Jeremy Brett Interview

Published 2007-05-18
Another Jeremy Brett interview, this time with Derek Jameson.

All Comments (21)
  • I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Brett in 1981 in a television production of Macbeth filmed here in Los Angeles. Piper Laurie played lady Macbeth. During the six weeks of production Jeremy was a kind man and a giving actor. I was 18 years old and starting my career. He was kind enough to agree to come give a lecture at my previous high school theatre class. I drove into Hollywood to his home and picked him up and off we went . Me a teenage actor wanting to learn from him and he a world renowned actor willing to teach. For two hours he answered questions and recited dialogue for us. It was a marvelous day and it was always amazing watching him work. For a short time we stayed in touch and I will always think of him kindly.
  • @nathancha834
    Does anyone feel like they'd give SO MUCH to travel back in time and give Jeremy Brett a big squishy hug? What a beautiful soul indeed.
  • @nathelondon3719
    The tall, dark, handsome Jeremy Brett suffered from rhotacism, dyslexia, an enlarged heart, bipolar and addiction to lithium. His mother died tragically young. He didn’t play but became Sherlock Holmes. He literally shortened his life to complete the series. RIP Mr Brett. Unprecedented. Unique. Unequaled. We are all in your debt.
  • @Angyali
    Jeremy Brett is the best, most iconic Sherlock Holmes. David Suchet is the best, most iconic Hercule Poirot.
  • @TheJedi05
    I met Jeremy the day he did this interview and he was a wonderful guy! So sad that someone so great is not with us any more! Edward Hardwicke too! RIP guys!!!
  • @mrbrianmccarthy
    The BEST Sherlock. The Granada series is absolutely brilliant. They remain faithful to the originals, which is something the others do not.
  • @lynne6417
    That he consented to THIS interview says a lot about his character as a man. Gracious, vibrant, and very much one of the classiest and exciting men to act upon the stage. Oh how I miss him. He breezes through this interview and makes sure the host knows he cannot ingratiate himself into his personal life. He had his dark moments, but such a positive man.
  • Jeremy Brett is the best Sherlock Holkmes, that is my personal opinion. He is Holmes. And all the movies are very close to Sir Arthur's writungs.
  • @nationeer
    Man the 80s Sherlock Holmes is just the best, I'm still amazed of their dedication to the amount of details for the world props and people at that time, which of course is even better with wonderful actors like Jeremy Brett.
  • @domgut4508
    This is a man of superior elegance and beautiful .. an actor pleasant in all its forms .. I could not think of a Sherlock Holmes without his face ... he is the best ..
  • @trje246
    SHOCKING interviewer! My heart literally ached for Jeremy through this interview. Such a pure soul.
  • @Sherlockrulez
    Did that man's beauty know no end? He was still a remarkarbly handsome gentlemen...perfect Holmes.
  • @DebSaloman
    How lovely Jeremy is! He has such charm and grace. He could have easily got angry or offended but he was wonderful. I love him as a performer, but seeing this has made me appreciate him even more as a human being (if that doesn't sound too gushy!). What a lovely man.
  • He was simply wonderful… One of a kind and in my opinion the best Sherlock Holmes of all time..
  • @manzanoben
    What calls my attention in all the interviews I watch with him is that Jeremy Brett seems to be such a nice guy. A little nutty, extremely friendly and fun to listen to. It makes me feel even more sorry for him, for he had very bad luck indeed: his illness, his wife's death etc. A most peculiar and interesting actor.
  • @meirwise1107
    Jeremy Brett was the ultimate Sherlock Holmes. His heart was enlarged from Rheumatic fever and he took lithium for bi-polar disorder and smoked 60 a day! He recorded all 41 episodes, towards the end in failing health. He died aged 61 soon after. We are in his debt.
  • I will always love this man, I never met Jeremy but when he passed I felt like I had lost a dear family member. Jeremy is loved and missed by millions. He is one of the few people during my life that when I think of him being gone I still cry. Rest well Jeremy, God has you in his care.
  • You don't get serious and intellectual actors like Jeremy Brett any more!, I'm 37 and grew up watching Sherlock Holmes. He absolutely portrays what Holmes should be
  • @gillman6343
    What a wonderful actor and a fine fellow he was for certain. A very humble man and this american fan (myself) will always cherish and enjoy his artistry.
  • @wandawizard5605
    Jeremy Brett was a fine, articulate actor. In the 1979 adaptation of Rebecca - which was shown on the BBC - he played the role of Maxim de Winter to absolute perfection. A pity he had to be interviewed by this boorish oaf. Rest in peace, Jeremy, you beautiful man.