H5N1: Gauging the Current Threat

Published 2024-04-29
On 26 April at 12:00 PM ET the Pandemic Center hosted a webinar titled H5N1: Gauging the Current Threat.

On 10 April, the CDC put out a Health Advisory Network message noting a human case in the United States of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1), which had already reached US livestock, infecting cows in 9 different states. While advising that the risk to the public is low, the CDC, FDA, USDA, and state health departments are continually monitoring those exposed to sick animals.

In this webinar, the Pandemic Center convened a group of experts to discuss the potential impact of H5N1 and strategies to prevent and respond to negative outcomes.

All Comments (10)
  • @markwarling6135
  • @marklemont3735
    Thank you very much. Before your next presentation would you work on the audio quality. It is not easy on the ears to hear.
  • @Phoenix-J81
    I knew better than to enter the comment section; did it anyway.
  • @AG-hx6qn
    It's not... it's really not a major threat. Even less than the last problem. The reaction to the problem was way worse. Don't be apart of the problem.
  • @luismatheu4226
    And if cow is positive then,,, would you cull it? Would you treat it with antiviral? What if resistant arrise?
  • @luismatheu4226
    Would or could pausterized milk serves As "vaccine" or induce antibody response in humans against the virus?
  • @luismatheu4226
    How about raw milk, any infecting partículas there? Milk transmitión to calfes? Aha... Raw milk and cats..... Could we induce neutralizing antibodies with "pausterized/from PCR positive milk" to protect cat?
  • these people couldn’t protect themselves. i’m not interested in their brand of “protection”.