Devastating News - Why we cant buy a house in Italy

Published 2023-01-12
After finding my dream home in Italy and putting down a deposit we were told we can't buy a house in Italy. In this video I share all the things that went wrong to try and prevent us from buying a house in Italy and what you can do to avoid these things happening to you.

Please note: this isn't usually what happens when buying a house in Italy as a foreigner, despite what you might hear, most Italian house purchases go through without a hitch and settle within 1-3 months.

Our situation was just a little different and I'm sharing it with you in the hope to prevent all the things that went wrong (yes there was more than one) from happening to you. The key, be prepared and know how it works and have a great property finder to manage the whole thing for you.

I recommend watching another video I created - Do I need a property finder to buy a house in Italy. It will help you to decide if you need a property finder or not. Here's the link:    • Buying a house in Italy do I need a p...  

Also, here's the link to our property finder: Davide Mengoli from Salento with Love

We were inspired to buy a house in Italy by watching Davide's YouTube channel here:

Want to follow along via my blog? Here's the link:

Some of the images and footage provided in the B-roll on this video was from these two sites:

Thanks so much for watching my channel and if you have any questions about the process of buying property in Italy as a foreigner (Australian, UK, American, or New Zealander) please ask in the comments below.

I'm happy to help anyone else who has a similar dream to own a house in Italy to make that dream a reality. Life's too short not to do what you truly want to do.

Thanks again and ciao for now.
Tegan Marshall xo

All Comments (21)
  • Congratulations!! You had me tearing up too. I'm heading over to Italy on the 4th to look at property. I'm looking forward to more videos of your home. Happy and safe travels, and a joyful "homecoming" to you!
  • You're buying the house but if you want to live permanently there you will have to obtain a residency permit and it's not easy. Foreigners must understand that buying a house in Italy doesn't give them the right to live there on a permanent basis.
  • @majamoore6209
    You had to go through a lot. So, glad to hear it all worked out. I think I would have cried too.
  • @FoodiePlayground
    Awe you are so cute!! Thank you for the video and congratulations 🎈 😊
  • YAY!!!!!!! So happy for you!! Tears of joy! 😃Congratulations...can't wait to see more of it...
  • Congratulations! So happy for you. Well deserved after all that. I can't wait to see your next video when you step foot in your new home
  • Tegan this is my dream , I am an Italian citizen with dual citizenship. My goal is to do what you are doing, I am interested in the Piedmonte region. Loving listening to your story. ❤😊
  • @gthulin3989
    Wow! Hope it was great when you finally got the keys to your property, coz you are worth it:) Lots of love!
  • @Blublod
    Can anyone address why in the world one would buy a property anywhere without seeing it first? What am I missing?
  • @Lambert7785
    - sorry, but never buy a house/farm etc until you have actually seen it, might not feel it's right when you get there - hopefully this will be an exception to the rule :)
  • @julilopez
    Hi Tegan, so glad to your content/video as I have so many questions and concerns about buying property in Italy. Thank you 🙏🏼🇺🇸
  • I also had the same experience...but I'm Australian! Changed notaries, bought my house and that's where the real nightmare began! Five years on I still don't have a finished house, have been through the Italian courts trying to sue the dodgy builder who I paid in full (idiot!) , who never did the work, had to pay all over again for work and still have not spent one night in my house! One day...
  • OMG what a roller-coaster that was! Lucky you're so persistent. I wouldn't have made it past the security lady!
  • @MaryBartnikowski
    Wonderful video! I’m subscribed. I’m from USA and visit Italy every year and wondered if you became a resident before buying, I’m just starting to look for property but I only have a tourist visa, so can stay in Italy only 90 days.
  • @Moonmaedyn
    Are you planning to live there permanently/year round? I'd be interested to learn how you can do this--becoming an actual "resident," as from what I've researched, it is more convoluted than the purchasing of the home. You can, also, buy a "vacation" place and do "extended VISAS," but generally it will take 10 years of 6 months here/6 months there.
  • @user-yr5gh9hu1d
    This is such a bizzarro story - even allowing for fact of buying sight unseen, why did your property consultant based in Italy not have a geometra involved in the process as they would have identified the illegal 'mum apartment' was not part of the title and the onus is then on the OWNER to sort it out and not you as the BUYER. For anyone outside of Italy buying a property in Italy, the Geometra is the most critical person to have involved in the process.
  • Congratulations. Fantastic news. I was watching the tour. Lovely house. I am a about 150 miles North of you and it gets to hot to work on the house in the summer. It will be a lot hotter where you are. Hence those high ceilings. Have fun. Look forward to seeing what you do with it.
  • I am so happy for you! What an amazing dream you made reality...I will follow your journey and live vicariously through you. Hopefully in 25 years time when I am ready for retirement, I will also be in Italy in a perfect little home overlooking the hills and mountains. Best of Luck!!
  • @annanardo2358
    I think I saw mold on the walls , shouldn't that be removed before selling ???
  • @belindaquinn4189
    Hi Teagan thanks for all your very valuable experience and advice. I was wondering about the Australian official processes…if I use an Italian Power of Attorney will this still be necessary to your understanding? Cheers very much, Bel