Antenna Was To High To Pick Up TV Signal.

There seems to be a myth that putting a TV antenna up high is the best way to get a strong signal. That's often the case, but sometimes lowering the TV antenna can improve your reception.

On this job the woman called to complain she was missing channel 12 VHF, and after many attempts to get her antenna pointed in the right direction, I lowered the antenna, and suddenly the signal came fairly strong.

コメント (15)
  • Knowing a little about antenna theory, I suspect something is going on with the metal fence below it acting as a ground plane. Perhaps a recent change occurred to the fence, it was grounded or ungrounded. There is also a dramatic decrease of the earths magnetic field combined with increased solar forcing, that could affect such things. Though debunking my own theory is the story a friend told me of trying to adjust his TV antenna two stories up (two decades ago) getting frustrated and trowing it to the ground, it stuck into the ground and all the channels came in great. He left it that way for years until the antenna corroded.
  • Back in analog years i remember in my childhood home we had rabbit ears antenna that we had to lay down on the floor as a "V" to get proper VHF tv signal with just minor ghostly picture. If we sat it on the top of the television set the picture would just go ghostly. In the later years we got a outdoor antennas for VHF/UHF as more channels got on the air. Great video 😊👍
  • Lovely country...hope your doing well, my friend...crazy times we're in. If l had an RV I'd come and visit with you. I'm still looking for a smaller one but, finding it almost impossible, to locate a chevy truck style RV... GOD Bless...take care..D
  • @mwngw
    Intriguing solution. Now we have to find a solution to local crime.
  • Glad you're alive and well Dave. Interesting solution.
  • i was a part of the myth about height. i seriously thought that the higher the better, so i learned something today, but my main reason for thinking this is because the signals dont follow the curvature of the earth but rather go straight and eventually end up in space, thereby aliens are probly viewing charlie chaplain movies by now and thinking that thats how life on earth are at this very moment, or they are viewing 3 stooges and thinking thats how we are, which is more accurate nowadays i think. Keep up the good work and keep posting!!!!!
  • @cttv90108
    I live on the back side of a hilll from the tv stations. The haystacks look terrible on a spectrum analyzer. I found a small movement of a few inches of the antenna make a big difference in the signal quality and power
  • yep, i seen that b4.... cause was tree canopy got more "bushier" so lower the antenna to go under the canopy.
  • @BoB4jjjjs
    Getting through the trunks of the trees.
  • You most likely hit a sweet spot for channel 12 (RF #?). Common phenomena when dealings with difracted signals. If you share the RabbitEars report for the location, I may better understand what is going on with signals. Cheers!!
  • I've seemingly seen this happen with my own setup.
  • @slow3007
    hi ! this has nothing to do with this video. i watched your newman motor design and i have advance ways of improvement..a small motor with one do-nut magnet and 140 lbs of copper wire should capture all the magnet field to one foot from the outside the coil. You have the coil out of arrangement . and too powerful magnets that dont over capture all the magnet field and drains the power . . . i have plenty of copper wire and i have thousands of feet of wire . i also have a simpler voltage supply that supplies thousands of volts from a 9 volt battery that can easily be recharged by the motor . i want to build my version as above and can help you to if you keep it off of uuttuubbe. can you send me the best parts of newmans motor from his book and his diagram of his motor so i can find his hidden secret.. i will pay you for this .im just like you, im 65 yrs old and my brain goes to fast for my head.i understand your videos,and im just like you.the only difference i was in college for nucky chemistry paid for by general electric . joseph.