The Style Mistake You CAN'T Avoid | Men's Fashion Faux Pas

Published 2019-09-11
Learning the ropes of men's style and cultivating and developing your own personal style is a journey. And we're all on that journey. Some are just beginning (welcome!), some have mastered the basics, and some have graduated to PhD-level sartorialism. The thing is, along that journey, you're going to make some mistakes. No two ways around it. It's going to happen.

There is one mistake, however, that I rarely (if ever) hear people talk about. While articles and videos love listing things off with more or less easy remedies, the style mistake I'm talking about never really comes up. Why? Well, first of all, it's kind of hard to but into a neat box. And second of all, it's not so easily remedied. The thing I can most definitely guarantee though is that you cannot avoid this mistake during your style journey.

I can hear you now: "WHAT IS IT?!" Well, that's what I'm talking about in this video. AND I'm giving you some effective ways to deal with the root causes. Enjoy!

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For business inquiries and to work with Brian Sacawa or He Spoke Style, please email Ms. Stephanie Barron at [email protected].

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#mens #style #mistakes

All Comments (21)
  • I think the proper approach to good style is not to try and stand out by exaggeration, but by good fit, interesting texture combinations and color choices.
  • @KenShelton
    Simple and critical advice. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Nice work on this video!!
  • @CooLT0531
    In my opinion this phenomenon occurs to most men, if not all men who recently began their journey in style, is because it's tightly connected to men's behaviour and general way of thinking. We are problem solvers and very driven in this aspect, and we like seeing results relatively quickly. Trying too hard is the result of us trying to jump from our former selves, the dude with lesser style to the man with wow-inducing style in a short period of time. Yet it's not so simple, and trial and error will accompany us on our way, but that's not a bad thing: it shows we're stepping out of our former comfort zone and are willing to experiment. I too was guilty of this and was caught way over-dressed in a few situations, the kind where my friends poked fun at me saying "Are you going to a wedding after this or you're coming from one?". Still, going over-dressed is way better than going under-dressed ;)
  • @supersonique001
    Could not agree more! “All it takes are a few simple outfits. And there's one secret – The Simpler, The Better” – Cary Grant said.
  • @andreabro654
    "Less is More." I totally agree with that. This is a great video. I appreciate your balanced opinions and suggestions. I look forward to your next video.
  • @GingaOnFire
    I used to make this exact mistake, trying way too hard and going too far. But now I have learned less is more and abide by this. I did use to approach my wardrobe by wanting to add colour as you mentioned. I also made the mistake of wanting people to know and wanting to show people that I was into style. I have now rectified this all thanks to your inspiration.
  • @philiptoups5501
    Thank you! Points well taken. You can never fail with a classic look. As an interior decorator, I totally agree with your fashion advice. A classic home never goes out of style. Same with menswear. Your videos are great. Keep up the good work!
  • @tjs5770
    100%. I so did this near the end of college, dressing up way too much for a college student.
  • One of the most practical style videos on your channel and on youtube. Thanks!
  • @joseph_alonzo
    I wouldn’t even call this a mistake, but rather a crucial stepping stone in the process of discovering your preferences. You don’t know if you like something until you try it, and the easiest way to overcome that fear is believing you’re well within your comfort. Then you take a step back later and realize that it either was or was not something you like to do.
  • @ryanopfer9367
    This hit home. Thank you before I spent too much on stuff I don’t need or end up never putting on!
  • We are all at one point or another guilty of this. Always best to recognize it, learn from it, and improve from it! Great content as always!
  • @qarhsi
    Brian, great video. Once again, proof that your content is of good quality and sets your channel apart from the sea of youtube style channels. I really like the glasses and shirt you have on! Cheers!
  • @williamkazak469
    Interesting how I eventually grew into my style by experimenting and learning more through sartorial discussions. Realizing where you live and the weather and where you go and what you currently need is interesting when adapting a style that works. I have picked up a few things while thrifting. It can be a good way to try different shirt and sweater colors and styles. Thank you for the video.
  • @DebmalyaSinha
    What a wonderful video. It is like playing wonderwall in guitar for the beginners or taking macro photographs of flowers after buying a DSLRs!
  • @jeffagosi5646
    Im glad and found this channel of tours regarding men’s fashion, just like you i am in the forties 😉 (proud of it). Keep it up and make more videos. Another fulfilled subscriber here.
  • I made the exact same mistake you mentioned in your video: wore a three-piece suit to meet my the mall. He was wearing a tee and sweats and judged the heck out of me hahaha. Still have much to learn but thankfully you're here to teach me. I think I'm getting the hang of this 'less is more' stuff...
  • @ogeekrural4872
    Great Great video! Thanks a lot! I'm starting know and I can see me in lot of you saying thanks and it's a great learning lesson, keep it classic and simple 👏💪