WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME?! | Emily Is Away

Published 2016-09-29

All Comments (21)
  • @pkennybear
    "Why didn't you kiss me?" "Well, it wasn't a multiple choice option EMILY." Best response ever.
  • @comicsans3589
    "I'll always be here for you" only texts once a year
  • The fact that through all the conversations, Emily left first with mark waiting in case she wanted to talk more but in the last one mark left first which is kind of symbolic to the fact that he’s done waiting for her/putting effort into their relationship: he knows that it is ruined and nothing else can be done
  • @baruc4258
    emily: it sucks when people change also emily: changes
  • @abbyryan788
    "I don't want to re-live old memories" gets back together with ex
  • @thmyon2452
    Why didn't you kiss me Mark: IT WASN'T A MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTION
  • I replayed the game recently, and "Emily is Away" has always had a profound effect on me due to it echoing parts of my own life, though I understand that it was trying to teach lessons I had already learned it still felt like a gut punch whenever the main character was clearly thinking too much into the past. Listen, if you have these feelings understand that they can and will take over your life if you let them. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and I had been addicted to it for years before I realized I had a problem. I know this is a comment on a 4-year-old vid, but hey if you come across this I hope I helped.
  • @scoott8605
    Emily: says she wondered what her and mark could’ve been wish they kissed suggested they meet up suggested SHE brings alcohol Also Emily: accused that mark planned to hook up with her suggests mark wanted to get them both drunk
  • @AcelJean
    My heart aches from imagining the protagonist bawling and crying while he typed those last few questions....
  • @Chillbot17
    That epilogue ended with a whimper. Each message showing the hope fading away as he gave up and they truly grew distant.
  • @krystanhitz8260
    Emily: *Talks 'bout stuffs* *Emily a year later* "How's life? I feel like we haven't talked in a while " Me: I wOnDeR wHy
  • @coziclair
    "It's weird, 'cause I'm making up reality as we go along." HOLY SHIT THAT'S DEEP
  • @kwik2707
    I thought this was gonna turn creepypasta-ish, but turns out it was a painful rollercoaster of emotions.
  • @jibjab29210
    Okay. I tried this game and there is what I found the best and reasonable ending enough for me. (Just in my oppinion though.) Since there is no way that the protagonist and Emily will get together, I decide to split them up in the good term possible (at least for me). I shared this in case anyone want the same outcome. This ending includes: - Not being rude to her (i.e. says you like the music), comfort and give her advice about her problem. (One I will suggest - tell her when she vent about her boyfriend that "she not a mess, she just sad and that is okay" instead of jerk about her boyfriend) - If she asks about Emma tell her that "you have a thing for Emma". (she will then asks you the similar question to the one you ask when she told you about Brad/Travis, choose good answer which will be something like "you love/care about Emma" or you like Emma because "how kind/smart she is" not because she is hot.) - If she asks why you don't kiss her, say something like "you didn't know how she felt"/"don't want to screw thing up". Don't say that she should make a move or told you that she want to kiss. - **THIS IS IMPORTANT** if she asks whether she can come to visit, chooses to let her come but "only as long as it as a friend", "don't let her bring any alchohol" and choose to "talk to Emma about it". This way you will not accuse of planned to hook up with her or left her when she broke down (which neither of them make you character sound like a good person in my oppinion). Instead she will ask if you have feeling for her at that time and if you do why there is nothing happend. She will say something like she think if the path between you two will ever cross it will be that time. From this point choose whatever choice you prefer, but wisely if you don't want to ruin this outcome. (*Keep in mind* that you must only choose to straight out the boundaries limit from the start if you want this outcome. Or else, even you only choose to hang around campus & no alcohol, somehow you both magically hook up eventually) - Extra : If she asks about Mike, tell her "He is okay" (you will then justadd that he more focus on his study now). If she asks about Emma in chapter 4, choose you "still hangout with her sometime" and "want to be more than friend"(or "you both maybe more than friend", it works both way) and in Chapter 5 about how your crush with Emma, choose "not great.." (you will explain that "she still feels weird about Emily came to visit") at least this way it will not state clearly like other ending that Emma ditch you to start thing up with Mike. I know that some people may suggest to score both Emma and Emily to revenge on her or somthing. Still, in my oppinion, ending this way, at least, is seem more natural and not too hash on the protagonist beacuse you still left with good memory about each other (+ it is like many highschool relationship that you may distance with your friend or your crush eventually, and did't we all loss someone we hold most dear along the way?). And in this scenario, Emily is not too needy and your relationship aren't as toxic as other ending.
  • @ranpan0801
    the last chapter was just hard for me to play, because as so many other ppl do i relate to the main character. he’s putting in so much effort, and emily is just tolerating it. and it gets to the point where they’re talking like it’s an interview, the mc asking emily questions while she gives terribly blunt answers that show she clearly doesn’t care anymore. i know how painful it is for someone who was once close to you to slowly lose that feeling for you, while you’re running in place just wishing things could be like they were before.
  • Aaaaahhh I remember when people put periods at the end of their sentences...
  • @peacexd3475
    Wow she went out with Brad, Broke up with Brad and flirted with you then ruined your date, then you two Broke up, then Emma went out with Mike, then Emily went out with Brad again...... She ruined your life.
  • @Danwise
    Mark has clearly learned some lessons in relationships and his advice about just being honest and communicating to anyone you interact with openly is the biggest lesson for anyone young watching this.
  • "can we talk about things?" "no, let's not talk about things. yeah she doesn't wanna talk about things." "..." "let's talk about things!"