The Secret History of MK Ultra w/Tom O'Neill | Joe Rogan

Published 2020-04-16

All Comments (21)
  • Funny how we know the CIA did insane shit back in the day, but when we mention something happening nowadays, we are labeled a "conspiracy theorist" 🤣🤦‍♂️
  • @jcglez9491
    A lot of people need to understand that MKUltra is still occurring today, they’re just much more advanced and a lot better at hiding it
  • @hobeone1192
    MK Ultra is still alive with social media.
  • @janicelee9999
    I was born in 1960 and I'm totally engrossed in this book. Stories I've heard from this era that have been shot down as conspiratorial are now being vindicated. Feels good to know I'm not a total whack job for actually believing they may be true.. Thank you Tom O'Neill for your persistence, attention to detail, and like your publisher said, "finding the angle to get as close to the truth as one possibly can get. It's incredibly mind-bending to read about the vile things individuals are capable of when given too much power. Last, but not least, thank you Joe Rogan for the excellent job you do with your show - you're definitely one of my favorites!
  • @denniskohnow842
    This is crazy. All the years of Manson saying " the CIA fried my brain!" Apparently he wasn't lying. Smh
  • @McNastyxx95
    A family member of mine was a pretty high ranking member in the military.
    And as we know we’ll the family.
    One day we get a call he’s in a Turkish prison and on trial for murder and when we talked to him he said he had no memory of anything and didn’t know how he even got into turkey.
    Crazy shit true story.
  • @noconsentgiven
    Its called social media now😮. You can see the mental transformation of society in real time.
  • This is like real life Westworld.

    "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." -Mark Twain
  • Honestly, I don't think MK Ultra stopped. I think it evolved.
    I think with the advent of social media, they started using that to radicalize people. Take the past few mass shooters we've had. Young men, mentally ill, all of them had weapons they typically couldn't afford, all of them known by government agencies yet nothing was done for 3 out of 4.
    What's interesting is I know specifically the shopping center shooter was in a private discord, where it came out he was around a bunch of people talking him up to doing what he did.
    It's actually simple.
    Take a troubled person, surround them with "friends" and likeminded people, create an echo chamber where they boost the persons ego, start ramping things up slowly with extremist acts to where herd mentality kicks in, and eventually you have yourself a person willing to go commit unspeakable acts.
    The government didn't get rid of MK Ultra because it was "immoral", they got rid of it because it had a detrimental flaw. Uncontrollability.
    As this stated, you run a risk of a person snapping at the wrong time and killing an innocent bystander which wouldn't further anything you're trying to get done. But, radicalize and guide someone into a thought process, there's no longer that issue. They don't kill because they're forced to, they do it because they want to.
    It's terrifying to me that people blindly believe the government when they've been known to do horrible things like this. There's even been admissions of them trying to radicalize people like I described.
    Things are fucked man.
  • @shuroom57
    CIA? Doing clandestine, despicable things? To innocent people?
  • @krazo4Christ
    MKUltra isn't your typical psyop or entrapment scheme, as I see many people referencing in the comments. The goal was targeted assassinations carried out by programmed assassins who would then conveniently develop amnesia, blacking out the programming and assassination. Methods for doing this involved psychoactives and psychedelics, and also hypnotism. Operation Monarch was/is a similar program.

    The hypnotist Derren Brown demonstrated how it was possible to hypnotize someone into becoming an assassin in one of his episodes titled 'The Assassin'.

    Additionally, records from these secret programs that recorded the most extreme mind control techniques were the first to be destroyed. Consider Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. By subjecting a person, especially at a young age, to extreme mental and physical abuse, you could shatter a person's mind into several alternate personalities. Typically, one of these personalities will be cooperative with the abuser, and as such is extremely susceptible to being programmed by the abuser. If the abuser is well trained in mind control techniques and hypnosis, then it would be very easy to mold an alternate personality into an elusively dormant assassin.

    Pyops, baiting, manipulation - these are all scary enough. But to truly capture, control, and own the mind of another human being - that is a nightmarish evil straight from hell. And the more you learn about the authors of such evil (Hoover, Dulles, etc.), the more demonic they seem.

    If anyone needs more convincing that there is no evil US intelligence isn't capable of, just look up the massacre of My Lai, and the CIA operation responsible for it, Operation Phoenix. If you weren't red-pilled, you are now.
  • @robrohrer2014
    “Don’t worry everyone, our Government has it under control" Famous last words🤔
  • @shelbyesters5732
    Imagine trusting the government to help with a study they lied about and you either get mentally tortured to kill someone or dosed with acid and observed in a laboratory. I feel for all those victims. They did not deserve that.
  • @dougmcintyre7045
    I'm from Sydney Australia. CIA operative Martin Orne came here in 1960 and worked with Sydney University and associated networks. A number of the psychology students there became involved and one of them Peter Sheehan went back with Orne to the USA and the University of Pennsylvania. Sheehan became an expert in hypnosis and did many studies on mind control and then took many influential positions here. Around the time of Ornes visit the hospital where I was born (St George Hospital in Kogarah) had the board removed and replaced, new schools, groups etc all of a sudden sprang up. I remember being horrifically experimented on as a child and by the age of 5 could turn off pain, see and communicate with spirits etc. Both my parents are typical MKUltra personalities - murderous, evil etc and have committed numerous serious crimes. I have gone to the authorities here and they refuse to do anything about it. The experiments never stopped they would just relocate them.
  • @Real_Iceout
    I feel sorry for people just learning about this... it’s great that they are, but geez... the fact it’s not all over the news blows my mind
  • @copakabana6837
    Mk ultra is used in every day life: Hollywood, mainstream media, Netflix…
  • @mcfcDJ51
    What’s crazy is people don’t realize that there are also spiritual components to MK Ultra. It’s much more deep than people know.
  • @beezyb42011
    I have so much empathy for these people being brainwashed and mentally tortured on LSD. That must’ve been a truly terrifying and debilitating experience for those involved.