BREAKING: Minnesota Vikings Fire Defensive Coordinator Ed Donatell

Published 2023-01-20

All Comments (21)
  • @rubbersole79
    Saw this headline on other sites, but I prefer to get my Viking news from Andy.
  • @karma9471
    He cost us this season and I hope we get a great replacement
  • @jesset1359
  • @mackii7063
    ED was the fraud! Especially with that comment before the playoff game Telling the fans and media he had some sort of great defensive plan that we had yet to see And then laying an egg to a mediocre at best offense
  • @mrisaiah7693
    I feel bad for him but this is what happens when you lead a terrible defence of play calling.
  • @DracoFire3000
    I'm sure Ed's a great guy and he tried his best, but his best was not enough for this team. I hope he finds success elsewhere with the personnel that fit his defensive mind.
  • @markherr3209
    OOOOOH! Been waiting nervously for this!! Thanks!!
  • @zachjohns6975
    Thank goodness! And yes, I saw the headline at ESPN but went directly here for the story and analysis.
  • @funkster007
    Imagine if we had that 2017 D with our current offense....SIGH. 13-4 is pretty damn impressive considering how lopsided this team was this year. But damn what a waste. I wish Ed well, but I've never been so elated to see a member of a coaching staff sacked.
  • It's a shame the season ended this way, but I look forward to (hopefully) more comfortable games next year.
  • @AlBundy641
    What a giant relief and a weight off. I feel like it's only up from here, if we can stay as strong on offense next year as we did this season, then up is the only direction we can really go because we can't possibly have a defense that's any worse. I can't wait for next year. Forget the superbowl. Is it preseason yet?
  • It’s a very good sign that this happened so quickly. Many changes need to happen for the Vikings defense and to do it right won’t be easy. Getting the right DC in before the draft and significant offseason moves is a must. After the press conference I was worried they would wait a while to fire Ed, but glad they are on the right track!
  • His scheme MIGHT have worked if we still had Carl Lee, Issac Holt and Joey Browner in the defensive backfield with their quick reactions, but that obviously wasn't possible. Need an aggressive DC. Edit: In hindsight, Joey Browner might have difficulty playing in today's NFL as the league has outlawed his signature move... the "horse collar tackle"...of which he excelled. Lol
  • @showdown7512
    When Barr and Kendricks were young and healthy, they were such beasts. Miss that.
  • @jmarie6128
    Looking forward to seeing who the new DC is going to be and next season πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸˆ #SKOL
  • SKOL SKOL SKOL from New Mexico, I am excited to see who will be our next defensive coordinator SKOL SKOL SKOL SKOL
  • Good start. Let's continue with letting some of these oldass players go!!!!!