Tritave Synthwave (microtonal just intonation)

Published 2020-12-14
Microtonal music is, according to one definition on Wikipedia, "any music using intervals not found in the customary Western tuning of twelve equal intervals per octave".

The tuning throughout this song doesn't have notes repeat in octaves (frequency multiples of 2/1) but instead uses tritaves (3/1) like the Bohlen Pierce scale. However, I used my own scale (linked below) that's based on 11 of the notes from a harmonic and subharmonic scale with an added 12th note to make it easier to play on the piano. To make the tritaves sound natural, I used synth sounds with prominent third harmonics and the main 'melody' is just a bunch of notes tritaves apart. The part near the end uses some crazy polyrhythm/meter that was actually improvised on the keyboard, then partially quantized.

You can play along with the scale on your keyboard here:…

The artwork is made from this T-S diagram of steam that I edited in a cyberpunk style. I have no idea why someone would stare at a giant display of the thermodynamic properties of steam, but it fits the aesthetic:

All Comments (13)
  • @JamesMulvale
    I'm playing this on MicroWave tomorrow at 10pm EST CJAI radio I love it
  • @srouawai4424
    Very cool that you provide this link where people can play the scale. I like your scale. It's very interesting to play it and I really enjoyed exploring it with the computer keyboard layout.
  • @G8tr1522
    broooo, this goes so hard. Do you plan on making more???
  • @jurj4108
    That was nice, very interesting composition. Curious to hear more in the future.
  • @thezipcreator
    probably the wackiest synthwave I've ever heard. Tritave-based music is really interesting in general.