So, there's a Wizards Reboot...

Published 2024-01-21

All Comments (21)
  • 11:16 the Wizards creator Todd J Greenwald did make a statement on his Instagram story, the day before David and Selena announced the reboot. It said that he and the other original writers are NOT involved with this. I forgot what else he said, but he didn’t see too happy about this. (I completely get why, Wizards had such a specific humor and vibe that I don’t think the Raven’s Home writers will get right). and ooo a cameo from me🤭
  • @Likeomgitznich
    Idk Justin eventually becoming disenchanted by all the wizard stuff after essentially being thrust into the role of CEO of the Wizarding World at such a young age and isolated from his family seems pretty in character for him.
  • @yoyeojin1747
    i think bridgette mendler coming out of acting hiatus for this would be the bestest thing to happen for this series.
  • @Ty-cx5zj
    I think it’d be cool if this continuation followed up Stevie storyline cause she was 100% right. There no reason only one member of the family should keep their powers.
  • @samlewis6487
    I feel like it's very very funny that literally exactly half of the male cast of this show has adult content online
  • I feel like Justin would quickly lose interest in magic if Alex weren't around him all the time though.
  • @AnxiousAlien91
    I want them to continuously refer to Dan benson’s character as an accountant and it’s played for laughs all of season one and eventually have him show up in season two and the running gag is everyone knows what he does but no one wants to say it in front of the kids but that may be too much for Disney.
  • @e.g.evermore4390
    You know It sucks that we probably will only have Alex for one episode But, I understand. Selena is very busy right now with her music, TV shows, makeup brand and a lot of things, so having her back even of it's just one episode is almost a miracle
  • @Koopkiris
    If Disney keeps failing at original content, a Mighty Med reboot isn't impossible... Given that they forget that Elite Force exists
  • @Anna-B
    My opinion on what we know about the reboot: It’s not what I want it to be… it sounds kinda weird and boring. Like, let’s just remake Wizards but boring and not how the future of these kids would probably happen. My opinion on “adult” revivals: I think more adult storylines can work, but I don’t want it taken too far, for two reasons. Firstly, there are actual children that may want to know what happens next and may search it out. Secondly, I think the vibes would be off.
  • I don't love the new premise as Justin would just be literally following in his father's footsteps ie giving up his powers to be able to be with his partner. But I could forgive that if they actually address how effed up the wizard competition is, the various kinds of racism in the wizarding world, and expand on the magic more in this reboot.
  • @Cjaj2
    listen, I'm hoping selena at least ends up as a recurring guest star, as much as I love Justin if he's the only returning character they might as well just make it a complete reboot with no ties to the original
  • @Aceali2210
    My take from the synopsis was that whatever incident happened at wiztech is what caused Justin to give up his power so that would mean his wife is probably magical too but i don't know maybe thats just how it sounded to me
  • Wizards was a very ambitious sitcom for Disney Channel standards and the synopsis for the sequel pilot sounds like a reshash of the original plot of the series. Justin is in his father’s place and I guess that could make for a good commentary about sons being just like their dads, but there were better alternatives. Like, during one of David Henrie’s interviews, he mentioned a much more interesting idea for a sequel: the family being separated and we witnessing them reuniting after years apart.
  • @JSmith-20
    I have an idea for what the incident would have entailed. Firstly, since it wasn't said in the video, as of 2022, Bridget Mendler is currently doing both a Ph.D. at MIT and also in Harvard Law School so she's definitely really busy. Since it's not going to lean into the adult angle we probably won't properly get this, but the incident would have probably had to left Justin either disgraced or disenchanted with magic, or the wound hurts too much. My idea is (since Juliet won't be coming back) Juliet was returned to normal, but that only lasted for so long. She started showing signs of aging again, maybe this time even deterioration since the magic that restored her had to have been something crazy from that fallen angel and with him gone it got used up. So Justin wanted to help her, and he tried with his new found magical upgrade and it was working well, until it didn't. Until he messed up. He inadvertently killed Juliet and swore off all magic forever, because magic was now tied to loss for him, a loss he created.
  • My Wizards of Waverly Place sequel series idea: Justin starts a class for wizards who lost their Family Wizard Competition to give them a second chance to compete against each other to see who deserves to be a full wizard! The 16 year old protagonist Adin (a male Alex Russo) secretly makes a Wizard Revolution behind Justin’s back, because he does not want to give up his magic again, and wants to ABOLISH the Family Wizard Competition (just like Stevie). I’d want the series to be a story-driven comedy on Disney Plus, rather than a Disney Channel sitcom.
  • @BlakeFiery-
    Keyan, the streets need that 4 hours Suite Life on Deck video
  • @Frostycrypton
    Imagine if Justin appointed Max as the head of WizTech lol.
  • Honestly i feel bad for Max that he barely had a chance at any character development honestly i wouldn’t mine that the wizard reboot follows Max child who goes to wiz tech that Justin having a kid where the cousin have a bromance in the show and that could lead them to be the primary wizards of there family which allows Justin to be the mentor to them in their teenage years