James Comer Leads House Oversight Committee Hearing On DEI Impact On Hiring Practices | Part 2

Published 2024-06-27
The House Oversight Committee continues a hearing entitled, "Standing up for the Rule of Law: Ending Illegal Racial Discrimination and Protecting Men and Women in U.S. Employment Practices."

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All Comments (21)
  • People should be hired on their qualifications only…..PERIOD 😊
  • What about all those canneries and fishing boats up in Alaska? Send 30% of AOC’s folks to work there and see how long they last. And I’d love to see 50% female roofers. God that would be funny. There’d be hardly a sound roof in the country, and those those that were sound would take twice the time to install. Price of a roof up 100%! What a great idea folks!
  • @Bearfacts01
    Any companies practicing DEI should start preparing to go OUT of business.
  • Speaking of unqualified, how did New York vote AOC in for another term in congress, well when the world's a circus, you got to have Clowns.
  • @ImmaTwoPops
    It’s a sad day when the government wants to force companies to hire diversity over qualifications ,a comedian summed it up best when he pointed out who do you want flying the plane your on,the hire that met a diversity quota,or someone who is most qualified to do the job🤔
  • A fantastic way to get rid of all those “millions” of complaints is to abolish the EEOC. Employers take the risk of starting a business and keeping it profitable. Employers are the best judges of what persons to hire to accomplish those goals.
  • You can easily tell who the Dem out of this group. But why are they focussing on the small percentage of homosexuals for their argument?
  • @TruWrecks
    I agree we need more diversity. AOC needs to quit to free up a spot for a different candidate.
  • It does seem like every time they come up with a smoking gun, for some reason, that gun goes up in a puff of smoke before they can present it to the appropriate authorities. So nothing ever comes of it.
  • As a DEI Manager, i assure you nobody is hiring underrepresented individuals who are not qualified! I'm willing to engage in any and all civil conversations to answer any questions or offer clarity
  • As someone taking a hit out and paying someone else to murder someone a certain way is more guilty that actual hired killer but not in this case the government taking out and paying for it with our own money and not one person that there millions of documents and witnesses and nothing actually done or imprisoned for treason and being compromised and murder and rape of hundreds of minors
  • The act "remains one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history".[5]Wikipedia
  • This is sick and our own military is doing anything and there the front line defence our our country and citizens and there doing nothing
  • Please remove the dei because they slll unqualified for the job and this administration show it lol
  • If the kind of “diversity” that AOCIES hold dear were so very prominently profitable to greedy corporations, the government wouldn’t have to force it, diversification would arise naturally.
  • @thunkjunk
    They have the idea of diversity wrong. The important and useful diversity is diversity of thought and ideas as in free speech. Now thi doesn't mean your Willie Nellie self indugent feelings are worthy of anything. We need thoughtful, logical and reasonable creativity.