大律師公會前主席夏博義,首次披露接受國安處警誡會面後離港原因|Paul Harris reveals for the first time the reason for leaving HK.

Published 2024-06-26
【中英文字幕】47人案,法庭正處理各人求情。當日曾代表黃碧雲和林卓廷的大律師公會前主席夏博義 (Paul Harris),兩年半前,接受警方國安處警誡會面後,即晚離港赴英,究竟發生了甚麼事?夏博義在英國倫敦接受《綠豆》訪問。

夏博義曾任大律師公會主席,曾批評《港區國安法》部分條文牴觸《基本法》,被港澳辦、中聯辦點名猛烈抨擊,指他是「反華政客」。這位屬英國自由民主黨的成員,在七月的英國大選,會出選Aldershot 選區,和其他五位候選人爭奪一個國會議員席位。他對香港法治及英國政黨對港政策,又有甚麼看法呢?

The Hong Kong 47 case has proceeded to the mitigation stage. Paul Harris, the former chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, once represented Helena Wong and Lam Cheuk Ting, two of the defendants in the case. He was interviewed under caution by the national security police 2.5 years ago and left Hong Kong abruptly the same night. What happened then? Paul Harris was interviewed by Green Bean Media in London, United Kingdom.

Paul Harris was condemned by the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong as an 'anti-China politician' after he criticised some provisions of Hong Kong's National Security Law as being in breach of the Basic Law. He is a member of the UK Liberal Democrats and is standing against five other candidates in the Aldershot constituency in July's general election. What are his views on the rule of law in Hong Kong and the policies of British political parties towards Hong Kong?

#香港法治 #國安法 #夏博義 #paulharris #反華政客 #英國大選 #綠豆 #greenbeanmedia


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All Comments (21)
  • 難能可貴嘅訪問,多謝Steve Vines,多謝綠豆。 關於海外非常任法官留任一事,多謝夏博義先生講解其中意義。 多謝閣下多年出力捍衛香港人權。
  • Barristers Harris 才是真香港人❤ 多謝您咁多年的付出,㊗️您今屆當選
  • @yukb9953
  • @herbiel8655
    感謝Green Bean訪問大律師公會前主席Paul Harris! 一位真正愛港嘅大律師。👍👍👍
  • @pickyme8611
    thank you green bean, thank you Mr. Harris. May god bless Hong Kong and Kongkongers.
  • @MC-kz6zr
    感謝事實陳述, 綠豆加油!
  • 非常感謝綠豆團隊一直堅持報道,製作咁高質素嘅節目🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💛🍎
  • @hkg19b
    感謝綠豆,感謝夏博義。I'm grateful for this interview! Certain truths are difficult to accept, but they reflect reality.
  • @BillBill1997
  • @waifat
  • @sammkwan209
    🙏🙏🙏Thank you Mr Harris!💛💛💛
  • @tonyma6907
  • Inpressive interview but sad. Thank you all of you for the effort
  • @keithwch