Richard Dawkins: Culturally I'm a Christian. WTF?!

Published 2024-04-02

All Comments (13)
  • @gingergreek
    A bit rambly and blotchy but in my defence I woke up from a nap at 11:30pm (UK) and made this vid right after. In my comparison of Islam and Christianity, I meant that historically they were both brutal. Islam's regression from the late 20th century onwards is because of us (the West), not because of them.
  • I hope that when i reach my final Boomer form, I dont regress like Dawkins.
  • Also Dawkins is defending the nicer aspects of Church of England's 19th and 20th century Christianity and it's local interpretation in the UK over the last two centuries locally. Not the geopolitical manoeuvrings of the ruling classes during the last 200 years. There is a big distinction between the native population and the activities in foreign countries by various monarchs and governments. 85 to 95% of the historic British people had no political power, leverage or voice until around 1880 and 1920, as first some men, then all men then very very shortly after all women, got the vote, only 25 years before the 300 year timespan of the British empire ended.
  • I found your analysis interesting until you describe Dawkins as a relic. He is constantly on all kinds of podcasts and mainstream news. His scientific work will always be valued by generations long outdating the boomers, and i doubt he's ever said anything about male female dynamics that is definatively 'sexist' not least because 'sexism' is so broad a term that it doesn't really have a definitive meaning
  • @NumenBrothers
    All ideas are equally good, until you experience the consequences of said ideas over a sufficient amount of time.
  • @fatemeghafarian
    completely agree . I am an iranian women . Britain and us did a coup in iran arrested and then killed mosadegh because he wanted to nationalize oil . And that lead to anger among people and series of event that led to revolution. And now i am living in a fucking Islamic dictatorship fighting for my rights . Hoping for a secular democratic future and although most iranians want that . Irgc is too strong to defeat. Last year hundreds of women died fighting for their human rights and freedom . Many were not religious, i am an atheist but many muslim women also have been killed in protest against government ,many are in prison. I hope dawkins would talk about so many political activists, women's right activists, lgbtq activists in middle east and also acknowledge the history of middle east instead of playing this fucking stupid game of my religion is better than yours . This kind of thinking is the cause of so many unnecessary conflicts around the world and i always thought he was better than this
  • @arturhashmi6281
    Im not Christian but I perfectly understand that our culture is based on judeo-christian and classic (greek and roman) values, I do not see whats controversial about that? People do not understand that human rights were created by religious people.
  • @RufusShinra
    There's always good stuff to be picked from all religions , or most, being a cultural christian, muslim or jew is perfectly acceptable for any secular person, as long as the bits of culture one adopts do not trample on reason and humanist values .
  • It means he's a rich authoritarian who thinks the plebs should stay in their place and has no tolerance for dissent, simple.
  • @llewev
    Dawkins is a natural scientist, not a philosopher of religion. That his ramblings on the subject of religion are at times incoherent is not surprising