Missing 411, The Sierra Camp Tapes, and Bigfoot | American Folklore

Published 2023-01-22
According to David Paulides and the Missing 411: The Hunted documentary, evidence for Bigfoot exists. They don't openly say it, but one can read between the lines of Ron Morehead's comments at the Sierra Camp. In 1972, he and Al Berry recorded what has become known as "the Sierra Camp Tapes", a series of recordings of odd, near human vocalizations high in the mountains. However, unlike most sasquatch "evidence", theirs has passed scientific muster, at least accordin to Dr. R. Lynn Kirlin, formerly of the University of Wyoming.

To be clear, Paulides has never claimed Bigfoot is responsible for those who go missing...but he doesn't seem to have ruled it out either. Perhaps bigfoot actually is the "411" that's missing (411 is another term for information). Welcome back to The Lore Lodge...

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0:00 - Intro
1:18 - Morgan & Morgan Ad
2:00 - The Sierra Camp Tapes
7:50 - Scientific Analysis of the Tapes
16:30 - Origins of the Bigfoot Legend
18:20 - Teddy Roosevelt's Bigfoot Story
27:07 - Native American Legends
31:31 - The Origins of Sasquatch
43:22 - Outro and Sponsors

All Comments (21)
  • The idea of a grizzly bear walking around your camp bipedal the entire time would be more terrifying than any Bigfoot encounter
  • My favorite “Bigfoot” sighting report was on Cape Cod, in the 90s as I recall. A woman called the police claiming a Bigfoot was climbing into a window of a vacant home in her neighborhood. When police arrived they found a shirtless, hairy Portuguese guy inside who said he was house hunting and checking the place out.
  • @kayleehog
    I appreciate that things like "I don't know" and "that's not my area of expertise" are common and valid phrases in your explanations at the Lore Lodge. Too often people just say their best guess with confidence and end up spreading misinformation. It also makes you more credible when you do speak with confidence because I know that if your didn't know something for sure you would tell us that.
  • you’re never alone no matter how remote you are in the wilderness. If you have lots of experience in the wilderness, you absolutely know the difference between the noises that different creatures make. You’re also acutely aware, if something is addressing its noise towards you. There is no mistaking it.
  • @mattrogersftw
    The Bauwman story is one of the best bigfoot stories of all time. The line "Bauman, that bear is walking on two legs" is infamous.
  • @ShekinahGwaii
    My dad and his buddy had nearly the same experience in the Sierras in the 70 s while gold mining, but they both walked out! right down to the bear suspicion, but not quite bear behavior, then noticing the snow tracks were super deep and two legged while their 200 lb selves didn't sink too far. Dad followed the tracks for a while, then realized when the air was quiet, and his neck hair stood up, he got the heck out.
  • I'm from Louisiana and both myself and nephew have heard knocking in the woods that was very "human sounding" in cadence and manner. I grew up hunting and fishing for years in those woods. I've never seen a track or physically seen anything, but I truly have no good explanation for what I have to tell. Bear in mind that I know all of the natural woodland sounds and can identify several species of woodpecker just by hearing them - so I'm not easily spooked or over imaginative. I work construction on contract jobs and travel. Returning home from a long gig I gathered all of my camping gear quickly and set off walking up into the hills because I was dying for a break and just to do some hunting the next day. I was not very well prepared and it was probably irrational but would not be talked out of going. I set up a quick camp next to a large pond, super foggy that night with heavy dew, and I had a hard time getting a fire going. I almost immediately climbed until my bag and the fire began to die down to coals. Maybe 20 minutes later as I was dozing into sleep I heard a sharp rap,rap,rap, rap. I'm fully awake and listening now. Rap. Pause. Rap, rap, rap, rap. It sounded just like the cadence of someone hammering a nail. Then there was a very large crash of something falling through limbs and brush or similar. Silence for a minute while my heart is beating despite being a 6'4" construction worker and woodsman in his prime 😂. Rap, rap, rap.... rap, rap, rap. Crash of brush again. By now I'm building my fire back up frantically and have my rifle out and side arm. It's so foggy that my flashlight won't go very far and I could almost see better with the dimmer light of the fire. "This is my dad pulling a fast one on me" I was thinking. I called out twice but no answer. I rapped on my gun butt 3 times and it was immediately echoed. Pulled out my cell phone and called mom and dad and mom answered. "Is dad up here screwing with me?" Her: "No son we've been in bed asleep." I didn't believe her. Then I heard dad on the background and my bowels turned liquacious.. I decided that if there were a person out here, 1 in the morning, no light, in a very remote area, knocking on a tree to mess with a dude who had a rifle - they had to be off in the head. That was uncomfortable considering that meth is a thing. The only other option is that it was something inhuman that was out there, yet intelligent enough to copy my pattern of knocking. From the volume of the knocking it was something very large. "Tell dad to get the four wheeler and come get me, I'm on the southeast side of the old gravel wash pond". I stayed and waited on my old man to get there while "it" continued to knock and throw things. Dad finally made it and after the noise of the four-wheeler there was no more knocking. I did record it on my cell phone though and still have it. Nothing special, just knocking. We looked the next day for trees damaged, tracks, or anything. Nothing. Not a sign. The next year within 2 miles of this event, my nephew had a similar experience in the daytime. It followed him knocking so he hid behind a tree but it would not come closer. When he continued on it continued to follow him until he crossed a creek which it appeared to stop at. He was not aware of my experience and I only related it to him after he told me his reason for not hunting alone on that section of creek. Anyway- that's about it. Proves nothing except that something large knocked threateningly at me in the woods on a dark, foggy night in November deep in the woods of Central Louisiana. Any ideas?
  • @ac1dbaths1ut
    especially when he was talking about the height, humans 7ft+ can often struggle with problems, complications or even disabilities because of their height (think joint pain, very high metabolism etc.). finding someone that tall who is human 8,500ft in the mountains because of this is also incredibly unlikely if we consider how they got there and how they’d survive
  • Aiden sweetie... lmao "he was found dead and half eaten by a group of prospectors" made me actually stop for a sec... and then I was like OH the prospectors FOUND him half eaten omg.. lmfao 💀
  • @Tony-rc9jb
    When my mom was a kid, she, her dad, and her brothers used to go on backpacking trips into the rockies. We're talking like, 16 miles out into the wilderness, no trail, no cars, no nothing. And she used to tell me this story about coming across a clearing in a pretty dense aspen grove. She swears up and down the wall that she and her family all instinctively knew not to step into the clearing because "something about it made my skin crawl". So they went around it and camped about half a mile away in a holloway of sorts. The next morning, they found tracks and their camp was pretty trashed, and my mom remembers seeing a footprint of what looked like a bare foot that was around 12-13 inches long. My grandpa was a bastard but the second he saw that, they all got the hell out of there and never went back. I've always wanted to hike back out there, but I'm disabled and in a wheelchair. Maybe one day I'll get my mom to draw a map or something and someone can get out there.
  • @Kel_Larua
    My Bloodhound that was dead asleep in the next room just came out in full alert hunt mode with her big droopy ears even lifted when she heard that recording. I only see her do something remotely like that when a predator or coyote pack is around and it is time to work. Interesting
  • Scott Nelson, a retired U.S. Navy linguist has studied the Sierra sounds and identified them as a type of language. He has at least one video on YouTube, it's very interesting.
  • @Carandini
    Theodore Roosevelt has one other 'weird' experience that is possibly Bigfoot related. He was on an expedition to Washington and both he and his guide heard sounds, vocalizations or screams, ringing out from deeper in the forest that neither of them could identify. Make of that what you will, but I think a man like Roosevelt might not be familiar with ALL the animals in a place new to him like Washington State at that time, but he was experienced enough that he'd be picking a guide who damn sure knew up from down.
  • @panchora99
    19:28 the way this sentance is structured makes it sound that the hunter was attacked and eaten by the group of local prospectors.
  • @totesmcclutch6953
    There’s a story I heard as to why they were called “stone giants.” It was said they would cover themselves in tree sap or some other natural adhesive compound and would roll around rock creek beds of river banks so the stones stuck to their hair and basically created like a natural armor to stop arrows or provide better protection against spears. All of which were made of stones. The story goes they adopted this strategy after multiple run ins with natives and some of them were mortally wounded or killed, so they figured out a way to shield themselves from their weapons. Just wanted to share!
  • @jakek09
    Its crazy to think youve only been doing this for 2 years. Your format is so good it seems like youve been doing this a lot longer.
  • @KD0utdoors
    Just got an ad for Dr.Squatch soap in the middle of the vid 10/10 marketing
  • @misterhat6395
    I saw a guy who was easily 7’6 in Idaho. It was indeed improbable. It was in a restaurant, poor guy looked like Gandalf inside Bilbo Baggins house.
  • "I'm about to say some things that I don't know what they mean" 😂😂😂 that kind of dialogue is part of what I love about these videos. Makes it feel like I'm listening to a friend tell me about their research 10/10