Could Primitive Tools Have Made Ancient Monuments? | TikTok Reaction

Published 2022-09-23
Dr. M puts old tools to the test in an experiment that shows conclusively that primitive technology was insufficient.

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All Comments (21)
  • @moto-fl3rd
    I toured a prison and prisoners put abrasive comet cleaner on dental floss to cut the bars of their cell. Needless to say they stopped giving prisoners comet for cleaning. It's amazing what people can do with unlimited time and persistence. Bored people can be very creative.
  • @PlatyPlat123
    The diamond tipped blade isn't necessary, it's just much more effective end efficient.
  • @j_f82
    Imagine comparing cutting wood with a saw to cutting granite with another rock.
  • Mason's stroke and lettering stroke. How come no one ever asks how Michaelangelo got the marble and granite sculptures so smooth when there were no power grinders or sandpaper back then?
  • @TheFIoridaMan
    I think we like to make ourselves seem different than people 1,000s of years ago by assuming they were more dumb than today when we are literally all the same people
  • I'm not thrilled that he thinks that people in Peru were just banging rocks together like cavemen... and does he think that humanity went straight from that to diamond sawblades?
  • @2976jackson
    Oh wow this video is why we’re in the state we’re in.
  • @blooeagle5118
    It's amazing what happens when scientists examine something and assume "No one could have done this, how did this happen?" and then some dude in the renaissance makes a marble sculpture look soft and silky.
  • @MrDrew1
    There actually is more to the story. The ancient Peruvians were visited by two Excellent dudes Bill and Ted in a phone booth and they dropped off at diamond blade saw then a DeLorean appeared out of nowhere and a kid named Marty Mcfly dropped off a Flux capacitor to power the saw.
  • @waterbox4202
    peruvian archaeology student here, they used stone wedges, copper chisels and friction to flatten surfaces so they fit perfectly
  • @willatwood
    Thank you! Finally someone calling these morons out on some of the BS they try and push through.
  • @ilirlluka6789
    I honestly get back to this video when I feel down and I just want to laugh my ass off at people's ignorant stubbornness when it comes to pre-conceptions and the fact that people base their reality on their pre-conceived beliefs rather than the opposite and at the same time get my morale high by reminding myself of the fact that people like you exist. You are a gem sir, and jokes apart you are really a better educator than most I know. Been following you since the beginning of your channel.
  • @alchemist0019
    This reminds me of the time that i was breaking up some concrete that was used to keep a sign in place. I needed 5 hits to even start chipping it cause i wasn't accurate enough to create the right force, my step dad with his experience was able to hit it 3 times and take off a handful at a time, his stepdad who had even more experience hit it 3 times and took off 1/4 of the concrete. After that i started thinking about what really smart people would be able to do if they did almost nothing else but focus on mastering the tools that they had.
  • I’m going to save this video so I can use it as a meme for false equivalence
  • I want to see this guys source. I have never seen any archaeologists claiming saw cuts are made by hitting bigger rocks with smaller rocks. I would also love to love to see the tools he thinks where used.
  • NPC: “Let’s mock the guy with an actual thought so that no one else starts to think”
  • The rock guy reminds me of one of those clumsy people in black and white in infomercials that can't figure out how to do simple tasks
  • @DJohnson899
    We’re not smarter we’re just specialized in a different area.
  • They could use sand and gut. Gut is used for guitar string and violin bow and is extremely strong. Sand can be embedded into gut string. You could make a bow or a system of pulleys and a long gut string embedded with sand. Common sand contains silicon carbide which is more than hard enough to cut stone. I'm just an old stoner and this is easy stuff. I think most people take the intelligence of ancient people for granted. Highly intelligent people have always existed.
  • @dougjones3305
    I love this man so much. He needs to appear on Joe Rogan podcast so bad.