Scientists Proved The Universe Is Not Real - And Nothing Actually Exists

Published 2023-12-07
As we continue to push the boundaries of technology and explore the frontiers of science, we may one day be able to answer the question definitively. But until then, we must remain open to the possibilities of the unknown, and continue to seek new insights and perspectives on the world around us.

In the meantime, we should focus on embracing the reality that we can measure and observe, and resist the temptation to impose our own biases and preconceptions onto the world. Only by doing so can we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it. So, let us keep asking questions, keep exploring the mysteries of the world, and keep striving to uncover the truth, no matter where it may lead us.

All Comments (21)
  • @emmvee215
    After I put my finger above a burning candle, I began to think that our reality is real.
  • @tinman1955
    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." -Philip K. Dick
  • @kenn743
    ā€œLet me tell you why youā€™re here. You know something. What you know, you canā€™t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life. Thereā€™s somethingā€™s wrong with the world. You donā€™t know what, but itā€™s there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what Iā€™m talking about ? ā€
  • @coreywright6192
    I keep asking myself, " why is it that everyone, even famous scientists keep saying that "reality is not real and does not exist?" To me it's so obvious... we should be stating that what we thought the reality is, is indeed not real but that doesn't mean reality isn't real... it means we again, we're wrong and reality is completely different than what we thought it is...
    That`s great news if reality doesn`t exist it means that my bills do not exist too so I don`t need to get stressed about them. Great video I am going to sleep much better tonight !
  • @stzw613
    I now understand better why humanity has gone crazy.
  • @Zulu369
    The only issue with this statement is that Reality had not been defined and explained before actually demonstrating that we are living in a universe that is not real.
  • @billiebone7513
    I always thought I was real. Sometimes I think that we are sitting in a chair someplace and experiencing a virtual reality. Learning tons of stuff, like what it is like to be mortal.
  • @mrwalker293
    I tried my best to make it through the whole video without skipping but i couldn't resist it. The bottom line is that i truly do believe that all of us the animals in all nature with in and out of this world including the universe in everything else that is out there was created by a higher power that we just can't understand. Our brains are limited to what we can comprehend regardless of how intelligent people may think they are we are design to only understand certain things not all.
  • @gobofraggel7383
    I am 56 years old. Don't drink or use drugs. One morning when I was 25 I had a strange feeling of slight tiredness and sat down on my sofa. Suddenly on my living room wall I saw a circle bulging out of the wall, inside was a symbol which looked alien to me, no language I have ever seen. The symbol changed and made a loud deep thumping sound that I could feel on my chest. It changed again to a different symbol and made the same sound. Soon I was seeing thousands of symbols and the speed of the thumps increased too. I got scared and tried to stand but I could not move. Suddenly it stopped. This would not be the last of the strange experiences. I walked into the kitchen, now living in a different home, now 27 years old. There was a deck of cards and I randomly decided to sit there and stare at it with no particular intention. After a few minutes the top card slid off and fell to the table, followed by the next card, and the next and I quickly put my hand over it to stop it out of fear/shock. No windows open, no fans, no crooked table, I was not blowing on it, etc. I sat there for over an hour trying to repeat it but could not. There are many more strange things like having instant and expert skill at something others took years to master. My pupils were huge pools and my ears red. Or seeing my friend doing something 400 miles away and texting her what I see and having her text me back exactly what I saw. I don't understand why these things happen to me except to make me very curious about reality and what it is. It has left me with the feeling that nothing is truly real if reality can bend the way it has for me. This has given me a certain faith that I can achieve anything because reality is not a solid rock but a ball of clay I can mold if I want to.
  • The ultimate reality of it is that we all still have to go to work tomorrow . Please notify me when this realization is not a requirement any longer.
  • About 30 years ago, I had a near-death experience during surgery under general anesthesia and experienced the true world. "The world is an infinite number of overlapping layers of mass." I understood it through images, so it's difficult to put into words. In dreams, I see and experience different dimensions of myself with a multi-dimensional structure. The future changes every time, and the past is the same. The place I am in now is also constantly changing. My body is just like a battery for my body. When I die, I return to normal. Me = you = the world The world is constantly contracting and expanding. Everything is established by a calculated law, and life is just one piece of information within that law. So there is no difference between life and death. Everything is just a conversion of energy.
  • @DanielEngsvang
    Whatever you do DON'T get scared by the "Nature of Reality" because YOU are also a part of the Creator of this Universe as such, so you are exactly where you were meant to be experiencing this Subjective 3:D stuff for yourself along with all the others that are just as much a part of you as you are of them. We are but ONE in a way at source but for some reason beyond my imagination and logic we got separate strands of this consciousness instead of being merged as one. Cheers šŸ™‚šŸ˜—šŸ¤«
  • @kingrobert1st
    Fascinating stuff! The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra goes into this quite deeply.
  • @DeeeBoyy
    Reality is exactly whatever you honestly think it is, and when you change your mind, reality will then be exactly whatever you honestly think it is.
  • @tomsilver8241
    I suspect the "laws" of physics as we have been told they are are probably not absolute but actually "adjustable" by cause and effect. But of course who really knows.