The world sees what America does not. Fareed explains

Published 2024-01-08
CNN's Fareed Zakaria details why America is in a better place than most Americans believe. #CNN #News

All Comments (21)
  • @TenthCrane2788
    Do you remember when you were growing up, do you remember how simple life was, how easy it felt? Of course...we were children.
  • @DavidJ222
    There was no internet or social media when Nikki Haley was growing up. That's why life seemed so simple back then.
  • @user-qr6xg7ic7s
    The numbers are not trickling down. Unaffordable rent and health insurance for many.
  • @andredecaires2
    The covid pandemic saw the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elite. Thousands of small businesses closed, never to reopen. Millions lost their jobs. So, although the numbers and stats show a bright picture, the reality on the ground being experienced by millions is a totally different picture.
  • @srbaruchi
    Life is ALWAYS simpler and easier when you are a child -- in the pink of health -- and under the watch, care, and love of others. We should vigorously reject politicians who play to our ignorance and fears.
  • @camille2141
    Yet we have no affordable healthcare , a livable minimum wage , or livable disability income.
  • Inequality of wealth, a tax system that favors the wealthy, stagnating wages, and the American dream out of reach is the problem.
  • @bw6066
    Yet the quality of life, health care cost, housing costs and suicide are at record highs 😅
  • Two words: Rupert Murdock. I don't hear anyone asking why Mr. Murdock wants so badly for us to hate our government. He's been unbelievably successful, and is among the most destructive people on the planet. But nobody talks or asks about that. That's the direction we should be aiming our scrutiny.
  • The missing piece here is the impact of social media and smartphones on our lives. The negative information is shown over and over again and then people tend to forget how much progress we have made.
  • @kbmblizz1940
    For a majority of Americans, life is much harder than they remembered for their parents at the same age as themselves. The rich and the corporations have gotten much richer, the middle class has lost a lot more ground. Inflation of everyday needs while stagnation of real wages. Food, medical, eduction and housing costs have spiraled out of control. To the point the dream is dying for many young people.
  • Just one of many articles dispatched to convince voters that the financial pain they are feeling is not real.
  • @pcrockett5967
    America has 2 economies. One is the economy where gdp growth benefits those who can afford to invest and the other is the economy for the 60% who cannot afford a $500.00 emergency, who have no job security and for whom a serious illness could bankrupt them.
  • @jamesl9371
    The huge problem in the USA is the economic situation is good but the majority of the wealth goes to very few. 90% of Americans don’t benefit from the great economy Wealth inequality is the root of most of the problems in the USA Tax the rich. Tax the billionaires and corporations Give more benefits to the poor and middle class
  • Excellent analysis, thank you. What's different now is American workers have not shared in the economic gains of the past 50 years. Fix that and we're back in business.
  • @allannielsen1546
    During my last visit this summer, I realized that I just don't feel safe in the US anymore. I have been there many times, but the inequality, the drugs and the mental health crisis has become extremely present for a Scandinavian person like myself. I probably won't make another visit - there are just so many other countries that are not plagued by these problems.
  • @steveneldred8928
    The problem is, the working class has been left out of this growth for decades.
  • @ctormin
    You didn't address income inequality, though. Working people have been working longer hours, sometimes multiple jobs, and wages have stagnated. Housing costs are out of control.
  • @wildfire60
    I walked into a grocery store today, January 11th, and bought a few items. This is anecdotal but my experience. 1lb of butter. Two weeks ago 4.99. Today 5.99 (17% increase). Coffee. Two weeks ago Pete's Coffee 8.99. Today 10.99 (a 17% increase). A Pinot Grigio. Two weeks ago 8.75 a bottle. Today 10.45 a bottle. (16% increase) I could go on and on but you get the point. This is what shoppers are experiencing over and over in various stores or when they go into restaurants or need to have services in their homes or just replacing air filters in the HVAC system. Everywhere you will see huge price increases ranging between 15 to 20%. Household debt is also rising at an alarming rate. People are tapped out. This is the economy experienced at the local level not at the macro level. It is this that our politicians must address and let me say that electing Trump isn't going to make a difference because he's as much in with the oligarchs and corporations as any other politician. He's one himself.
  • @geekworthy7938
    Real wages are UP?! Can we get an expert who knows what he is talking about??? 😡 Real wages of CEOs are up!