REBEL MOON: PART TWO (Spoiler Review) - A New Low for Zack Snyder

Published 2024-05-18

All Comments (21)
  • @mjohns908
    The character exposition dump felt like the first meetup of a D&D campaign. 😂
  • @lordmclovin3694
    Man Of Steel should have been a warning to everyone where the franchise was headed.
  • The plot to this movie feels like it was conceived, fleshed out and finalised during the ten minute drive to the pitch meeting.
  • @MrDman21
    Zack Snyder fans and Rob Liefeld fans probably hang out in the same circles. 😆
  • @LukeLovesRose
    Watching people roast this turd of a film is better than watching any Snyder film since.... 300?
  • @ferstp77
    I guess this movie was... Grain-dead
  • @mjohns908
    I think that Zack Snyder would be more effective as a director of cinematography for a different writer/director.
  • @Iamhassentme
    This movie gave me brain scars. Fun review guys.
  • This movie is fun for 2 games : 1) Spot the ovious plagiarism : Star wars, Seven samourais / Magnificient 7 / A bug's life, Dune (with grain), Predator, Matrix, Warhammer 40K, I robot, Starship troopers, Mad max, Alien, LOTR, Ghost in the shell, Gladiators, Game of thrones, Titanic ... Also some book material like Metabaron, Geiger and maybe Black moon chronicles for the heat / fire swords. 2) Check main plot holes and incoherence : Endless list, even end of part 1 and start of part 2 are not the same for Noble ^^
  • @natesmith6871
    Time to give this movie a bad review in slow motion
  • @wowzers94
    I've given a lot of slack to Snyder over the years, more than I should've probably, but Rebel Moon is straight up indefensible. I couldn't make it through 30 mins of the first one. I think he's cooked.
  • @davidp4864
    Trailer for these 2 films were quite enough for me to casually forget they existed though am grateful for their production nonetheless for one lone reason: I get to see your discussion on it. Thanks gents!!
  • @Handle35667
    I’m pretty sure gunnar is a zak snydar insert. So not too surprising zak gave himself stuff to do.
  • @KyleCorwith
    Your longest review in half a year and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. 😎👍
  • @cory5197
    Zack purposely made these Rebel Moon movies so horrible to truly see who are the ones that truly love him no matter what. As much as BvS is a guilty pleasure of mine, I lost faith in Snyder after that
  • @reconsoldier135
    Remember when fanboys swore these movies would be the "anti-woke star wars" and would make everyone forget about all other sci-fi? side note: to be fair the Snyder cut of Justice League is infinitely better than what Joss Weedon shat onto camera