4 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back!

Published 2022-11-27
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In this video, I share 4 signs your ex will come back. These signs can be confusing, so it is important to understand your ex's state of mind. Maybe they're staying in touch a lot or trying to push you away. But even if they're not saying it out loud, there's a good chance your ex wants you back. So watch this video and learn how to recognize the signs. It's important that you recognize but not LOOK for these signs. Also, learn the number ONE reason that you and your ex will get back together towards the end of this video.

00:00 Welcome
01:24 Your changes confuse your ex
02:31 Your ex is angry because you've changed
04:16 Your ex communicates they want to be friends
06:07 Your ex still looks at your social media
09:31 The most important question to ask yourself
11:19 The number one reason people don't get back together

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ā­ ABOUT LOVE ADVICE TV: Our mission is to help people find happiness in love, and to provide individuals and couples with the communication tools and relevant techniques to be together in healthy sustainable relationships. Over the years, we have helped people in all types of breakups, separation, and divorce successfully get back together. I highly encourage you to look into how weā€™ve been so successful.

#getyourexback #loveadvice #breakupadvice

All Comments (21)
  • I realize I lost a good man and I thought I was trying but it wasnā€™t enough. But I still have hope that we could get it together if we both really work on it and communicate effectively. Sometimes when you are fairly new to relationships you donā€™t know how to be in one until you have experiences and you learn from your mistakes and try again! My ex still seems like he wants to get to know me and I donā€™t look at him like my ex but someone that I really adore and admire. ā¤
  • @kakazimedia
    Some pple are natural criers. They cry when excited, they cry in grief, they cry in laughter, they cry in rage, they literally cry at any slight emotional experience or state. This is how their bodies process experiences in real time. And thatā€™s okay.
  • Only if he still wants you, otherwise he ainā€™t coming back ā€œsisā€
  • I as well told her that Iā€™ve have somethingā€™s I need to fix within myself and some growing to do. I told her that Iā€™ve prayed and hope one day she will give me another chance to get it right with our relationship. I miss her. I also told her that I know itā€™s a high possibility I could lose her forever and that I shouldnā€™t have played with her heart like that. I let my emotions best me. Itā€™s been over a week and a half since the break up and last time I heard from her. I messed up , I feel shame. I know I canā€™t beat myself up too much and feel self pity. Iā€™m just doing the little things each day to better myself and grow as a person and yet even a better man. Idk what the future hold, idk if I will ever hear from her again or if I will get another chance. Iā€™ve accepted that she most likely will not give me another chance or even be in a relationship. Either way this is a humbling learning experience that each day passes by. I wish I had worked it out thru a phone call or conversation in person
  • @AwesomeExperiencez
    I don't want my ex back because i realized my worth after he left..but thanks for the info šŸŽ‰
  • @BrokenPhoenix42
    When my husband broke up he said at the same time ā€žbut you are one of the most important people in my life and I want to stay friendsā€œ. Told him that I cannot do it and that I need space to let him go. Now he is giving me space and will probably wait for me to tell him when I am ready for friendshipā€¦. I am not, I love him! šŸ˜¢ But think he will respect my wishes and not reach out. It hurts!
  • @jts841
    This video is absolutely brilliant!
  • I pray that my ex will come back to me once I fix what I lack since we are on an LDR setup.
  • Alex, my wife of 22 years moved from NJ to Florida after our divorce. Weā€™re still in contact and I told her after 2 months of her being down there that I made a huge mistake and I wanted her back. She says she doesnā€™t want to live in Jersey and she knows I would t be happy down there. Iā€™ve ignored her last 2 phone calls because I had to try something different than begging. Now I donā€™t know what to do next. šŸ˜©
  • Hi Alex thanks for your advice I'm seriously very concerned about my relationship at the moment please assist or help in this regard. Thanks Veronica
  • @nickipeace1021
    He has blocked me every where but I still love him so much hope he will return back to me šŸ˜¢
  • @jcn1987
    Hi Alex, so I was recently dating someone that I was deeply connected to. He told me he fell for me but has trust issues due to a really bad past relationship. Everything was going well until he found I had a male best friend. After that he said it was a deal breaker for him. Even though he said it's hard to turn his feeling off for me he has to stand strong on what he believes. I recently saw that he liked (hearted) one of my posts on my FB. He hasn't blocked me or anything like that. He also said he had to think about the decision which was hard for him. Just not sure where to go from here. It wasn't anything I did. But it's confusing.
  • Hey Alex thank you for this video! I would love to possibly get back with my wife or ex someday, not really sure what to call her anymore lol. But we are going through a divorce and have been ever since the new year, while still living together, & we will be living here until the 31st of May. We have a son together who is about to be 18 months old & we have court on July 19th. Idk thereā€™s been a lot of arguments earlier this year and unnecessary drama, and I feel like itā€™s because she hurt me so much & betrayed my trust, but itā€™s still weird how I still feel like I love her and would like to work on us in the future.. I mean we have been communicating better recently for our son of course & I mean maybe she just doesnā€™t want to go to court, because I have a lawyer and she donā€™t.. but it seems like she wants to be friends & is more friendlier to me. What do you think? Iā€™m open to any and all advice thank you and God bless everyone šŸ™šŸ¼