Channeled: 3 Days of Darkness The Pathway Through!

Published 2024-07-05
In this exciting channeled message from the Angels, they describe in detail what our felt experience will be like during the 3 days of darkness as we transition into a higher state of consciousness.
Join me on retreat! Oct 25th-27th

All Comments (21)
  • I first heard about the 3 days of darkness from my grandmother over 50 years ago. She gave me a long candle and told me to light it once the darkness begins. She said that there will be no electricity and that there will be many people sommiting suicide because thery fear that they've lost everything. No access to their $$, She told me to just sit with the candle , stay inside and pray/meditate. All well be ok. THank you for sharing your message(s). Namaste
  • @MeadowMagick
    I had a dream about the solar flash about 4 years ago. I was holding my daughter’s hand and we’re walking along and I knew this massive flash was about to occur. I’ve always referred to it as the event horizon, like what happens when you change dimensions through a black hole. A split second before the flash occurs, I tried to shut my eyes to avoid it and I try to cover my daughter’s eyes but there is no escaping it, it touches everything and everyone. Right after the solar flash occurred, absolute madness, and craziness around us ensued. I grabbed my daughter’s hand and try to find a place to go inside where we could get away from the chaos. there was a massive storm that took place after the flash of light, everyone was running around like crazy. It was like scared zombies running around and some of them were hurting each other. But the entire time I just felt a sense of peace but needing to get inside. At that time, I had no idea about the solar flash, I’ve only heard about it recently this past year but I’m convinced that this is what I dreamt about. I often have predictive dreams, sometimes years before an event occurs, so it’s neat to hear others getting the same messages in different forms and these details in this video are so helpful - when it happens, the guidance from these messages are what I’m going to be thinking about ❤
  • I was listening with a friend of mine and we were saying how we both feel like we've been experiencing exactly this. We were just talking about it the other day. There might be a literal event that helps those in need of a catalyst, but I think many of us are already experiencing this shift. The energy is already supporting it. And thank goodness for that! Thanks again Anne! <3
  • My daughter and I are moving soon into our house on four acres with a river front. In anticipation of finding the right property we have acquired both baby chickens and ducks. I have food started in large pots that will be moved. We will be learning how to best support this land in a loving sustainable way that also feeds us both physically and spiritually. 🥰
  • Oh, Anne, your very purity reminded me of 5D again today. Been feeling lonely, forgetting God loves me. And there you are, expressing the most beautiful emotional and vibrational states of being, keeping the high road for us and sharing so freely and generously. Thank you so much for YOU, Anne, for your beautiful self. Thank you for being YOU. And for loving us so much✨💫🎇💥🎆🌟✨
  • @Leon8000
    Hi Anne, I just had to share this with you from Sophia Love, it matches what to are sharing --- It is the One. There are subjects to discuss as your world dissolves in front of your eyes. It is advised that we speak for a bit. You approach The Singularity. You will experience a moment ~ a zero-point moment of pure potential. Once you traverse through that moment, you will have accessed pure potential. After that moment, your world changes. It is important to realize that all of you are creating your current life. You do this according to your own expectations, beliefs and intentions. Each of you will thus contribute to your zero-point moment. It will have a singular attribute in every case ~ pure potential. Yet from there, you will go just as far as you expect, believe and intend to go. You will define your new world. You will define it in concert with the whole. This zero-point moment will be unsettling for some. Those of you who are riding these incoming energies (easily and/or gladly, will be delirious with joy and power. It will be energizing. Yet, not all of you will comprehend what is occurring. For those who do not, it will feel as if all the controls have been let go of, or lost ~ they will feel at sea. This could instigate fear for them. It is at this moment when your composure and Light will be so very much needed. It is the moment when you’ll sense an energetic opportunity, and a pulse. You’ll know then why you are here; you will recognize it. It will be like the starting sound before a race. But know that each of you are perfectly placed for the approaching singularity. And Also this --- Greetings it is the One.  You find yourselves approaching the “eye of the storm”. First, remember that you are prepared, and in a position not to be tossed around or thrown about. You’ll know what to do and when. What may assist in these moments before the onslaught, is a review of not only who you are, but also why you are here now. You arrived to assist, and also to implement a steep rise in personal growth. You are here for the collective, and that collective includes you. What approaches will feel, or may feel, overwhelming and beyond your ability to affect. It would be a mistake to assume you have no control, for that is not the case. In truth, you have all the control for what transpires in your own life, and you have held this control always. The onslaught will be the crumbling of the Matrix. If you can visualize all of the systems and people who hold up the Matrix – you will have an idea as to what (and who) has to fall. It is meant to be a controlled collapse, which is why it has taken so very long. Above all, life perpetuates itself, and this will appear in many ways. It could look like desperate attempts to re-negotiate a system or a process that no longer fits the frequency of New Earth. It could also look like miraculous recoveries of those who were harmed by various lethal methods of the corrupted ones. What approaches will be breathtaking in its speed and finality. This kind of thing asks for experienced travelers to successfully navigate through it, and then lead others. These experienced ones are you, and your brethren reading announcements like this and/or holding love above everything else. This is why you are here. You have been through similar moments, and have emerged wiser, stronger, and braver than before. You chose to be here now to assist a race of beautiful beings on their own journey. You are ready because you hold love as a base frequency that you’ve activated and nurtured against all odds. The frequency that you are is activated more each passing day. As the world’s population revolts and demands for simultaneous Truth and accountability – your role is to hold the light. Hold the frequency and become visible. Your presence in a room is all that will be needed. You won’t have to speak much, and in fact will, in most cases, you will be asked to participate. When you are, you will know that the time is right for you to do so. You’ll also know what needs to be said and done. It is not your job to wake up the masses. It is your role to provide the frequency and place in which they will wake up themselves. This is how it was for you – and there were others before you who did the same. Now, my dear human, it is your turn. Your heart is your primary tool here. Do not fret about where you are located or who you are speaking to – all have chosen the ideal place, moment, and time. You may only see a few others, yet know that your light is far reaching and felt way beyond your sight. Know that you are needed, and know that you have all that is necessary to complete what it is you came for. The end is now in sight, and it will occur at a somewhat unexpected moment, and in a somewhat unexpected way. This is a guarantee. That is all Thank you.
  • Sister Anne and the Angels are not wrong! I am currently participating in her Soul Convergence course(s) and if you don’t want to change… DON’T DO IT!... However… IF your heart & soul are aching for answers and purpose beyond the confines of this earthly existence, then you must step forth for it to become a reality. It has been my experience that they can lead you softly to the door, but only you can walk through to the other side. Though I would consider myself a “normal” person, thinking I didn’t have a lot of baggage and a seemingly charmed life, I find myself in awe and humbled through this process. “Transformative" would be an understatement.
  • Re: the frog - reminds me of the story of Carl Jung and the scarab beetle flapping outside the high office window, as he was discussing Egyptian concepts, in a country where scarab beetles aren't supposed to exist. Shows again the interconnectedness of all beings and all information. My mother also knew deeply of the great changes coming, in the 60s, but with the info at the time, found it hard to interpret her visions and dreams. All clearer now. I always used to share these spiritual insights with her, when I had no-one else in my life to share with, but now she is becoming forgetful and often confused. While knowing that all will be protected, I'd still appreciate channelling about what happens with animals, plants, but also those with dementia or other cognitive issues, the disabled, etc. That's my intellect jumping up, not fully willing to accept the unknowing!
  • Beautiful, as always. The messages of transformation are becoming more specific because it's very near. We are on the precipice of unprecedented transformation. Let go of fear and allow yourself to release into the new. Prepare yourself, for as the butterfly is no longer the caterpillar, we shall no longer be what we perceive today. 🦋
  • I felt this message through my core...close reality. Heart light to bring us through.❤
  • Thank you so much ❤ This message was very comforting, uplifting and loving. I was listening with my headphones while digging a grave for my oldest cat. He has been my friend for 17 years. He has a tumor and is soon exiting this realm. Listening to you and the angels gives me so much comfort. Thank you again 💚
  • 🙏💫Thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS CHANNELING, it has appeased me sincerely 🙏💫 ❤💚💚💚💚💚 *I have been living shifting for a few months now: Every morning I waking up slowly consciously into my body (stretching, exuding sounds in outbreaths..🌟). ..and PROFOUNDLY FEELING that something is OFF..(different/modified/ascue/ like the prime substance of space has changed..) It's an internal notion, Truth (I can't even say "understanding". Too cerebral🤯) It's like an airy cocooning of body sensation, Really feeling/ perceiving being IN my body vehicle. .... and the whole notion of the game of society and work and mingling with others and on and on .. feels way over in outfield 😏😑
  • @vettelisa
    Frog: F: Fully R: Rely O: On G: God The God within us and surrounding us.
  • While I am sitting by the window watching this video...a huge Bright Red Cardinal lands on the clothes line just outside my window!
  • Wow! Definitely mind blowing 💕 beautiful message 🙏🏼 I am so grateful for the loving guidance. I love it💕
  • Beautiful ❤! Simple and transformative. It is already happening. Thank you!
  • @jdub9279
    Puttering in the yard this morning…same thing… A tiny bright green frog hopped right in front of me! Frogs. My joyful harbingers of love! This message was just beautiful 🦚🐸
  • Thank you, what a wonderful message! I will say, this has been a pretty rough ride. What's getting me through is the excitement, and eagerness for What's to come!! What a time to be alive! ✌️ ❤