 63 and it's all about consistency. Great video. Thx. You guys are definitely Awesome
  • @JV-ks3eb
    I'm 48, and still building muscle. Never juiced. You can do it but you must be committed and train to failure. I'm only in the gym 45mins to an hour. It's all about intensity, I walk out the gym exhausted. Good luck everyone!
  • I have been clean and sober 37 1/2 years and have no intention of using peds. Two weeks into the gym (again-😁) and I am already feeling results, not seeing them yet, but definitely feeling them. I will be 75 in March and at this point in life, I just want to be the best version of me I can be. Other lifters are not my benchmark. Me vs. Me is the story here. Thanks for the video.
  • This is awesome. I love how Jeff always shoots straight and doesn’t give in to the fads or hype. He’s 100% my trainer and the one I trust to learn from. He’s the one who will tell you the hard truth of what you need to hear and be your coach, not your salesman.
  • @1mroliva
    Hi Jeff. I’ve been following you and checking out a lot of your videos and this one was one of my favorites. You keep it real always. I hope those people that feel they have to supplement with drugs got your message but like you say everyone has a different idea about what they want to look like. It’s all about being healthy and you always support that with your focus on nutrition too. I’m a 60 year old in average shape and you inspire even me to be better! Thanks for everything you post!
  • @TeamYouphoric
    As long as you haven't reached your genetic limit you can build muscle at any age. But you're not going to look like the Liver King or the Rock naturally.
  • @runfrankfurt
    Steps to grow muscle when you‘re over 40: - Discipline - Dedication - Determination - Solid training plan (stick to it) - Proper nutrition / plenty of protein - Enough sleep - Patience = Done
  • @herbjergens6350
    The most heart felt, sincere video I have seen on Youtube; hands down. It takes allott to admit you are nervous/scared of something, especially as a guy. You have not only leveled with me but reassured I am not alone. I DO want to have a nice physique for myself and my wife. But to risk the bigger picture in pursuit of it, I am reluctant to too. I would rather have a "Dad bod" vs be a "dead Dad." Thanks Jeff. And Jesse, you are looking great too bro:) Cheers!