The Nazi Pedophile Apocalypse Cult

Published 2018-05-26
This is not a happy story. But it's true.

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Thanks for watching! You're clearly one of the good ones.

All Comments (21)
  • @darkhayou
    The title has four words you don't really want hanging out together.
  • @cacapichi8564
    Hi, Chilean guy here. I was a kid when the atrocities in Colonia dignidad "were discovered" (many people knew what was happening but it was not reported in the media). One thing that was not mentioned in the video is that the colony had an impressive pastry operation. They basically used slave labor (the colonists under Shaffer rule) in order to sell german-style organic non-industrial cakes in almost every supermarket in the country. Well, I remember that when media reports about what really happened started coming in, everyone was like "wtf! The people from the Colonia dignidad cakes are a pedophile Nazi cult??!!". Just to put into perspective, for an American audience this is like, I don't know, suddenly realizing that the organic food brand Amy's kitchen was controlled by pedophile Nazis who had slaves, a shitload of weapons (including chemical weapons), and a secretive compound that was used by the US government as a second Guantanamo. Wild shit.
  • @MaxAndHisBike
    "The sheep had put their faith in the wrong shepard" I don't know if that's an intentional pun, but the leaders name is Schäfer, which means shepard so yeah... they really did put their trust in the wrong shepard
  • @OBasedBeats
    A clickbait title which actually is not clickbait
  • @grege5074
    i can't think of 4 more horrifying words than "Nazi" "Pedophile" "Apocalypse" and "Cult" and you've put them in one sentence, in order, no less!
  • @VidiaReePhoenix
    Family: What are you doing? Me: Watching videos on Youtube. Family: What kind of videos? Me:
  • @franug
    I remember the summer of 97 or 98, being in a family vacation down in the South - as we call it here in Santiago - and how my cousins and I used to scare each other saying “don’t you know Paul Schafer is missing? He’s going to come and get you in the middle of the night!”. He was a Boogeyman of sorts. We knew he had done something ‘bad’ to kids but obviously the adults didn’t told us the details. Years later I, and many other Chileans, came to understand the extent of the atrocities that happened in Colonia Dignidad. Thanks for shining a light on it, the episode is superb as always. PS: I wanted to add that the ex colony, now Villa Baviera, is truly doing good, and they have a line of very good cheeses and charcuterie that is sold country-wide. Very hard working people.
  • @sudonim7552
    "Anti-communist" Creates authoritarian agricultural commune
  • @jtannock4
    The only time I want to see those four words in the same sentence again is in a lifelong prison sentence.
  • @bejeweledpro
    It’s fucking criminal how little views these masterpieces get. Keep doing what you’re doing. As a history lover, i can’t thank you enough for making these.
  • @Kornchipzzz
    Wtf you're the best storyteller I've ever heard. And this was interesting from start to end. Subbed!
  • Due to my interest from investing in rare earth minerals..I actually thought this was about rare earth minerals. But I stumbled upon a rare jem of Utube. Your content is great... generously showered with heart and substance. Thank you.
  • @HappyQuailsLC
    A lot of this sounds like Scientology, not all... but a lot. Factually. Ask those who escaped.