Sequels Era Mod "A New Frontier" on Battlefront 2 2005

Published 2021-11-03
Also could have been titled "Chewbacca's Last Stand." This era mod is the best sequels mod out there, and does more than just re-skin the units. Gameplay is actual very different feeling; with the blaster bolts being a bit slower, units having a much bigger effectiveness gap, and more. Also, perhaps on purpose, the First Order has a significant advantage. It is genuinely difficult to win as the Resistance, which makes playing Galactic Conquest as them especially fun and challenging.

A New Frontier --
BF2 Remaster (Responsible for the beautifully re-textured Endor) --
Shader Patch (Responsible for the lighting & effects upgrade) --

I've recently switched to using Shader Patch instead of GemFX-SweetFX. I miss the lens flare effect and some of the coloring from GemFX, but Shader Patch so far seems to be superior. Shader Patch handles bloom better, creates a clearer picture, reduces graininess, and even appears to give mid-res textures more depth.

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