Let's Play Command & Conquer One Remastered - GDI 15 B (Temple Strike) - Sarajevo East - Level 25

Published 2020-06-22
Not the easiest last level of the GDI campaign, but pretty simple to master if you follow a similar path that I did. As you will see, there is a NOD barracks, power plant and Obelisk of Light that sets itself up part way through the game. It is imperative that you take it over and take it down as soon as it arrives. You can do what I did, which is to take over the NOD barracks, and then put sandbags down where they plan to build the Obelisk of light.

The other big threat is the helicopter that keeps landing engineers at random intervals, but they are easily countered with a few well placed defences. There is only one route in and out between the NOD base and your base, and once you have taken the crossing point, then the enemy can no longer attack you unless using the helicopter method with engineers. As you can see in the video, I parked a bunch of mammoth tanks at the intersection, and they destroyed any enemy units trying to get to my base.

After that point, you can take your time. You can easily take out the construction yard at the top right of the map with a few Orca helicopters. Plus, for some reason, on the Normal (Silver) difficulty, the construction yard doesn't rebuild itself. The second construction yard is heavily guarded, but the old APC full of engineers will do the trick so long as the Obelisks of light are either powered down or taken out.

Finally, this is another final mission where the NOD enemy will nuke your base when you attack. However, the final push is so far into the game that it doesn't really matter if your entire base is destroyed because you will already be very close to victory and could use whatever troops you have left to mop up the last of the enemy.

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