What if Spider Man and Batman Switched Villains | A Spider-Man and Batman Video Essay

Published 2024-05-24
Spider-Man and Batman have some of the most iconic, beloved villains in superhero history. But what would happen if Spider-Man fought Joker, Two-Face, and Bane? Would Batman beat Green Goblin, Doc Ock, or Venom?

Here's a glimpse at what might happen if Spider-Man and Batman traded rogues gallery, and why these crossover death battle confrontations might be undercutting the strengths of both heroes?


0:00 The Most Popular Superheroes of All Time
3:19 The Rules
4:24 Spider-Man's Advantages Against Batman's Villains
5:49 Would Roast the Joker
7:33 Spider-Man vs. Batman's Villains
9:35 Bane, Deathstroke, and Ra's al-Ghul
11:50 Batman with Prep Time Beats Anyone?
15:26 Spider-Man with Prep Time
17:49 Villains with Prep Time vs Batman
19:57 Batman Can't Overpower Electro
24:14 Batman vs Venom and Carnage
28:40 Batman is Not Unstoppable (Batman v Darkseid)
29:44 Batman vs Kraven, Doc Ock, and Green Goblin
31:54 What's the Point of This Conversation?
32:39 Inconsistent Characterization
34:24 The Core Conflict of Good Batman Stories
37:47 Batman Stands Apart Among the Justice League
39:23 Vulnerability is a Strength
42:43 A Vulnerable Batman is a Better Batman
44:59 The Reason Joker Only Works as a Batman Villain
46:14 Our Perspective of Heroes are Defined By a Few Stories
47:18 Sympathy for the Devil
50:11 Why Stop at "Could Batman Beat Green Goblin"?

All Comments (21)
  • @justinweber4977
    I saw a discussion about Batman and Spider-Man switching places ince that i always liked. "Spider-Man in Gotham initially creeps the Arkham villains out because he's willing to take and even joke while fighting them. After a while, they get used to it and just find him annoying. ...And then, the Joker does something that crosses a line and they find out how terrifying it is when Spider-Man STOPS talking."
  • @jokerson1316
    I can honestly see Spidey playing dumb and "accidentally just kinda stumble across" the answers to Riddlers riddles, just to show an "idiot" could beat the Riddler JUST to piss him off
  • Science without ethics, you generally get Spider-man villains. Arts and Humanities without ethics, you generally get Batman villains.
  • @AgusSkywalker
    There is a story where Peter gets tired of his villains BS and designs a suit specifically to counter all of the Six Sinisters at the same time, and then he does that. If Bats can have prep-time, so does Spidey.
  • @gruwidge
    Honestly I'd argue 60's Batman was the source of "prep time" "always prepared" batman, bro just HAD Bat Shark Repellent on him lol. He was ready for anything.
  • @t2nwolf
    no comment on how Spidey's villains actually work together well and often, while Batman's villains last one arc tops and then turn on each other?
  • Kraven vs Batman is honestly perfect. Partly because Kraven is Bruce’s senior by a few decades. I could see Bruce having trained under Kraven as part of his mission to become Gotham’s savior, learning how to track and hunt from him. Then Kraven comes to Gotham to hunt all the interesting game in the city. Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Poison Ivy, etc. The funniest scenario born of this is that Kraven and Ras are actually acquaintances and have monthly chess matches. Ras once tried to question Kraven about immortality to see if Kraven would ever try and use one of his Lazarus Pits, and Kraven stated something along the lines of: “I have no interest in extending this life. I have lived my life by the hunt. And I await the day it claims me.”
  • @kazbrown1358
    I will always say Joker will really hate Spider-Man, maybe even more than Bats because of two reasons: 1. Peter, no matter what version, will ALWAYS be funnier than Joker. Joker's ego can't stand for being a punchline punching bag, look at what happened with Terry. 2. Peter being Spider-Man is the biggest sledgehammer at The Joker's "One Bad Day" philosophy. Peter pretty much has bad days on the regular with the two standing out being Uncle Ben and Gwen's death. Even after everything, he will somehow someway always try to do the right thing; even if he gets nothing from it.
  • @syloboy163
    riddler: "riddle me this, spiderman-" spidey: "I like knock-knock jokes better!"
  • @THATGuy5654
    The fact that all of Batman's villains are dark reflections of him would make Spider-Man fights bizarrely amusing. "You might as well FACE it: my half-twisted visage is just a reflection of the two lives you try to lead made manifest! We're not so different, you and I!" "Wait, so which half of your face is a wisecracking do-gooder secretly weighed down by his sense of responsibility, and which half is a luckless, self-sabotaging shlub weighed down by his sense of responsibility?" "That's not really what I-" "I just remembered I don't care. One for you..." thwip "And one for you." thwip "Bye!" "Hey! Nhh! Let me- GET BACK HERE! ... I didn't even get to flip the coin..."
  • @leeverguy
    Spiderman would actually just reply to the riddler with another riddle. A really really bad riddle.
  • @wajikuroki4177
    The fact that people are having more fun imagining how this villain switch would create funny/interesting interactions instead of how 'cool' the heroes are to be able to beat them really proves your point at the end.
  • @XaviusNight
    Spider-Man getting super excited by the Riddler's riddles and answering them before he finishes rattling them off... and then spouting off where he's read them before in full strength nerd talk, making Riddler very confused and conflicted, because, like... c'mon, it's cool he knows, but don't step on a guy's line, y'know?
  • @justinn8541
    People are forgetting that Spider-Man villains are extremely powerful. If Batman has no preptime, he would get wrecked.
  • @Redem10
    Spider-man vs Joker effectively becomes less order vs chaos and it become who two stand-up comic trying to get the best one liner to get the rise out of the other.
  • @jamesnewell1876
    People forget how much Peter holds back his punches. Doc Oct found out when he stole Peter’s body and was freaked out.
  • @ludvigwatte4924
    My first thought when I saw the video thumbnail, "A Batman venom-suit arc would be awesome."