As Sun Is Killing Humans , Plane Must Avoid Daylight By Travelling Around The World

When the sun starts to kill everything in its path, a plane full of passengers must travel at night in an attempt to escape its destructive power and find some place safe.

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コメント (21)
  • "The science in this movie is out of control bullshit." Literally the best quote I've ever heard regarding half of these movies and tv shows lol
  • Imagine how lucky you are to have every possible passenger to help you with all situations bruh
  • @MultiPain101
    I love how everyone on the plane are specialists in their field but only show up during moments where their expertise is specifically needed
  • It's nice to see that during an apocalypse, airport ground staff are still working hard and bringing the stairs to the plane.
  • Wow, it's so convinient to have all the important people like: doctor, engineer, scientist,... on that plane
  • This is such a unique concept for a story, this takes the quote “the sun is a deadly laser” to a literal level.
  • @SeedlingNL
    Svalbard Airport could be a possible location, depending on when in the year it takes place. That airport is in 2 months of nighttime... and even during the day the sun stays low in the sky, which significantly weakens the gamma radiation (not to mention the amount of ozone is also greater, though potentionally not enough to shield to a survivable level). Gamma radiation isn't affected by the magnetic field like charged particle radiation either.
  • Love how calmly he says "The science in this movie is uncontrollable bullshit."
  • This Is a cool concept but the thing that ruins it was “people died on the bunkers or in dark places” that is the most “let’s just make it unfair for the sake of it” unless it’s solar radiation but that doesn’t excuse the bunker part.
  • The saddest part is that terenzio is the one who warned them about the problem, and then they just left him to die😢 that's so selfish.
  • @nodav
    unjustified death at the end tbh. he literally saved everyone's life by holding them at gunpoint... he had to force what he knew on others with a weapon because he knew they wouldn't believe him otherwise. mans didn't deserve that...
  • I love the fact that you have this serious, analytical tone about yourself and then throw in the odd joke or two to throw us off 🤣
  • @Drsmiley603
    When “When Day Breaks” gets nerfed because it hasn’t unlocked the flesh monster DLC.
  • @zonilo1
    Pretty much a similar concept to S. D. Locke's Proposal of SCP 001 "The Day Breaks" which makes me wonder if this is where they got the idea from...
  • I actually kinda feel bad for Torenzio. Like, yeah, he did harm a fellow passenger badly, but at the same time, he was also willing to give his life in the end to save the others. At the same time, if those morons had just taken the other turn, he'd have likely still been alive.
  • Fun fact, but if there is a solar flare from the sun which is overdue, the whole side of the earth that it hits would loose electronic abilities unless said electronics were grounded or under a metal grounded structure. A solar flare shouldn’t hurt any life on earth but without electronics in half of the hemisphere humans would struggle greatly.
  • @Aexsion
    Wouldn’t it have made sense to fly towards one of the poles depending on time of year where the sun doesn’t rise for over a month? Prep a flight near the transition of seasons to head to the other pole during the night and double that time?
  • @RenderingUser
    This is just a less scary version of scp-001 when day breaks