Games you can never play again.

Published 2023-03-19

All Comments (21)
  • Things I have learned from the comments:

    1. Outer Wilds covers much of the same topic.
    2. OneShot covers much of the same topic.
    3. OneShot is the game that has that cat creature I see everywhere.
    4. I made a LOT of people cry
  • Undertale was originally going to delete all the data for the game and force you to rebuy it if you did genocide
  • @Welyn
    that parallel of the last mission of reach to the theme of the video is inspired film making 10/10
  • This is probably one of my favorite videos of all time man, it’s so well made and speaks true to a message that deeply resonates with me. As stupid as it sounds video games mean a lot to me, they truly are a beautiful art form and to know that so many of them have an expiration date simply due to the progression of interests, the market, and especially money gives me such a severe sense of FOMO. When I realize there are games I can’t play or experience, games that gave so many people so much joy, realizing I’m not able to share that joy or just understand it even years down the line is so saddening. I wish all games could be as timeless as the memories people made with them. Too many games to experience, not enough people to experience them forever, and not enough time to experience them all.

    In a way it makes the art form a little more beautiful, knowing that it’s fleeting, I just hope soon there’s a return to the games that were once made with love, games like battlefield 2042 will never experience a dedicated group of players trying to keep the servers alive and I think that’s what every developer should strive for, but publishers and their money get in the way time and time again.

    Sorry to get all melodramatic over something like video games but truly, there is no medium that I could ever love more. Born too late to explore the earth born too early to explore the stars, but damn I was born at the perfect time to experience anything I could want to, at least on the other side of a screen lol. Good enough for me.

    Amazing video man.
  • @mithoviel
    This invokes haunting nostalgia. I had such a close group of friends that I met online and played games with between 1999 and 2003 while we were all in college and/or recently graduated. We met up a few times a year for LAN parties, and traversed into IRL friends. As jobs, marriages, and children became life priorities, and death had its way as well, we all wandered away from the playgrounds where we fought together, and the IRC channel where we convened in the meantime. The LAN parties had dwindled as well. I still fire up a few of the games occasionally and find that the games aren't much without those people. I have been longing for that time of my life for twenty years. Of course, as cliche' as it is, I didn't know that would be one of the most memorable times of my life while I was in it. And I know that I will never have that feeling again.
  • "Whats more human than being irrational" that line hit me hard
  • @ThCrmsnFx
    Two quotes from Satoru Iwata before he passed away “If I could start over, I wouldn’t change a thing.” “No part of my experience has been a waste of time”
  • @TheZephyrsWind
    This is a bit off-topic so I apologize, but... Thank you very much! Ya made my day a lot better. All the memories of my friends and I playing so, so many games together in our teens before all the time-consuming responsibilities of life made it so hard to find time to do any gaming. We're all in our mid-30s. Ahh, I love the smell of nostalgia in the morning...

    Young ones, take this to heart, never take your youth for granted. That time is precious.
  • As a Man living in the deep south of Alabama it's rare for me to cry, as a kid I was always told that crying makes you less of a Man, and by consequence, less of a person. But this, this video here, did what the death of my mom, the death of my Aunts Uncles, the death of my grandparents, the loss of the love of my life, whom I've never been able to replace, couldn't do. Made me less of a man, and changed my outlook on life, showed that time is a true constant, and the only true enemy.

    Thank you.
  • @forsain4533
    I was expecting a generic list.
    I was not expecting an incredibly sad, melancholic, nostalgic, somehow eye-opening and genuinely emotional experience.
    I've never seen your channel before, and I wasn't subscribed...

    ...I am now, because this was fucking amazing.
  • @cheqers_
    "As someone who was desperately obsessed with Undertale as a kid"

    Jesus I'm getting old
  • @somaloll
    Entering Waterfall in Undertale is genuinely one of the most memorable story telling moments in gaming. Using the slowed theme song of a later boss that somehow sounds good while creating it's own entirely separate theme and area that slowly makes the player begin to grasp the role they play in the story and the weight that it holds takes a genius thats rarely seen.
  • @Amurael92
    What started of as an interesting video, really caught me offguard by how emotional it got towards the end. Actually made me tear up. Beautiful! You've earned yourself a new subscriber for sure. :)
  • "It's a brutally depressing experience, where nothing you do can erase the mistake you made and every option gives you a sliver of the life you had before. The world around you is dead, no matter whether you survive or not." Is high praise 🙏

    Thanks for remembering my dumb little flash game ❤
  • @mclera8566
    As I heard the words "Obsessed with undertale as a kid" it became clear to me that I'm a fairly old man.
    I still recognized it as a, maybe not new, but definitely not as an old game. So I googled it and it dawned on me that this game is nearly 8 years old.
  • @chriswaywell
    Discovered this video by pure accident and I have to say... I really enjoyed it. There was something so truly poetic and beautiful about its content and delivery. Thank you for making this!
  • @gorehound3414
    I love this format of an over arching narrative with moments of other stories interjected adding more meaning to the arching narrative this isn’t criticism or analysis this is art
  • @plsrafa
    Halo Reach actually changed my brain chemistry soo much. I don't think there is any game that is like it.
  • @congruentcrib
    I still remember dying for the first time on “Lone Wolf”. I kept expecting the objective to update, but it never did. As soon as I saw the special cutscene I knew what it really meant. Felt like I had my heart ripped out. Hurt having reality set in
  • @ericbonanno5214
    This was surprisingly very deep and had a spark of emotion. Loved it!