Psychedelics: Chemicals, Consciousness, and Creativity

Published 2022-09-08
#BrianGreene #ReggieWatts #RickDoblin #GulDolen #MAPS

Could psychedelics make you more creative? Shift your mind, connect you to others, and help you access a younger, more malleable version of yourself? Activist Rick Doblin, neuroscientist Gül Dölen, and musician Reggie Watts join Brian Greene for a mind-bending and multidisciplinary conversation about the promises and pitfalls of these "magic" molecules and their impact on creativity, connection, and consciousness.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Rick Doblin
Gül Dölen
Reggie Watts

Brian Greene

Thumbnail image courtesy of: William Horton Photography

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All Comments (21)
  • I had a psychedelic experience once that sent me to eternity and meeting the creator. My ego dissolved yet I was physically terrified. It was so magical and so full of love, changed my life for good. In the most positive way possible.
  • @declanh5434
    Psychedelics have the potential to make a significant impact on mental health issues like anxiety and depression. They've been incredibly helpful for me personally.
  • @set-tes4316
    I tried some psilocybe cubensis and the experience I had was life altering, life saving trully. I am a 25 yo man who suffered from severe depression and PTSD for 6 years. I felt trapped in a never ending nightmare that was consuming me slowly but surely without any way out. I was on 3rd line of treatment, tried to take my own life twice, couldn't go long without sharp chestpain, backpain, migraines. An invisible burden that would soften sometimes just to come back even stronger and strip me of all hopes. I don't want to paint psychedelics as a panacea but in my case, where I felt like common western medecine had failed me, it trully was a miracle. I had lost my faith in a god but the mystical journey felt like a revelation, a contact with a higher entity. My darkest thoughts, the things who traumatized me and the dread of existence were filling my head but without any anxiety or fear. There was a sense of purpose and unity within the world, our beautiful nature and the cosmos it was trully magnificient. It was something words can't do justice, I felt like weeks had passed during the 6 hours it lasted. After I came back to a normal state of conciousness I felt no pain, no sorrow, no emptyness. I was a person again and not just a shell emptied by years of suffering. It was a real reset in my brain, I had forgotten what it felt to feel something other than pain or dread. What it feels to look forward to something that is not the release of death. I am so happy. It's been 5 months and I trully feel like I am healed.
  • @ThorPalsson
    Psilocybin saved my life from 16 years of uncontrollable suicidal thoughts. After just a few experiences I realized my depression and ptsd were completely gone. Imagine carrying heavy chains from the age of 11 for almost two decades and then all of a sudden that burden is gone.
  • @smeer001
    I did psychedelics many times in my 20's. Almost every trip was amazing and incredibly enjoyable. No it didn't make me insane, but gave my life a renound sense of child-like wonder that has stayed with me 40 years on. Yes there were a few times tripping when I had moments of real terror, but it was always quickly followed by laughter over it. I have no regrets over taking it.
  • @Andywayne-ty4ok
    Psychedelics have the ability to induce profound altered states of consciousness.
  • @denizkok6711
    Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once . Breathe . You're strong . You got this . Take it day by day .
  • @Jack-dd7gr
    I am writing about this for my english exam next year, its disgusting the amount of backlash I have got from the teachers and the school so far, I love seeing this subject evolve and replace the stereotypic and misinformative information that we are taught at school.
  • Psychedelic really healed me years back. These are great healing compounds! When used in proper context.
  • I was being treated for Bipolar disorder, I was on an antipsychotic, mood stabilizer, anti depressant and anti anxiety medication. I've been off my meds for a little over two years now and actually feel JOY! I give the credit to changing my environment and Psilocybin. Psilocybin can rejuvenate neurons that have become dormant from depression and actually grows and thickens dendrites! This is how we can help encourage neuroplasticity.
  • I graduated high school in Billings MT in 1972. I’m grateful there were psychedelics, especially psilocybin and peyote, readily available. Many lovely times in the mountains. I’m old now and it’s been decades, but I treasure the experiences and the memories.
  • @echonomix_
    Psychedelics can have profound effects. My experiences literally made me into the man I am today - but their glorification is a grossly dangerous thing. They may have been used throughout the history of mankind, but usually in controlled and quasi-religious settings. A psychedelic trip in the wrong set or setting will shred your mind in ways that are simply not able to be described in language.
  • @allybee342
    Psychedelic's definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it's just so hard to source here.
  • @lorisnyder2340
    I am currently enrolled in a study at Johns Hopkins for psilocybin and with my first dose — I have seen so many positive changes and will have second dose next week!! It has given me a new positive outlook on me and life.
  • @Kenneth57358
    The psychedelic experience is temporary but many people have permanent results
  • @2CSST2
    Wow, didn't expect such an interesting and entertaining talk to pop out on my youtube page today, but I'm sure glad it did. Insights about psychedelics and the mind are getting so much clearer by the year lately, this is the power of research.
  • I know of a woman who had a brain tumor size of golf ball in left Temporal removed, the aftermath left her with tunnel vision, anxiety, vertigo, and few other issues, long story short, the doctors told her nothing could do for her. After time her husband did so much research and come upon micro dosing pylocibin, so she tried it and from first dose and after, it helped her with anxiety, memory, vertigo, and made her feel normal again, it didnt help with vision but it did help her to point she was able to go back to work, and regain her life. Her husband had found studies showing that pylocibin helps the brain neuroplasticity, and the doctors said in her case make the brain light up twice as much, showing that it was helping the brain waves, the synapses, and help bridge the brain connections around the area where they removed the tumor, and had said it was helping the brain send signals better.
  • @garyssimo
    Reggie explained how us improv musicians can sense what's coming in the next millisecond is spot on and the best explanation of our abilities I ever heard! he's bright and talented as he'll and I always loved him on James late show.This is being told by a 55 year improving guitarist. I gave up reading music 25 years ago and so glad I did.