How do you talk to yourself when you create or express yourself?

Published 2021-07-06

I always thought I needed to have a “thicker skin”- be tougher braver bolder stronger … that I was too scared, too sensitive, too vulnerable, too human, too flexible, too ANYTHING to survive “out there” in business, relationship, music, art, family life, etc etc etc.

It’s quite the opposite.

Over time I’ve learned again and again that it’s NOT about “toughening up”, it’s about learning the truth about myself. That I am okay. I am non- negotiable okay. Spirit has me and holds me, ThAT I hAVE ME AND HOLD ME and I do not drop myself.
There is a quote in a Course in Miracles that says: “ my salvation comes from me”.

No job, partner, situation, person, place, opportunity, accomplishment will “save “ you.

YOU save you.

By standing with yourself.
Every time you “fail”, “err”, every time you’re frightened, unsure, messy and through all the “successes” and realized dreams and joy.

Through all of it, you become steadfast in your self acceptance and compassion.

EVEN when you “don’t know” what to do, what to say, what you think…( though so often we do and “confusion” is us talking ourselves out of a truth we are abandoning in ourselves”…… even when we are co fused and split In our energy and not sure which way to turn,
We have compassion and love for our own humanity and unwavering belief in our divinity.

You aren’t being evaluated or punished or praised for anything by something external.

YOU are here to be you, by you, for you, from you, through you.

And ThAT benefits everyone, everywhere, because non- violence is born from within, when we stop violating ourselves.

I walkways found it interesting that fashion industry rests heavily on sweatshops- this can only happen when we “sweat-shop” ourselves within and in our education system too.

New paradigms=new forms for a new world and experience in it.

Let’s chew on that for a bit.

DM me for info about the summer #figuredrawing #modeldrawing and #music program or for 1:1 coaching package info. I have a few slots for July- August

All Comments (2)
  • @betocabral-6174
    Inspiring! Thank you! I bumped today on this saying that "nothing happens by chance", and guess what? your video just came along with tons of others on YouTube front page, and it was exactly about something that I needed to hear. You were inspired, and the goose bumps in the end was for me a sign that you were not alone sharing your thoughts, although, knowing you a little bit, I know you're saying all this by experience and from your heart. Thank you for guiding us on this self-knowledge insight.